Brexit Gains Steam – Splintering In The Face Of K

Brexit is even stronger after an MP is shot:

British support for remaining in the European Union has weakened in the wake of the murder of the pro-EU politician Jo Cox, according to an online research company Friday.

Qriously, a London-based technology start-up that gathers data and intelligence about consumers through mobile phone apps, found that backing among likely voters for Britain’s EU membership has dropped to 32% from 40% before her death.

And Switzerland is making the effort to officially back out of joining the larger group:

That was a mortal salience stimulus. Theory would have predicted it would have made the nation more K, more competitive, more aggressive, and less kumbaya-like.

SWITZERLAND has withdrawn its application to join the European Union just a week before Britain votes on its own EU membership…

Independent Swiss MP Thomas Minder said he wanted to the debate to be “short and painless” as the country dropped its 24-year-old dormant application.

Switzerland has never been a member of EU but has accepted free trade with the union since the 1970s as well as accepting free movement of people as a member of the Schengen zone.

Two years ago the Swiss public voted in a referendum to impose immigration quotas but Brussels refused to grant the request, threatening to block its free trade access if it wanted to curb free movement.

Amygdala activity and aversive stimulus trigger splintering. When amygdala is high, it triggers irritation and that produces aggression and competitiveness in the face of the most minor stimuli. Increase the amygdala, and you increase the drive to aggression, competitiveness, and splintering.

When amygdala is low, you seek out pleasure, and avoid the bad feelings of conflict. This produces aggregation, as governments seek to proactively form bonds to avoid conflict.

When the apocalypse hits, the amount of amygdala will splinter everything you see today. Combined with governmental shortage, it is easy to imagine the entire world becoming a myriad of small localities, all feeling hostile and competitive with one another.

Unfortunately, it is also possible to see a world war grow out of that.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Nationalism, Out-grouping, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Splintering. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Brexit Gains Steam – Splintering In The Face Of K […]

7 years ago

Appears a world war is inevitable, will it be USA vs Russia, or Iran vs pick-one ?
The simple solution would seem to be everyone to their own lands. But then it would be: whose land has the most benies. Or maybe: who has the most guns ?
Possibly a country will decide to purify itself. Not on to the cattle cars, but the ships out of town.

7 years ago

I’ve been reading this site for a few months, and your interpretation has made a lot of sense. But this news item was a revelation. I was struck by how weirdly fixated this architect was on “no fear”, then I remembered r/K, and then I realized he was projecting his own precious rabbit priorities.