British MP Murdered

This happened:

A Labour MP has died after she was shot three times and repeatedly stabbed in a shocking attack as she arrived at her constituency surgery. Mother-of-two Jo Cox, 41, was airlifted to hospital after a gunman opened fire on her in Birstall near Leeds.

Witnesses said the man was at the office before she arrived and shot her three times, once in the head, before stabbing her as she lay on the ground.

The killer reportedly shouted “Britain First!” and supported the Brexit.

This is abnormal right now only because the current situation is not amygdala stimulating enough. But all of this is a scale, which will shift over time. The main determiner of that shift is not logic, or reason, or compassion – it is amygdala.

If Lee Rigsby’s begin happening on a more sustained basis, family members of the dead (and patriots) would undoubtedly begin to see the cost of such action as being worthwhile. If the nation’s collective amygdalae became loaded due to massive economic failure, or even the onset of constant violence or civil war, that too would shift the cost/benefit analysis. A man with nothing left to lose is a man with an amygdala in high gear all the time – killing can’t do much harm, and might very well help.

So for now, only people with hyper-sensitive amygdalae will go to these lengths, but that itself may be indicative of a subtle change. As time goes on and Apocalypse approaches, expect that to change even more.

Of course it is fun for leftist politicians to push extreme leftism when they feel as if they will never suffer any consequences. Once they see a colleague they had just talked to lying in state in a pine box, you can bet they are going to temper their future actions. If Labour politicians begin to see a lot of their colleagues laid out, you will see an incredible tempering of their ideological fervor.

I’m guessing that based on this one case, a lot of Labour leaders will be toning down their opposition to Brexit in the coming week, and I suspect they will be less vocal in their support for foreign immigration too.

I’d look for the Overton widow on all of that to shift to the right.

Bear in mind, this is a weak shadow of a tremble presaging the Apocalyptic quake that is coming. When the Apocalypse hits and the debt bombs blow, the shift to the right will likely be unbelievable.

You will see all of this, on a scale you would never believe possible now.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Economic Collapse, Europe, Immigration, K-stimuli, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] British MP Murdered […]

7 years ago

We all find the timing of this before the referendum, in light of the polls, very suspicious.

Laguna Beach Fogey
Laguna Beach Fogey
7 years ago

Public support for leaving the EU has increased in the wake of Ms. Cox’s assassination.

7 years ago

The common political interpretation of events like this are that the violent perpetrator’s ideology loses the momentum. I think that’s true superficially, like in the media, but it’s inevitable that if your public views are met with violence, you will subconsciously temper them. It’s like how people are still terrified to voice their support for Trump because the Mexicans keep punching them in the face at rallies.

7 years ago

If you value White Europeans and culture you should vote REMAIN. I’m shocked by the # of my alt-right friends who are advocating BREXIT.

The LEAVE campaign has been the very definition of Cuckservative. All the leaflets and speeches have been stressing the ‘racist’ nature of open borders to only Europeans, as well as how we should be giving more places to the old colonies (who to a country voted to leave the Empire).

Who do I want in GBR? Hard-working, high IQ, attractive law-abiding Slavs and Meds, or criminal, corrupt, low IQ, ugly, aggressive r-selected Third Worlders? I don’t want this place turned into the Third World. Count me IN!

7 years ago

I heard that the shout of “Britain First!” didn’t actually happen. A lie to spin this murder in a way that benefits those who are pushing to stay in the euro. Supposedly support for brexit increased after the orlando terrorist attack.

7 years ago

First, the reports of there being ANYTHING shouted are being walked back.

Second, brexit is UP in the polling after the murder. The People do not like being manipulated. Merkle’s interference did not help.

7 years ago

[…] Anonymous Conservative on the murder of Jo Cox. […]