Talk Mean To A Gay, Get Arrested

The times are a changing:

A 71-year-old West Hartford man was arrested after making a homophobic slur to a Home Depot cashier and referencing the Orlando, Florida, nightclub shooting on Wednesday, according to police…

The employee told police he was talking to the customer about why he was wearing gloves at the register before it “quickly evolved into a harassing discussion about the employee’s sexuality,” according to the police report.

The employee told police that the customer called him a “faggot” and referenced the Orlando, Florida, nightclub shooting. The comments were overheard by another employee, police said.

Of course if there is no First Amendment, the need for the Second is diminished dramatically.

This is the problem I saw with the gays I interacted with. You can’t change the amygdala dramatically enough to reverse sexual preferences, and not affect every other aspect of personality in a large number of the affected population. There may be gays who are decent people, but as a movement, the gay movement ends up being like Triggly Puff on steroids.

Say something which triggers them, and there is no punishment which is too harsh. They will literally have the government go to any length to gain complete control.

Gays, and even pedophilia became accepted in the time of Rome, but that reversed itself before. I suscpet it will have to do so again, before freedom will once again be able to return to America.

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the cruncher
the cruncher
7 years ago

‘breach of the peace’ and ‘intimidation based on bigotry or bias’. It’d be nice to know what exactly he said, how specific the threat was, because that sounds like the edges of the first amendment are being worn down, becoming ‘Hate speech isn’t free speech’.

7 years ago

pedophilia is already a monstrous crime among our so-called elites. the burning is coming.

7 years ago

Pedophilia was incentivized in Ancient Rome not only due to resource plenty but because of female infanticide.