Cohen’s Apartment Was Broken Into During The Fire

Q weighs in about why Trump couched Cohen’s search as “breaking in:”

They broke in during the fire.

Interestingly, Q pointed out the fire smelled like sulfur.

Not surprising, but it shows the machine is desperate.

If they had a warrant, they could have just knocked, and thrown Cohen out of the apartment while they tossed it. When they encounter a target, they like to do that to establish a vibe psychologically in the investigation which leaves the target knowing they are in control. This implies they did a search which they intended to be off book, probably got caught by Trump’s surveillance/security at the tower, and then got a warrant after the fact to cover themselves.

How does one get a postdated warrant? The Cabal has people everywhere. Need a Judge’s signature on a back-dated sneak and peek warrant? They have a Judge for that.

This is what happens when intelligence encounters a free republic. I begins innocently enough. You have a bad guy you can’t get dirt on any other way, so you listen to stuff you shouldn’t have and maybe take a peek at stuff you can’t get a warrant for.

You do good, so you get more aggressive, and begin to learn how to cover yourself. You have an informant do the data acquisition, and you find ways to take the intel you get and reconstruct a story of how you got it legally. You’re still getting bad guys, but boundaries slip, and soon you are over the line, and even you know it.

Now you need to cover yourself, so you begin infiltrating places which threaten you, and could pose a risk, just to protect your people. But now the machine is growing, and if anyone finds out, it will be even worse, so you need more control over more places, and that produces new needs to expand elsewhere. Pretty soon you have people everywhere, and control the entire system. And by that time, anything is possible. But you also have to do anything to keep it under wraps.

As the power grows, sooner or later it attracts people who want that power more than they want to do good. Then the game is securing the entire system, and the only way to do that is a machine of unimaginable proportions which is able to exert power over almost everyone, and which is capable of almost anything. Eventually you are trying to overthrow a sitting President because he is a threat to your machine.

I don’t know exactly where we are on the scale of good vs evil, but the machine is big enough that what Q describes is entirely possible. More and more I get the impression there are some very mad MoFos at the top, and no matter how much good the people down stream want to do, we are heading to some sort of cataclysm.

Be ready to be surprised at the scale of this thing.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because nobody will believe the truth about everything else

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6 years ago

If Q is right, then, thankfully, these people are stupid, and they are playing into the hands of the white hats.

On a tangential note, I see a lot of people calling for Meuller’s firing. Did he have anything to do with the raid? Did he authorize it, or something? I ask, because I read elsewhere that this was the New York branch of the FBI, suggesting that this was a rogue operation.

I tend to believe that the Q thing is real. That means, based on something Q posted months ago, that I think Mueller is working for the “white hats”. I could be mistaken, of course. He did have something to do with Gen. Flynn’s prosecution, but the details are fuzzy to me, and I don’t have time to research it. The result of Flynn, however, is that we now know that at least one FISC judge was compromised. Also, Q assures us that Flynn will be exonerated. Was it all a ploy to expose the Obama-crony judge? Meuller’s other targets, Manafort and Carter Page, were said to be plants by the Democrats. That revelation would be beneficial to Trump, if true.

6 years ago

First step- put out lots of rat traps.