Conservatives Are More Sexually Satisfied

They aren’t viewing it in the right context:

BuzzFeed reports on a new study of 19,000 people in five European countries that found ‘very right-wing’ people are the most satisfied with their sex lives. Oh, we know.

James Ball (really? He has the sex beat?) at BuzzFeed reports on a new study of 19,000 people in five European countries that found “very right-wing” people are the most satisfied with their sex lives. Center-right people, however, were slightly less satisfied than centrists, and it all went down from there.

“The old rules about correlation not equalling causation always apply,” study publisher Joe Twyman of YouGov told Ball. “Being very right wing doesn’t make you sexually satisfied, but nonetheless, these results suggest it is, in contrast to at least some stereotypes popular in the political world, those on the very right of the political spectrum who enjoy their sex life the most.”

Conservatives are sexually satisfied, because their reproductive strategy requires finding a high quality mate and then not straying from the relationship. So Sarah and Todd Palin find each other, and then they are satisfied.

A Liberal, as an r-strategist, is like a sexual Sisyphus, just getting to the peak of orgasm only to roll back down the hill and start all over again. By not being satisfied, they are driven to mate as often as possible, with as many mates as possible, and do it compulsively, because they are never satisfied. The never being satisfied is a feature, not a bug. It drives the strategy.

The more you study it, the more you realize that being a rabbit is really a curse. Inherent to the strategy is neurosis, dissatisfaction, and a constant nagging need for something, anything more than what you have. Liberals are dopamine junkies, unable to ever quench their thirst, no matter how much they drink.

Once you realize that, you realize that nothing is better than enduring brief moments of amygdala that adapt you to harshness and make the rest of your life supremely pleasurable.

So much of politics is rendered so clear by r/K. It explains everything in clear, logical terms that only an idiot would argue with. I can’t believe it hasn’t overtaken the world already.

Tell everyone about r/K Selection Theory, because it is deeply, incredibly satisfying

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Dopamine, K-stimuli, Liberals, Morals, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

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6 years ago

>So much of politics is rendered so clear by r/K. It explains everything in clear, logical terms that
>only an idiot would argue with. I can’t believe it hasn’t overtaken the world already.

This is easily explainable:
Truth is not generally valuable to all humans.
When it is pleasurable for us, when it is useful for us, serves our emotional needs, than we welcome truth warmly.
But many a truth is emotionally painful. Most people try to ignore truths that make them feel bad.
Many a truth is also a threat to (financial, power-associated etc.) interests of some people, who then, if they are able to, make sure those kind of truths are not generally available, or at least not actively pushed onto the general public (example: Solid financial knowledge, while not difficult to understand, is kept deliberately out of public schooling to make sure people consume and go in debt more recklessly and keep them from smart investment decisions, so that those who are financially skilled have less competition and therefore higher and easier profits).
Then there are truths that need some level of IQ to grasp them that not everybody has.
Then there are truths that take time and some cognitive work to absorb and understand – which many do not want to invest, because, work is work – and unpleasurable to most, therefore avoided.

Just because one has found a truth and communicates it to others is, therefore, in no way a guarantee that others would be interested in that truth – often enough it is rather actively fought.

Expecting anything else seems a bit naive.

I’d bet another silly romance novel, skillfully aimed at female emotional needs (consider the success of ” Fifty Shades of Grey” would sell much better and be read by much more people than your book detailing your theory – such is the state of human nature, such it was, and such it will probably keep being for quite a while.

If people really would like to think, learn and understand – figure out truths and apply that knowledge to improve their lives – then they can easily today, all the books are and all information is for free on the internet accessible from one’s armchair – even on the toilet, thanks to smart phones.
We can observe objectively that most people do not care and choose ignorance.
Therefore, most people are absolutely not interested in that kind of thing, only a small minority is.
Draw your own conclusions.

6 years ago

The “correlation is not causation” meme is one that usually makes me start to doubt the intelligence of the one who’s using it. When it was coined, it was meant to be a warning to to assume that correlation was causation without making sure there isn’t another variable that you’re not accounting for. It’s certainly not meant to imply that correlation and causation are not themselves highly, highly correlated, because obviously they are. Correlation is like smoke. If you see it, there’s a good chance you’ll find a fire.

Or, as is the case in the BuzzFeed article, it’s being used deliberately dishonestly—to create the appearance of ambiguity and cast unfounded doubt on the findings of a study about which the person saying that doesn’t want you to accept the results.