Criminals Are r-strategists

Most of the time, anyway:

New York’s criminal element has sunk to a new despicable low in 2016, as crimes against the elderly have skyrocketed thanks to a wave of violent attacks on senior citizens, according to newly released NYPD statistics.

Slightly more than 1,000 people over 65 have been assaulted across the city through Oct. 31 — a 16 percent increase over the 863 old folks who were attacked in the same period in 2015, cops said.

Criminals want free, easy resources, and they want them in essentially limitless quantities. They usually do not want to fight for them, so they seek the weakest, easiest victims they can find.

What you will also notice is that this creates a situation where an amygdala-addled r-strategist does not flag as significant the humanity of the elderly person they attack and victimize.

A political liberal sees a Buddhist immigrant and a Military-aged Muslim male from the battlefield in Syria as exactly the same thing, due to reduces amygdala-mediated discrimination. Likewise, the criminal can’t differentiate between hitting a human being and taking their money and cracking open an old piggy bank they found in the street. They are both the same thing – a source of free resources.

Notice that it is also like the example of the Deer who is grazing in a field when a stray bullet comes out of nowhere and kills his deer-friend “Dave.” When the deer is grazing in the field the next day, he can graze right around Dave’s dead body, and never even feel the slightest pang of sadness. It is all that r-selected amygdala.

Although far from an expert in the criminal realm, I could imagine scenarios where K-strategists might embrace a life of crime – especially as r-strategists finish bleeding society dry, and abscond at the collapse with all their corruptly acquired wealth. But in the vast majority of cases where you have criminals today, you will be looking at rabbits who simply lacked the meager intellect necessary to espouse leftist ideals, and then exploit the corruption that would facilitate.

The reviews here show that r/K Theory explains politics like nothing before.

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