The French Want Guns

Most humans will turn wolf in the face of K-selection:

Recent shocking terror attacks in France have encouraged many to try to get hold of their own firearms, new figures reveal.

A spate of shocking terror attacks on French soil in recent years has left many in France fearful. As a result, there has a been a surge in the number of people joining gun clubs and looking to arm themselves.

An investigation by the Nouvel Observateur website found that the number of people signing up to become licensed members at shooting clubs has risen 38 percent in five years. […]

Having a gun no longer seems to be a taboo subject in France. “It’s just to have some means of defense at home,” Marc, a 35-year-old father told the newspaper

The same cognitive irritation that perceives threat, and irritates the mind until you resolve the threat, is the same irritation that drives you to beat up the guy who wants a one-night stand with your daughter, drives you to insist on morality in your leaders and friends, drives you to keep immigrants out, drives you to demand loyalty from your countrymen, and drives you to hate leftists. It is all amygdala.

The irritation is a practiced skill. As the left has gotten its way, all it has done is provide society with exercise for that irritation. As it grows stronger, it creates what will destroy the left in the long run. That is amygdala development.

Its nice to see the world turn into something recognizable again – and see the beginning of what will destroy the scourge of civilization – leftism. Plus, once the economic collapse gets under way, this will look like the Hippie revolution of the sixties.

Things will only get better from here.

Read the reviews, r/K Political Theory is no joke – it changes everything.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Economic Collapse, Europe, Guns, Immigration, ITZ, K-stimuli, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Nationalism, Politics, Psychology. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] The French Want Guns […]

7 years ago
Reply to  mina
7 years ago

I like how they comment about the r/K without realizing it. And thus don’t see why things are happening. And then extrapolate to humans. It is like seeing someone with a runny nose and thinking” they have allergies. When really it is a head cold. So they try to treat a symptom one way and it really has a different cause and needs a different treatment.

Yes there is a body and spirit (as it put it in the video on the ratopia), but they imply that people will become crazy by having everyone so close together. They miss that ‘all the predation and disease were removed. All food was supplied”…. Gosh between ACA and welfare isn’t that what the Gov’t is trying to do? and the results will be the same.

7 years ago

My initial reaction to this was “The FRENCH??”… but then it occurred to me that the French have never lacked nerve. They (like us) have lacked leaders.

Consider. Tour 732, or that the majority of the Crusaders were French or Normans- Normans being a mix of French and Vikings. Or that they were pretty active militarily in WW1 and WW2. Or more recently in Africa. It wasn’t a lack of nerve, but a lack of leadership.

I guess I’d say that there is hope, if they can get their hands on the tools.

BTW AC, you should take a look at – or as I am listen to – “How the west was won” By Rodney Stark. With a r/K filter on, you can see how the west was generally very K except when larger empires were able to form. And how during periods of r development slows, and then in K science advances.