Democrats Look To Exploit Puerto Rican Migrants In Florida

Migrants are r-strategists, and Hillary knows it:

The Hillary Clinton campaign on Sunday announced a voter registration effort led by illegal immigrants on the four year anniversary of President Barack Obama’s executive action to protect illegal aliens from deportation.

According to a statement the campaign launched “‘Mi Sueño, Tu Voto’ (My Dream, Your Vote), to organize DREAMers to mobilize their communities and ask voters to consider what is at stake for their families in November.”

“DREAMers have played a pivotal role in our campaign, advocating for families who constantly live in fear of deportation–so we’ve created a program that aims to turn these stories into action,” Lorella Praeli, national director of the Latino vote said in a statement.

Astrid Silva, an illegal immigrant who spoke at the Democratic convention, said, “We may not have the right to vote, but ‘Mi Sueño, Tu Voto’ will help ensure that our stories are heard and it will send a clear signal to Donald Trump that we cannot be silenced.”

Unfortunately, there are a lot of them in Florida, and Clinton is on it:

Amid the commonwealth’s devastating debt crisis, Puerto Ricans have moved in droves to the American mainland, with as many as 1,000 families a month relocating to Florida, according to the Puerto Rico Federal Affairs Administration.

In that exodus, Clinton campaign organizers have recognized an opportunity, setting off a furious scramble to register a coveted class of new voters: those who arrive as full-fledged citizens.

Many are settling in Central Florida, a swing region in a swing state with a peerless record of razor-thin electoral margins.

Campaign officials and outside groups have responded accordingly.

In the Orlando area — which for years has been a de facto San Juan suburb, with an estimated 400,000 Puerto Ricans calling it home — the Clinton campaign has assigned organizers to neighborhoods, churches and even bus stops.

Trump will win, but he will not have it easy. Everything, from the corrupt establishment, to the crooked media, to the waves of foreigners who want to take over are all working against him.

The truth is, in this environment, there is not a Cuckservative alive, running a Leftist-light, pro-establishment campaign who could do better than his certified, anti-establishment tsunami.

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7 years ago

[…] Democrats Look To Exploit Puerto Rican Migrants In Florida […]

Sam Eip
Sam Eip
7 years ago

Take a globe and swing it around so you can see the entire Western Hemisphere. You see that country at the top called Canada? It is said that ninety percent of the people that live there reside within a hundred miles from our border. That’s understandable. Canada is a cold barren place. It’s mostly uninhabitable.

Now look at the countries beneath our own. All of them, from our neighbor Mexico all the way down to the Straight of Magellan, are inhabited by Latinos. Another word for Latino is Latin American. That’s right,” American”. Everybody that lives in the Western Hemisphere is an American and every one that lives south of our border is a Latin American.

Now consider that people from all over the planet have been migrating since pre-history. That’s a trend that’s not going to stop. Hundreds of thousands of Latin Americans have migrated into the United States and Canada in recent years. That’s also a trend that’s not going to stop. In fact, in a millennium you won’t be able to distinguish an American from a Latin American. There’s nothing you can do to prevent it. There’s a good chance your grandchildren will be Latin American.

You’re going to have to find somebody else to pick on.

Xopher Halftongue
Xopher Halftongue
7 years ago

Black and Brown voter drives are no match against Russian hackers, if Russia chooses to hack the voting machines.

7 years ago

Westerners have less land than they think they do. The Mercator projection could be misrepresenting and affecting the perceptions of Westerners of just how much room they have to share with foreign third world immigrants.

Africa already has more land than the USA, Europe and Australia combined, yet we need to share what little land we have in our nations with them?