Denver Reduces Penalties For Public Defecation

Turns out punishing public defecation is unfair to refugees:

Denver City Council voted unanimously Monday night to lessen the punishment for people convicted of certain low-level crimes like lying in a public right-of-way, urinating in public and panhandling.

City leaders and immigrant rights advocates argued the changes will protect Denver’s immigrant community from facing unintended consequences.

“Many times it becomes a deportable offense if you’ve been convicted of even a minor ordinance violation that’s punishable by a year in jail,” Mark Silverstein said, legal director for the American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado.

The decriminalized offenses?

• Sitting or lying in the public right-of-way
• Unauthorized camping on public or private property…
• Urinating or defecating in public
• Panhandling
• Curfews and closures
• Storage and loading
• Prohibitions
• Solicitation on or near street or highway

I get the impression that means a prostitute can set up a camp on your front lawn, solicit Johns, and shit on the sidewalk, all at the same time, and they aren’t allowed to fine her.

It is like Europe, where the refugees couldn’t figure out how to use the toilets. They actually had to put up these signs:

Then there is the shitting in the shower problem they had to address:

How is shitting in the shower even an idea in their head? Do they assume the next person isn’t doing to notice? Doesn’t it dawn on them nobody had shit in the shower before they used it? Did they just think they were lucky to have gotten a clean shower when the shower floor didn’t have any brown piles laying around? Obviously these are not the brightest bulbs.

Maybe it is me, but I am thinking that these refugees might not be cut out for a first world nation, where we have grown unusually accustomed to not having to tip toe around “African landmines” as we walk down the sidewalk, or stand in someone else’s defecation in the shower at the gym.

Notice again though, leftists and the cucks are importing foreigners and then promoting behaviors that are designed to create a massive, constant mortality on our population – this time through disease. Just as rabbits can never escape r-selection because of hawks and foxes, human r-strategists do things that will cause the exact same kind of massive, unselective mortality. It is not by chance.

These are evolved instincts among the r-selected. The human r-strategist really is a killing machine, they are just designed to do it behind their fellow countrymen’s backs, to try and avoid the consequences of their perfidy.

Spread r/K Theory, because the alternative is just disgusting

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6 years ago

[…] Denver Reduces Penalties For Public Defecation […]

6 years ago

The most amusing part in all of this was the fact that the European authorities assumed that most of the African invaders could read in any language.

6 years ago

There are toilets in Mexico. Even the Mid-East. If Denver is doing this then either they have somehow attracted the illegals with the worst mental problems or more likely- somehow the dirtiest, lowest IQ African “refugees” who aren’t even toilet trained have been bused into Denver’s section 8 housing. Probably their pinko-governors plan to turn Colorado permanently blue (and brown). Wonder what all the libertarians in CO think about this.

6 years ago

An important reason of reducing penalties is that prisons are full, at least in Europe. Locking someone up costs a lot of money. The resources for locking up a significant number of savages are simply no longer available. So reducing punishments is -for now- the only option. Of course, this will simply induce savages to commit more serious crimes. If enough of them do this (as is presently the case in e.g. Berlin, Germany) the state even lacks the possibility to imprison people for serious crimes.

We all know where this will end.

Reply to  Karl
6 years ago

For this reason the death penalty is superior to life imprisonment. All the resources for sanitiation,food and water for the prisoners would not be needed.

Duke Norfolk
Duke Norfolk
6 years ago

It’s been so tragic to watch the whole country turn into San Francisco. It’s all just so f’d up. Bring on the cleansing.

6 years ago

I thought disease was a selection pressure that targeted r-strategists disproportionately. Shouldn’t pandemics and the like be advantageous to us?