DNC Staffer Murdered For Leaking To Wikileaks?

Mike Cernovich tweeted an interesting link to a youtube video where Assange implied that Seth Rich, the DNC staffer killed in DC was actually a Wikileaks source, maybe for the DNC emails:

Assange doesn’t want to compromise a source, so he won’t say it outright. That does explain why Wikileaks has offered a $20,000 reward for information on the killing.

If this happened, he wasn’t just hunted and killed one day. Something like this begins with surveillance. You would only get a few weeks, if even, to pick up on a person looking at you too long and then getting nervous, loitering where they seem to not belong a little too long, casually shifting position as you move to maintain a sightline to you, suddenly perking up while trying to look relaxed, as you exit a building to head to your car, and so on. Alternately, if you are in politics you might get years of coverage as the official government assembles your files early, just to have them on hand. It would not be surprising to me if Cernovich’s hit is already fully plan-able with what is on hand.

If you miss that coverage and are going to get hit, then the killer will simply be given a package with everything he needs to know to kill you, he will plan it perfectly, and you will never see it coming. Of course DC is probably surveillance central, and it wouldn’t surprise me if everyone in the DNC and RNC are being surveilled periodically on top of that, meaning if you occupy that niche, you may not be able to differentiate your normal coverage from what is sent to plan your demise – and they might be the same if it is all pooled in the private sector.

Something strange is afoot in this nation. Trump is literally the only guy who maybe, might be able to stave off a collapse. And yet not only does the Democrat machine oppose him. Every establishment Republican opposes him to the point they all even support Hillary. Republican intel and national security guys even support Hillary over him, despite Hillary having mishandled classified intel and literally having burned intel agents in the field, getting at least one killed.

The only way I can see all of those forces allied against Trump is if everyone has their fingers in so many pies in the government that they are terrified. Maybe if an outsider takes office, some sort of criminal activity might come to light, and their heads could role. Obama has spent $12 Trillion above and beyond 8 years of tax receipts, and we have almost nothing to show for that massive increase in spending. That money has to have gone somewhere.

Hillary is probably eminently blackmailable, so she isn’t about to take anyone on, and maybe trigger Mutually Assured Destruction. But Trump is an unknown. He could do anything.

One thing I want to survive the collapse to see, is the stories which come out after the machine has collapsed. Everything is being recorded these days, and I expect it will see light at some point. Within that data will be some amazing stories none of us would believe today.

Bet on it.

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7 years ago

[…] DNC Staffer Murdered For Leaking To Wikileaks? […]

7 years ago

They gray-net folks are saying that Huma is the actual mole (she’s being blackmailed by Anon over smoking-gun evidence they have that she’s a Saudi asset from their own hacks) and that Rich was literally on his way to the FBI for an interview when he was hit.

That would explain why this was so messy (rather than being set up to look benign) — they didn’t know that he had to be hit until an FBI mole let them know that he was already on the way. At that point it had to be done without the normal planning, and that is why there was a sign of a struggle.

7 years ago

Also, that makes it iffy as to whether Rich was hit by a political operative, or by Saudi intelligence to protect Huma. I think that if the confirm that Anon has evidence on her, she’ll have an “accident” next. You don’t keep a damaged asset.

7 years ago

For some reason “conspiracy theory” is considered a pejorative, even today. Newsflash: people conspire all the fucking time. Doubly so in DC. Fuck, the whole thing is a conspiracy of sorts. The idea that nefarious people are operating for nefarious goals is too obvious to dismiss now, no?

Reply to  Chase
7 years ago

This. The works of Shakespeare are full of plots, conspiracies, and murder. Everybody knew that’s how the real Game of Thrones was played. Our forefathers were far more realistic than our peers pretend to be.