Donald Trump Has A Prayer

I get wrapped up in mechanisms here, but it is important to always remember the mechanisms are God’s mechanisms, and merely tools of His will. Express yourself to Him, ask Him for help, and He will be there, especially in pursuit of noble, selfless causes that glorify His vision of freedom and greatness for mankind.

Our Founders, time and again faced impossible circumstances, and impossible events arose in response to their prayers, leading them to believe fervently. The Founders were not stupid people, and they believed ardently. That wasn’t them being deceived, or confused, or ignorant or gullible. That was them facing circumstances so bad that the only way they could seek to pursue their noble cause was to ask for help from above.

What they saw revealed a truth to them that doesn’t appear as obvious in times of r-selection, when nobody bothers to ask because they don’t have to. We all have it pretty easy now, but I have a suspicion Trump and his team face a far harsher and less certain path than Q is letting on. They could use the help.

Plus I expect whatever happens, we will all be needing a little extra help in the Apocalypse to come. It won’t hurt to start developing that relationship now by asking for a little protection and help for the President and his team.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because we all need help from above

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Cinderella the Deplorable
5 years ago

Not a day has passed since Inauguration Day that I have failed to repeat very similar words, as have other Americans I know.

May every Patriot and citizen join in unity and faith and pray over their President.

5 years ago

Indeed x 1000. God Bless PDJT and his family, team, and supporters.

And God be with you, AC. You’re a good egg and a true balm.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

I was reading Vox Day and he said,”…I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. No matter what Trump does as President, he has already been a massive success. He saved the world from a very serious war, because he kept Hillary Clinton out of the White House…”

I think he’s right. I’ve been very critical of Trump, I think for good reason because of past Presidents, but it does appear he is moving in the right direction. I, and maybe others, need to remind ourselves to be thankful for what we have and not what we want sometimes.

I was thinking about Manafort. He may have been kind of forced on Trump or Trump felt like he had to have insiders on board to assure
certain people that he would play along but conveniently for him…Mueller has taken him out. As a matter of fact a lot of the swamp people are dropping off of Trump like ticks sprayed with bug juice. If he planned all this he is one of the greatest political strategist of all time in all of history. I wonder if the whole time Mil intel has been setting up the cabal? They know their overconfidence and their total belief in Hillaries win has got them in a hell of a mess. They have their ass hanging out big time. This brings me GREAT JOY!

5 years ago

General Washington knew it. From his farewell orders to the Continental Army in 1783:

“A contemplation of the compleat attainment (at a period earlier than could have been expected) of the object for which we contended against so formidable a power cannot but inspire us with astonishment and gratitude. The disadvantageous circumstances on our part, under which the war was undertaken, can never be forgotten. The singular interpositions of Providence in our feeble condition were such, as could scarcely escape the attention of the most unobserving; while the unparalleled perseverence of the Armies of the U States, through almost every possible suffering and discouragement for the space of eight long years, was little short of a standing miracle.”

God bless America.

5 years ago


5 years ago

The perfect counter to the covers throwing hexes.

Reply to  parascribe
5 years ago


5 years ago

Q lead me to prayer, and all I have to say is it works.
This is very relevant:


Also, AC you NEED to read this (as in, you REALLY REALLY need to take a look at this):

“When Victims Rule. A Critique of Jewish Pre-eminence in America”
This is a 2000 page book written by an anon over 18 years ago, featuring over 10,000 citations from about 4,000 (scholarly and mainstream media) bibliographic sources.

BIGGEST DIG ON JEWISH SUBVERSION IN THE US, 2000 pages of fully sourced digs on jewish subversion in the US.

“There is a principal which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance — that principal is contempt prior to investigation.”
–Herbert Spencer

Some quotes from the book:
“Is the profoundly disproportionate social, cultural, economic,
and political influence upon America and the western world
by a small, largely ethnocentric, international minority
group healthy for democracy? And is it healthy, ultimately, for the minority itself? ”

“Modern Jewish identity has become a collective aggression, a collective demand, a collective accusation, a collective insistence upon continued, never-ending reparation and further power. As the old saying goes, there are two sides to every story – but the non-Jewish side of history (in its interaction with Jews) is afforded absolutely no forum anywhere in popular culture.”

“In the long term, endlessly one-sided “victim” assaults upon alleged oppressors are not healthy solutions to interethnic tensions. True resolvement, true health, is a dialogue, an exchange, and exploration of mutual prejudices (and the reasons for them), and a willingness to be drawn to sympathy for the others’ side – not merely consistent concession to one group’s accusation and demand.”

“There are plenty of people of Jewish descent who do not support Israel, who are not wealthy slumlords, who are not racist, and who exhibit in all spheres the solidest of moral character. But where are they when the Collective Jewish Body speaks, acts, and oppresses in their name? If the Jewish community dictates a “community of fate” by bloodline, surely all those of even partial Jewish heritage have a stake in raising critical voices against the steamroller that claims them.”

The book’s first chapter covers:
1- The Causes of Hostility Toward Jews: A Historical Overview – [about 102 paper pages] The religious origins of Jewish identity; the Torah (Old Testament); the Chosen People concept; the Code of Jewish Law; Jewish self-conception as a “nation apart”; brief overview of Israelite Old Testament violence; the Talmud; Jewish apostates and medieval Christian investigation of the Talmud; traditional Jewish racism, elitism, ethnocentrism, tribalism, and exclusionism; modern Jewish apologetics for traditional beliefs; the importance of Maimonides; the Jacob-Esau tradition; Reform Judaism and the modern euphemism of Jewish “particularism” (versus pan-human universalism); traditional Jewish messianic chauvinism in left-wing secular political movements; and more.

I think you should read this one and the 2nd chapter in a row, because it gives you a pretty good historical contex about how the interactions betwen jews and goys was, and how the subject is approached, or not, by both jews and goys.

The book’s seconde chapter covers:
2- Jews and Christianity – [about 6 paper pages] Brief history of Christian-Jewish relations; a contextual view of anti-Jewish religious persecution; Jewish-inspired atrocities against Christians in the early years of the Christ movement; traditional Jewish defamation of Christianity.

Then I recomend you read these chapters:
>14- Who/What Is a Jew? – [about 13 paper pages] Paradoxical lack of Jewish consensus about who exactly is a Jew; traditional racial definitions of Jewish identity; the enduring racial undercurrent definition today; popular Jewish identity as being “History’s Greatest Victims”; Jewish need for anti-Semitism as an identity anchor; Jewish self-conception of superior intelligence; Jewish arrogance; lack of Jewish humility as an anti-Gentile hostility; Jewish preoccupation with “materialism and superiority.”

>11. The Jewish Cosmology of Victimhood (Part 1) – [about 21 paper pages] The Jewish self-conception and enforcement of collective categorical innocence through history; Jewish martyrology mythology; Jewish legend versus historical fact; Cecil Roth’s pre-Holocaust assessment of the collective Jewish innocence tradition; the post-Holocaust age of Jewish apologetics; political use of the Jewish “cult of the persecuted” for modern Israel.

>12. The Jewish Cosmology of Victimhood (Part 2) – [about 25 paper pages] The Talmud as an ethnocentric, ahistorical compilation; traditional Jewish disinterest in non-Jewish history; Jewish celebration of its continuously proclaimed historical martyrdom; secular Jewish historical revisionism to fit religious “chosen sufferer” models; Jewry’s categorical and militant insistence upon its historical innocence; Jewish conviction that all non-Jews hate Jews; effects of the “persecution tradition” upon the psychology of Jewish children; Jewish insistence upon the martyrological role, even while functioning as economic oppressors.

>15. Assimilation/Intermarriage/Conversion to Judaism – [about 15 paper pages] Traditional Jewish resistance to intermarriage (marriage to a non-Jew); recent Jewish alarm at high rates of intermarriage; Gentile spouses’ conversion to Judaism; Jewish spouses’ intense connection to Jewish identity; popular Jewish rejection of converts to Judaism; centrality of Jewish racial belief that real Jews are born that way.

>19 (In two parts) The Accusation of Anti-Semitism (pt. 1) – [about 121 paper pages] The necessity of the anti-Semite in Jewish identity; the insistence that anti-Semitism is an irrational, mystifying, psychological “disease” and that Jews are categorically innocent and blameless for the tragedies that have befallen them; Sigmund Freud and his theories of psychoanalysis; continued Jewish domination of the field of psychoanalysis; psychoanalysis as a “Jewish science”; “Being Jewish” as a psychological condition; Freudianism as a dictatorial and elitist enterprise; Freudianism and talmudism; Freudianism and money; psychoanalysis as a device to explain the categorical irrationality of anti-Semitism; post World War II Anti-Defamation League studies of anti-Semitism; the ADL studies as propaganda; Jewish obsession with anti-Semitism, even when it has become popularly negligible; the accusation of links between Christianity and Nazism; anti-Semitism as a Gentile reaction to Jewish racism, elitism, separatism, and chauvinism; Jewish efforts to defame as anti-Semites many of the great names of the western tradition and literature; the Anti-Defamation League’s campaigns of censorship; Jewish censorship of dissenting Jews; popular Jewish literature with racist, anti-Gentile themes; the Jewish anti-Gentile folk tradition.

>19 (In two parts) The Accusation of Anti-Semitism (pt. 2) – [about 80 paper pages] Jewish “self-hate” as the Jewish version of anti-Semitism; Jewish historical revisionism even in dictionaries world wide; evidence that popular negative opinion about early Jewish Russian immigrants to America in the early 19th century was not unfairly biased; logical origins of Jewish self-hatred; Jewish neurosis, the myths of the Jewish family, Jewish mothers; the Jewish “cult of the shiksa”; the Jewish American Princess; traditional Jewish sexual mores; criticism of Jews by Karl Marx and Theodore Herzl; Jewish-Israeli identity and the creation of a macho Jewish male model; violent Jewish “revenge” novels; Jewish suspicion of non-Jews; further 1960s Anti Defamation League studies of anti-Semitism and the labeling of much of the U.S. population to be anti-Semites, despite the fact that much Gentile criticism of Jewry was based on verifiable evidence.


Cheers and a great day to all that read this!

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

“When Victims Rule. A Critique of Jewish Pre-eminence in America”

That’s a good book.

Jeff Baxter
Jeff Baxter
5 years ago

The Apocalypse is “the end.”

So few of the Biblical pointers have been fulfilled.

Donald is getting at the root of the absolute corruption, but this is NOT the end.

It is a new beginning.

5 years ago
