Donald Trump Risks Making Immigrants Sick by Deporting Them

On this day in bullshit…

On Tuesday, the doctors’ group, which represents 143,000 internists, released a statement urging physicians to take a stand against proposals for mass deportation.

“Large-scale deportation of undocumented residents would have severe and unacceptable adverse health consequences for many millions of vulnerable people,” Dr. Wayne J. Riley, the groups’ president, said in a statement. “Numerous studies show that deportation itself, as well as the fear of being deported, causes emotional distress, depression, trauma associated with imposed family separations, and distrust of anyone assumed to be associated with federal, state and local government, including physicians and other health care professionals providing care in publicly-funded hospitals and clinics.”

That distrust, in turn, could result in sick people not getting medical attention, and in cases of patients with infectious diseases, it could even lead to a public health emergency with tremendous costs to the to the overall health care system, the group warned.

One of the most fascinating aspects of the rabbitization that comes from free resources is the desperation to use foreign hordes to betray their own people, and the ridiculous lengths to which they will go. Of greatest amusement is that their own feelings of helplessness are so great that they will try anything, guilting, lying, begging, crying – anything but risking of themselves to accomplish the treachery by raw, manly force.

Apocalypse cometh™

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8 years ago

As a “glass 1/2 empty” man by nature, I’ve always seen a resource shortage around every next corner. For this reason it has always angered me when clowns like this doctor discuss others’ use of resources for which they don’t pay or produce as something to which they’re entitled.

They are NOT entitled. No way, no how!