Snakes On a Plane, and Straight Into Europe

6 Arabs do what they want on a plane

It certainly appeared to have been a premeditated, pre-planned disruption of a routine flight, perhaps designed to test responses or as a larger plot to intimidate and thereby garner privileges or concessions. It’s not likely that the six despicable individuals involved all just happened to find each other as members of the same Arab soccer team, although they certainly do deserve each other’s company.

A Southwest Airlines flight from San Diego to Chicago was rerouted to Amarillo late Monday, with six passengers removed and subsequently arrested on charges of “interference with a flight crew and abetting.”

FBI special agent T. Scott Hendricks has filed an affidavit which detailed the misbehavior of the passengers, Khalid Yohana, 19; Wasim Imad Shaker, 23; Essa Solaqa, 20; Ghazwan Assad Shaba, 21; Jonathan Khalid Petras, 20; and Saiman Hermez, 19, noting their refusal to obey the instructions of flight attendants and their aggressive and abusive behavior towards both the flight crew and fellow passengers.

Thank God the bulk of the Migrant Crisis is passing us by, even as our liberals try to stab us in the back

Aid groups and at least 14 senators have called on the US government to take in thousands more Syrian refugees by the end of 2016, amid international outcry prompted by shocking images of a three-year-old boy’s body lying face down in the surf in Turkey…

The US senators have recommended the US take in at least five times more than the approximately 1,500 Syrian refugees that Washington has admitted since the conflict began in 2011.

Despite the US being considered a leader in providing in humanitarian aid, the number of Syrian refugees it is set to admit pales in comparison to the 800,000 people German chancellor Angela Merkel has said Germany will take in this year.

Given how ISIS is bragging of playing the migrant Crisis to infiltrate agents, Europe will be getting super-apocalypse flavored apocalypse, when the apocalypse comes.

The Syrian operative claimed more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen had been smuggled into western nations – hidden amongst innocent refugees.

The ISIS smuggler, who is in his 30s with a trimmed jet-black beard, revealed the ongoing clandestine operation is a complete success.

“Just wait,” he smiled…

The Islamic State operative spoke exclusively to BuzzFeed on the condition of anonymity and is believed to be the first to confirm plans to infiltrate western countries…

There are now more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen “ready” across the European Union, he claimed.

The operative said the undercover infiltration was the beginning of a larger plot to carry out revenge attacks in the West in retaliation for the US-led coalition airstrikes.

“If someone attacks me,” he said “then for sure I will attack them back.”

If you like your mobile snipers, you are going to get to keep your mobile snipers.

Apocalypse cometh™

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8 years ago

My vet/K senses are kicking in hard on the migrant crisis. All those military age fighting males, very few women and children. I haven’t seen any elderly. All my instincts are screaming threat.

8 years ago

What is the real reason for this incessant drive to fill White nations with filthy, hostile parasites? Why are so many pushing this and who are they?

When the lights go out – they’re the first ones to get a bullet.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

I like the picture you paint.

I was visiting my old hometown in the northeast about 20 miles west of NYC. When the fun starts most everybody there is fucked. I’m glad I left.

8 years ago

I like the picture you paint.