Evopsych Free Today and Tomorrow

Narcissist free today, but not tomorrow.

Get the new Third Edition of The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics here:


Get How To Deal With Narcissists here:


If you like the book, and appreciate getting it for free, please tell others about r/K Theory at every opportunity. It is the most important idea in political science, and if we can spread it far enough that it needs to be taught it will damage leftism incredibly. Also please consider leaving a five star review at Amazon to counter the one star reviews liberals leave it. It will help the spread of this vital idea, and maybe change the way everyone views politics one day. Given we get no help from the Republican elites, the conservative media, or any other element of the conservative machine in spreading this disruptive idea, we need all the help we can muster from the grassroots.

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6 years ago

It looks like the EvoPsych book is not available for purchase in Australia.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Thank you.

You are a gentleman and a scholar.

6 years ago

Thanks for the fish, see ya later… lol

Not really. Thank you for the downloads, truly. I value your thinking more than you know as well as the play by play of POTUS DJT, ( here to fore known as PDJT in some circles).

I do what I can to spread the word. You might want to check out this site and start posting in comments. Totally into Trump with lots of insightful comments.


6 years ago

I always share your website when people ask themselves why are traitors the way they are. I post the following (I’m putting this up here so others can take inspiration if they want):

Everyone should read this so they have a truly informed understanding on the psychology of the anti-West anti-White traitor:


” We are all always issuing amygdala triggers that set off leftists, just due to a randomly chaotic clash between how we communicate and how the left perceives. That is the nature of the psychological clash between r and K. We speak in cold hard logic about a world that requires K-selection, the left perceives in warm fuzzy emotion a world that has to be r, and in some places the one will hit the other like a sledgehammer. Some have a natural tendency to speak in sledgehammers without even knowing it, and they are great to listen to, because they can help us to understand how that happens. Others, like President Trump have obviously done much study in the art, and issue sledgehammers whenever it suits them and their cause.”
Quote from this post: http://www.anonymousconservative.com/blog/rk-was-mentioned-by-author-julian-langness-in-his-amren-speech/

This also explains a crucial difference between r and K:
“These are fundamentally different psychologies, focused on very different things in the environment around them. The rabbits never even consider survival. Everything they are focused on is related to elevating their status, either through flash and flamboyant resource expenditure, or, if necessary, through victim status and empathy.”

I find that by wording it in this way, people tend to visit the site, and hopefully they return and start spreading the word themselves too.

Thanks for the books, have a great day!