Why Was Hillary Angry?

VDare’s Peter Brimelow, author of the just released Kindle Title, Alien Nation asks the question, why would Hillary get angry?

It quite puzzles me when people go around saying that Trump is mentally unbalanced when it’s quite clear that it’s Hillary Clinton is mentally unbalanced. She has what psychiatrists call “Narcissistic Entitlement Syndrome.”

If you read this new book Shattered, about the Clinton campaign, you see that repeatedly when she lost primaries and, above all, when she lost the election, she was consumed by “rage”—which strikes me as a strange reaction. Depression, sadness, I can see. But anger? What does she have to be angry about?

But she was angry and I think she really is unstable. Her performance since the election has been scandalous.

That is a common trait of narcissists. They cannot, cannot, tolerate any form of personal criticism. This can probably arise through many ways, but I think the most common origin is two-fold.

First is the tyrannical amygdala. To produce a tyrannical amygdala, the amygdala’s ability to tolerate stress has to be destroyed so when it encounters angst, the pain it produces is totally unbearable. I suspect this can occur through trauma, ranging from heavy metal toxicity, to lesion, to infection, such as with T. gondii. It can also occur through atrophy, such as produced by extreme ease and shelter from stress. Or it may have a genetic or epigenetic root, and be congenital. Or it may be a combination of those effects.

The second element is an intolerance for personal criticism, or any idea of personal inferiority. This also may have multiple origins. Perhaps the normal amygdala-angst produced by the concept of personal inferiority is naturally intolerable with a tyrannical amygdala. Or, as I suspect in Hillary’s case, it is conditioned through some form of parental abuse. Hillary’s father was notoriously critical of her constantly. Think about how irritated you would be if a person you hated pointed out a correctly-cited personal-deficiency in you, and then smugly sat back, pleased with their own superiority – and they did it all the time.

I imagine this was what Hillary was continuously exposed to as a child, and that repetitive cognitive stimulus conditioned her amygdala to particularly trigger at the thought of her own inferiority. Suddenly as an adult, she realizes something is wrong with her, and her amygdala fires off reflexively, triggering hatred, rage, and unbearable pain.

So now, here is Hillary, suffering an electoral loss. In her head, she has crafted an unarguable false reality – she is better than everyone else. She needs to adhere to that false reality, because if anybody is better than her, then she must have some shortcoming that caused her to fail. That idea of a shortcoming is a no-go zone for her brain, so that forces her to adopt that idea of superiority and adhere to it as a protective mechanism. Inherent to that superiority, is the idea that she should win whatever contest she engages in. That is entitlement.

As a result of this cognitive hack, any electoral loss is initially recognized as prima facie evidence of some inferiority, and that shatters her carefully crafted, amygdala-assuaging false reality. That triggers her tyrannical amygdala, which will immediately begin punishing her brain, driving it to search for some thought which will act as a cognitive hack to restore her image of herself as superior, and relieve the pain of inferiority.

As it searches around, the hack which the narcissist’s brain usually comes up with is that the failure must be someone else’s fault. In Hillary’s mind, she would have won, if other people had not done things to prevent her natural superiority from carrying her to victory, as it should have. Now her pain at the thought of personal inferiority is alleviated.

As she contemplates her close shave with amygdala-pain, as well as the highly amygdala-triggering fact that she has lost, and the fact somebody did it to her, her natural response is rage. So she looks for who she has blamed, and rages at them.

The amygdala-addled think differently, and not just because of the panic they experience. They also have a plethora of cognitive hacks which feel like logic to them, but which are actually carefully crafted perceptual hacks, designed to allow them to short-circuit amygdala-pain. Just as we would feel amygdala-stimulation at someone trying to force us to believe some untruth, when reality was obvious to us, and that would drive us away from the untruth, so too does the narcissist feel amygdala stimulation when contemplating the triggering thought (especially if it is obviously true). That force driving the narcissist from the true triggering thought is almost exactly like what we feel when we see untruth, and it drives them from the truth almost exactly the same way we are driven from falsity.

You can see how for the left there is no living with the right, and for the right there is no living with the left. We not only see different realties, we need different realities to keep from going insane with mental pain.

Spread r/K Theory, because there is no living with the left

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Amygdala Hijack, Anxiety, Liberals, Narcissists, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

There is only one reality. Hillary is an entitled idiot and leftists are mentally ill. Reality, the Red pill, is like a breath of fresh air or a drink of crisp cool water on a hot day. Oftentimes reality can be troubling- this is when its a call to action. People are starting to wake up to this fact and only good will result.

6 years ago

It’s amusing that the title of her electoral memoir is “What Happened”, like she’s asking a question. Da beyotch still don’t know.