Fat Black Chick Reparations

Cuckservatives will almost certainly emerge from under the table quivering, just long enough to laud the logic and eloquence of the initiative:

According to a piece on an “intersectional feminist media” website, “fat, black” women are owed reparations due to the “trauma” that comes with being one.

“The case for reparations for fat Black b****** is: f*** you, pay us,” self-described “queer, agender Black fat femme writer, artist, and cultural producer” Ashleigh Shackelford writes in a piece for Wear Your Voice…

What kind of reparations? She makes sure to clarify that, too:

Let me be clear, though: when I say, “F*** you, pay me,” I mean, “F*** YOU. PAY ME.” Pay me a check, pay me consistently, provide me safe housing, offer me a job with benefits, run me those Beyonce tickets, finance my clothes and wigs and aesthetics, cultivate accessibility to spaces and provide seats that fit me, see and validate my humanity.

Shackelford insists that these reparations are well-deserved, because “[t]he intellectual, emotional and actual physical labor fat Black b****** provide is actually invaluable to the entire world.”

Next up will be reparations and affirmative action for the uggos.

And you though Idiocracy was made up? If you let r run long enough, there is no end to how far it will go.

Of course how far it goes merely presages how far the pendulum will swing back when things turn K.

At this rate, we’re due for a bloodbath of unimaginable proportions.

Best get some hip waders, and have a snorkel nearby, just in case.

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7 years ago

“[t]he intellectual, emotional and actual physical labor fat Black b****** provide is actually invaluable to the entire world.”

I hadn’t noticed. Why isn’t someone reporting this?

7 years ago

These women cannot get men to voluntarily devote their labour to them so they try to use the state to take it by force. It is gender communism. Each according to his ability, to each according to her need.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

This is the kind of stuff that makes me believe in conspiracy theories. First the political correctness becomes stifling. Then out of the blue “Trump” pops up. Who every one hates but they cover none stop. They could refuse to cover him just like Ron Paul but instead he’s all you hear. Then protesters attack Trump supporters, Trannies go nuts about bathrooms, Women in the Rangers, Muslims (that work for government contractors) start shooting gays, colleges start throwing people out of school for angry words and now Fat Black Women declare themselves a vital national asset. It’s just too good to be true. I’m becoming more and more suspicious that we’re being driven like sheep following the Judas goat.

Now maybe I’m nutty to look such gift horses in the mouth but I know for an absolute fact that building #7, not hit by a plane, fell the same speed as a rock dropped for roughly 108 feet from supposedly a few fires. That’s impossible. Maybe this too. Not that the loonies coming out of the woodwork aren’t sincere. They could be given a little push though. A little cash set up to Black Fat Female foundation to tide them over while they screech about. Something is really wrong. Trump scares me. If he’s the Judas goat we’re in big trouble.

I hope I’m wrong.

Robert What?
Robert What?
7 years ago

Can we pay her in Twinkies? Actually, that is not a bad idea – come the apocalypse carry around a bunch of Twinkies. As a black land-whale is lumbering towards you, hurl a Twinkie in the other direction and make your escape.

7 years ago

There will come a time when the people in the future look back at things like this and ask: “Why weren’t these lunatics laughed at and quickly spirited away to a nice, comfy padded room?”
In our shame, we will have no answer.