Federal Debt Still A Problem

An article from a few months back on the budget:

If you’re reading The Hill, chances are you’ve heard the scary statistics or doomsday predictions about government spending. Or you’re heard it from the Congressional Budget office or Congressional Research Service or CBS, or you’ve heard it from House Speaker Paul Ryan or Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney.

In short, there is no shortage of professionals sounding the alarm over spending. If you’re like me, each time you’ve heard those, you’ve wondered, “How is that possible?” or “How did we get here?” …

Here’s how it happened, how it’s happened before, and how it will definitely happen again. In 2010, the Tea Party wave hit, rooted in outrage at Congress’s lack of fiscal discipline. In 2011, in response, Congress passed the Budget Control Act, which placed mandatory limits on annual spending with a powerful enforcement tool called sequester.

When Congress wanted to exceed those limits, then-House Budget Chair Paul Ryan and Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) struck a deal to increase defense and non-defense spending in equal portions — and a new tradition of irresponsibility was born. Congress realized then that a portion of Democrats was willing to give Republicans a defense increase and a portion of Republicans were willing to pay their ransom for that increase.

In 2015 and again this week, Congress repeated that model. Each iteration of the Bipartisan Budget Act has been bigger than the last, with the most recent exceeding the last two combined by $150 billion.

As with all ransoms, the hostage taker asks for more each time. This time the price was $131 billion in additional domestic spending.

What strikes me is how that’s the official story, which we have heard every time the subject is discussed. It all happens organically, without any collusion at all.

Now, suppose everyone critical to that play was compromised, all by the same entity. Suppose they were all following orders and playing their role in a story designed to explain to us how innocently that massive bout of irresponsible spending happened. Now imagine if all that domestic spending was being routed through Cabal entities, which would funnel the money through to Cabal’s coffers. Now imagine if that was happening all throughout Europe, and other parts of the world as well.

It would be a brilliant business model, and if Q is correct, it is probably exactly what happened.

It makes me wonder if the landing at the Apocalypse may be a softer landing than we would have thought. If the money taken out of the system these past few decades is recoverable, and if we can simply eliminate the drain on the system being produced by funding Cabal’s massive system of corruption, control, and surveillance, it is possible that the collapse may come on more gently than the calamitous collapse which had appeared in the offing.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because everything is different now

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Jeff Baxter
Jeff Baxter
5 years ago

Q is correct.

Moreso than any other commentator out there.

We are watching what her says happen, and still – some doubt.

That is neither American, nor “K.” Purely ‘”r’ behaviot.

Jeff Baxter
Jeff Baxter
5 years ago

Purely “r” behavior . . .

Joshua Sinistar
5 years ago

People fear The End of Bretton Woods and the petrodollar. Why? All the debts are monetized in petrodollars. If petrodollars hyperinflate, those with retirement funds and “nest eggs” get wiped out. How many of you have significant “nest eggs” at this point? Do they cancel out the massive debt loads you are carrying? Not just personal but the HUGE government debt. A Trillion Dollars or thereabouts at this point probably. Spent just to pay the interest. Another Two or more Trillion added EVERY YEAR. They won’t show the budget anymore. There must be SOME BAD NEWS IN THERE.
Student Loans. Government Debts. Corporate debts. Personal debts. All gone with hyperinflation or ending the US Dollar.

THINK ABOUT IT. Hardly impossible at this point.

5 years ago

May it please the Gods to make it so.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

People need to understand something about the debt. The FED has most of the debt and a LOT of housing and other assets on their books. If we take over the FED we could just write the whole thing off. We couldn’t write off foreign or private gov. debt but there’s not near as much. The FED creates money from thin air. There’s no reason the government can’t do the same and not pay interest. The real crime about the FED is that the connected get all the low interest cash they can use while everyone else is stuck with scarcity or they have to sweat for cash. If you’re a connected banker you get all you want.

A good example is the Japanese. For years the press talked about how high the Japanese government debt was. Over 200%, OMG, the Japs are going to die but lately the Japanese, smarter than us as they OWN their own central bank, have just been zeroing the debts out. Gone. Done. The Japanese have been pretending to be in a death spiral for years, but their not. They have a drastically imploding population but they are still growing. They’re doing fine compared to us. All their people have work and because of less land they have smaller space they still live in a wealthy place with great service and a extended life range far better than us. The Japanese want you to think they are falling apart so you will not stop their total mercantilist economy sponging off of us. They sell to us but it’s almost impossible to sell advanced manufactured goods to Japan. Same with China. The Chinese are just copying the Japanese. They’re following the same path but we’re already so hollowed out by the Japanese we can’t take the same applied to the Chinese.