News Briefs – 07/04/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

20 lb bag of shit dropped on San Francisco street, photographer commends shitter, because he put it in a plastic bag, and “it could have been so much worse.” The state of the modern liberal shithole.

Medical association pulls out of San Francisco for safety concerns. It is not yet Mexico, but it will be one day.

Another article on Deep Fake videos. Something is coming out soon, or chatter indicated such, and this is a stab at countering it.

Germany will prosecute Migrant-transporting NGOs.

Spanish ship waved off rescuing migrants by Italy so Libyan Coast Guard could do it, and ship sinks in the interim. Again, things are changing, and it makes me wonder if this 4Channer knew what he was talking about:

Obama offered Iran the opportunity to get citizenship for 2500 Iranians of the Iranian government’s choosing? That’s 2500 Cabal agents diffused throughout America that US intel can’t expel.

Joy Reid has big #metoo bombshell about Cabal assets, doesn’t realize her bosses are Cabal, and all media is controlled. The media does not report whatever is interesting, to get more viewers by being good at reporting interesting things. It is all a production to foster Cabal control over you. Show up with the most amazing Cabal expose, and US media will scoff.

Australia is up in arms because people went to great lengths and broke many laws to smuggle massive amounts of fetal cow blood into the country. Are they running experiments to try and figure out a new way, because they can’t get children any more?

Liberal leftist Brennan Center helps to expose NSA eavesdropping facilities across the US with the Intercept. It does seem as if NSA is the enemy of our enemy.

Italy says Brexit will devastate economies across Europe. On the one hand, Britain will no longer be letting itself get screwed by everyone else. On the other hand, if Cabal is taken out, it may be like everyone getting a massive tax break.

Finland may eliminate women in the military to save money. In other words, women in the military is a tax-payer funded, glorified summer camp for chicks which gets eliminated once there isn’t enough money.

A 75-point British plan to improve the lives of LGBT people, costing £4.5m, has been produced in response to the survey. It includes plans to introduce a national LGBT health advisor, tackle discrimination, ban conversion therapy, improve the response to hate crime, and to improve diversity in education institutions. Notice, that cost is just to put together the plan. How much of that went into Cabal’s accounts in Geneva?

Young happy girl found dead on Island where Brits had settleed refugees.

Community uprising against accused pedophile in Scotland.

Attempted child abduction in London:

Enraged Brit rams truck into grooming gang Kebob shop:

Police have to save pedophile from violent mob:

Kent State gun girl harassed in a restaurant. It is becoming a war.

Mueller has likely pulled all of NRA’s secret tax filings, complete with the lists of donors who funded the 2016 campaign efforts. Unfortunately, all the Hillary lawyers on his staff will also have access to it.

Richard Dawkins claims to have eaten lab-grown human meat.

Facebook is under investigation by four federal agencies.

Denmark will take children from Migrant families in ghettos for a set period each week to make sure they are schooled in what it is to be a Dane, so the children will culturally assimilate. When they refuse and resist, then it will be war to drive them out.

Drag Tots and Super Drags are cartoons for super young kids featuring drag-queen toddlers as the heroes.

Devin Nunes tells Obama officials to testify willingly, or face subpeonas.

Trump asked to lower flags to half-staff for Capital Gazette shootings, and he denies the request.

Except it was fake news. The request was merely winding its way through channels, to generate the Presidential Proclamation necessary.

Slate says the left needs to give up on facts, and rather argue to emotion. Because what works on the left will work on us.

Archive sites are being abused by the alt-right to overcome censorship on the net. Really, they have a study to make the case for it.

Flashback article to 2001 on the pedophile networks of Cornwall. There has always been strangeness, mixed with an almost total inability to get to the source of it. That is why everything should be revealed after the Storm. We need the regular citizenry to have the full picture so they can try to figure out how to unravel this next time, should the conspiracy penetrate everything.

One of the documents in Cohen’s shredder was a letter from a woman who claimed she was being gangstalked with illegal surveillance and harassment, with no due process. Not sure what the linkage may be, but Trump is trying to trigger investigations of illegal surveillance by some shadowy conspiracy, and Cohen happens to have a letter by some citizen complaining of illegal surveillance by some shadowy illegal conspiracy shredded, but recoverable in his shredder? Feels as if it might be significant. Pic related, in that it made me laugh. Click for full size.

Austria is going to seal up its southern borders to protect its people. Things are changing.

Trans are embracing satanism. Coincidence?

Spain sends a Transgender to the Miss Universe. You don’t understand. There was never any competition, or chance, or doubt in outcome. Everything is a controlled production for the purpose of manipulating YOU.

Milo’s intern began a conversation with his dad about how sex with children is wrong, and ended up killing him. /ourguy?

Spread r/K Theory, because resistance is useless

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5 years ago

Possibly the video of the tarmac meeting that is claimed to exist will come out soon, and the plan will be to say that the dialogue is fake.

A question regarding narcissists: Ever since I read your book, and some other material on the subject, my understanding of the narcissist in my life, who is a co-worker of mine, has made a quantum leap. Consequently, I look at him differently. Though we haven’t had any kind of fight or argument, I get the distinct feeling that he knows that I no longer view him the same, and he seems deeply disturbed by it. I’m reminded of your “I know that you know” technique, except I haven’t actually done this verbally. My mere presence in the room triggers a bad mood in him. He’s a sensitive and perceptive person, so I’m sure he picks up that something is amiss. We used to be “friends,” meaning that he found me useful for listening to his stories and asking me to do him favors, but since I figured out that he’s a liar who cannot be trusted about much of anything, and never returns any favors, I’ve slowly and steadily reduced his presence in my life. But since we work together, I can’t cut him out entirely, at least not now. My question is, is it better to appease someone in this situation in order to temporarily “get along,” or keep going, which will make him despise me more and more because “he knows that I know?” I’d appreciate your thoughts on the matter.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Read that paragraph and thought, “That’s me, all the time, at work.” I’ve told people that I’ve wanted to be nice at all times, but they see my politeness as a sort of weakness, start crap and make me have to be unpleasant. -So I’m always cycling between being nice and amygdala hijacks. Is it possible to have more than one narcissist in an office? -Or maybe there’s other sorts of people that need to be dealt with that way? Perhaps one person is puppetmastering the others, or I’m the type of person who comes across as an easy target (as much as I’d want to see myself as Chad TI). -Or all of the above?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago


Jeff Wood
Jeff Wood
5 years ago

As I watched the buildup to the attempted child abduction at Richmond Park, I wondered exactly who was in the biker gear and therefore hard to identify.

Then my British soul warmed to the sight of the instant, handy-looking posse which formed when the lads learned what had nearly happened. The goblins should have been grateful for their bikes.

Reply to  Jeff Wood
5 years ago

@jeff woods

Plz may you explain it to the non british audience?

@ AC

I readed in ZH that Arg just spent a billion trying ( and failing miserably) to “stabilise the dollar”.

Yall they suffer massive economic suffering, may those people develop their amygdalae to the point of creating a Renaissance in there ?

5 years ago

“Finland may eliminate women in the military to save money. In other words, women in the military is a tax-payer funded, glorified summer camp for chicks which gets eliminated once there isn’t enough money.” -AC

Not entirely true. They are very useful for administrative/medical work and then there’s the dirty secret about why women were really allowed to deploy overseas – they lower the STD rate among the men. Having American girls to pass around means the guys are less likely to go looking for foreign prostitutes and their diseases. And yes, your military daughter is being passed around the barracks. And being vastly outnumbered by men, she’s probably enjoying the attention. What can I say, human beings are crap.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Lowell
5 years ago

I’m ex military and can confirm. There wasn’t a virgin amongst my female colleagues. Even this one spindly, sickly, irritating chick was getting boned. When word got out, my buds went and asked the [fairly zfg dude] responsible how he could have stooped so low, and his response was “A hole is a hole….”

5 years ago

He put the shit in a plastic bag? Plastic? In San Franpsycho? My God, such a sacrilege toward Mother Gaia! He is worse than Hitler! Next someone will say that Man Made Global Warming isn’t a scientific fact.

5 years ago

That Milo story, seems to me to be more about demonising anyone who thinks Pedos run the country…(which they did) and that they can flip at anytime…

Attempted Isolation/ostracism of Q followers?

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

These news bites are often just as useful as your full length posts.

The abduction video was very heartening. We need watchful citizens and justice-loving truck drivers.

Also, I used to watch S4T and wondered why he stopped posting Thanks for tying up that loose end.