Flynn Turns To Help Mueller

Something doesn’t make sense:

Specifically, Flynn is accused of falsely claiming that he had not asked Russia’s ambassador to the United States last Dec. 29 “to refrain from escalating the situation in response to sanctions that the United States had imposed against Russia that same day.”

Flynn also allegedly lied by telling the FBI “he did not recall the Russian Ambassador subsequently telling him that Russia had chosen to moderate its response to those sanctions as a result of his request,” the information says.

Flynn is an intel professional. He should have known he would have almost certainly been eavesdropped on. When the FBI asked me such a question my first thought would have been, they have tapes of everything so any lie I tell is going to come back and bite me. Even if I knew I hadn’t done anything, my answer would have been that I didn’t recall, lest some tech have cooked up some doctored audio. My second thought would be that I never ever speak a word about anything openly, anywhere I am, ever again, especially if it might contradict my assertions under oath that I knew nothing, since anything can be recorded these days. His directly answering anything makes no sense. His admitting he lied about not recalling something implies he admitted that he lied about not recalling it in private subsequently, and that admission was taped, since there is no other way to prove he did not actually forget.

I have no idea what this means, I just know it makes no sense. Was Flynn’s tradecraft that bad? Did he know he was being eavesdropped on, but he assumed that any eavesdropping of him would have been illegal, and thus they couldn’t use it, so he lied for expediency, and assumed nothing would come of it?

Do guys like Flynn, at the absolute top of the legitimate intel food chain know that the legit intel side of the US obeys legal rules, and they assume they are the only intel in the US? Would a pro like Flynn have thought it paranoid to think he was being eavesdropped on?

Or do the top dogs not know what really happens in intel, because they are some sort of public figureheads who are representing the public face of a shadow organization they don’t know about which is actually run by people they know nothing of, and actually does stuff they would not believe could happen?

Or might this have been a Deep State set-up of Trump, using Flynn as an infiltrator to get close and then purposely turn himself, so he can take down the big man?

I don’t know what it means – it just makes no sense with the current information.

But I do know it does not bode well for the future of democracy, if in a nation where the Clintons of all people cannot be even charged, a decent moral leader who honestly tries to represent the people ends up under threat of criminal prosecution for doing nothing more than Making America Great.

We need an Apocalyptic flood to clean the Augean stables of our nation’s government. And the sooner the better.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because you never know who you can trust

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6 years ago

“…might this have been a Deep State set-up of Trump, using Flynn as an infiltrator to get close and then purposely turn himself, so he can take down the big man?”

This was the very first thing I thought. I went through the scenarios in my head that you described. The only possible answer is that he was an infiltrator from the beginning. Either that, or he has been mightily bribed or blackmailed. As you say, he was at the top of the Intel chain. There’s no way he didn’t know her be caught. Which means it was intentional for the purpose of bringing down Trump.

6 years ago

I am reading some very interesting speculation on some Twitter accounts (Thomas wictor, imperator lex, drawandstrike ) that start with a similar premise.

Flynn isn’t just a spy, he’s a master spy, and knows his craft exceedingly well and is tops in that field.

So it’s safer to assume he is – by volition- deliberately in the place he is in or we have to accept top spies are having conversations with foreign spies completely unaware it’s being recorded, and then lying to the FBI about easily provable facts without counsel.

I mean, he could have just refused to speak to them or gotten counsel to qualify his language.

So if Flynn is there by choice, and we know he hates the clintons and obamas, what is he doing?

It’s very possible he is now the fox in muellers hen house, and now must testify to EVERYTHING he knows about the last admin. And this is the grand setup to get him there.

We won’t know until we know of course, but the idea of Flynn working to hand the keys back to the evil left is harder to accept than that he was unaware he was being recorded or the consequences of lying to the Feds.

6 years ago

Are folks aware that Flynn is a registered Democrat who comes from a strong Democrat family?

Reply to  Anonymous
6 years ago

Trump would have known all that, and it doesn’t explain why Obama hated him with such intensity.

I think Flynn’s party affiliation is probably New England blue collar patriotic, working class. His son is a very upstanding guy and shows zero affection for the left.

I believe Flynn is our guy.

6 years ago

It’s pretty clear who’s side Flynn is on.

6 years ago

The more I read about the Flynn situation, the more I’m cautiously optimistic that this is all part of a larger plan to expose the evil, traitorous actions of Obama/Hillary/Elite swamp-dwellers.

In the meantime, Flynn could really use some help with his staggering legal fees. I just sent in a modest donation, and hopefully others will, too. This man showed ball of steel by speaking out against the dangerous policies of Obama administration, even while he still “served” them.

6 years ago

Under the theory of the Q Anon on /pol/, this was predicted a couple of months ago.

Q claims that Mueller is a Trump plant. Mueller met with Trump about the FBI Director post a few days before the SC was announced. Mueller was already term limited out for the FBI Director post, so what was he really meeting with Trump about?

The Q theory is that Mueller was still pissed off about being forced to carry water for the Deep State, and he offered himself up as the one to take them down. He IDed the Deep State plants in the Trump camp (Flynn, Manafort, Comey, Bharta, others) and offered to take them down before they could take down Trump, which is why they were there.

So why is Flynn turning himself in? Because he thinks he can take down Kushner, and Kushner will take down Trump, and the Deep State will take care of him after taking one for the team. The problem is, Kushner won’t take down Trump, and Kushner won’t even get charged, because that’s not the game Mueller is playing. Mueller is simply there to demonstrate that there is no advantage, long term, to siding with the deep state.

6 years ago

Is it a (federal) crime to lie to the FBI? I ask this because in my state, it is not a crime to lie to city or county police in the course of an investigation. There is a misdemeanor charge of obstruction, which only pertains to giving a false name and /or DOB to police. Anything else is fair game, with the truth or falsehood of suspect’s statements not amounting to separate charges apart from the actual crimes of which they are suspected.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
6 years ago

Oh yes:

Note it says “materially false”. In practice, the statement doesn’t even have to be a deliberate lie, it can just be a mistake or inaccuracy. This is how they got Martha Stewart.

IANAL but I would go hire one before saying anything to a federal agent.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

The “Q” stuff is really interesting but I’m not so sure it’s not disinformation. Some of it doesn’t sit right with me and doesn’t seem to conform to “what is”. Mueller for Trump? Hard to believe because he’s tied up in the uranium deal and so much other stuff.

This sort of high level stuff, even if it’s disinformation, is interesting because for it to work they HAVE to let out some truth. A little correlation and you can get some idea of what’s going on.

As for Flynn it may be that he can’t afford to defend himself and they cut him a great deal. He may have just screwed up and not known that it was illegal to talk to an ambassador. I mean who knew that? As for the FBI they could be lying. He could have said nothing of the sort but he knows the fix is in and no one is coming to help him. I read Flynn was very bitter that Trump had zero backing for him. I don’t know the whole story but to me it appears that Trump dumping Flynn was one of the worst mistakes he made.BIG mistake. Flynn was military and I don’t believe that there are many of them that are deep state in the anti-White, Anti-American sense that we think of. The deep state uses the military and I think they’re sick of it and want to turn them. The military’s problem is all the politicians are blackmailed and crooked and they are bound by tradition and honor not to just kick the whole pail over and run things themselves. We know that turns out bad. So they’re stuck. It’s my impression that the military talked Trump into running.

I don’t hate Trump and he’s WAY better than Hillary but he’s going to have to be more aggressive if he’s going to push over the deep state which I assume really amounts to…Jews. I don’t think he has it in him. No disrespect because they will do anything to stay in power. Anything. If they lose the US they lose everything they’ve worked for for 4,000 years or more. One way or another there’s going to be conflict. I hope Trump and Sessions are just taking their time to gather evidence but it looks less and less like the case. If this was so then it would seem Sessions would have already arrested some significant, but lower level people. I’m not seeing that. Sessions looks shell shocked to me and Trump the same right after the election around the time he fired Flynn.