GEOTUS Doesn’t Fuck Around

The God Emperor Of The United States Tweets:

A more buggy bugman I have never seen. It looks like one piston on his human facial expression simulator blew a gasket. He needs to take his human suit into the Deep State mechanic’s shop and get that repaired, or next thing you know it’ll be like the fat woman suit Arnold had malfunction in Total Recall when he was trying to infiltrate Mars.

When those things finally go, they go. It would be embarrassing if it happened on air.

Look at those beady eyes.

This guy makes Zuckerberg look like a human being. This might just be a bugman Queen, retiring at night to the deep state Ovarium, laying out, and passing bugman egg packets while Mika stumbles around, drugged up on pain pills and bleeding badly from her latest facelift, as she tries to fertilize them and encase them in the walls.

No wonder when these two came to him, Trump waved his arms and said “No!”

The reference in Trump’s tweet is to the dead intern that appeared on the floor of Joe’s office out of nowhere with “head trauma.”

The medical examiner claimed she must have had gotten an irregular heartbeat, fainted, fallen, and hit her head, but articles citing Joe’s departure from Congress just after it, only a few months after being re-elected, combined with her fractured skull, the family disputing Joe’s team’s assertions about her medical history, as well as the medical examiner’s twice losing his license for lying in two states, being a Scarborough political contributor, and ultimately being arrested for lying and other crimes, created speculation in some circles that old beady-eye’d Joe was fleeing from something. Personally I’ve got three or four people I wish I could get a medical examiner to say that about, but I lack Deep State support.

Think about how swamp politicians, even those who claim morality like George W Bush would eschew such tweeting. They would turn a blind eye to potential wrongdoing, shield scummy, liberal, beady eye’d, soul-less bugmen from scrutiny, surrender chances to advance the right, and do it all while betraying the very people who supported them to advance our cause, all for their own feelings of “morality.

Thank God we finally have someone dedicated to something more than his own view of his own self-image.

God Bless our God Emperor.

Now for a fitting encore from The Mamas and the Pepes:

Spread r/K Theory to everyone you know, because the bugmen must be defeated

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6 years ago
Dick Johnson
6 years ago

I always liked this version better –

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

It’s astounding we could have people that have dead interns show up in their offices under shady conditions being in a position to “inform” us on what’s right or wrong. I had heard some of this but didn’t put together it was Scarborough and I didn’t know the details of the shady doctor. A large amount of these people running things and telling us what we should do are corrupt and blackmailed. If we don’t get rid of them there’s no hope.

I had heard, I think from Sibel Edmonds, that a FBI agent told her that all judges are vetted by the FBI and if their record is totally clean their file is put to the side as they’re not wanted. They want someone who has a little scandal of some sort or even better big scandal.

One thing about Trump is he keeps you guessing. I have no idea what he will do. Has a Jew son in law that for all practical purposes seems to be a Mossad agent or acts like one. Fills the administration up with Jews and insiders yet constantly tweets stuff the deep State doesn’t want open. Even mentioned the buildings were blown up on TV shortly after 9-11. I also don’t know what Seccions is doing. I’m afraid they’ve told him they will kill him and his family if doesn’t back off. At the same time he seems to be investigating people. The whole thing is a mess. I don’t see how the country can come out whole or have any chance of recovering unless these crooked people are removed from government. Now maybe we could have a moratorium on prosecuting them but they would have to give back some of what they stole and stay out of any other machinations. I don’t believe they’re willing to do this. If they’re not willing to do this then it’s them or us and if it’s them the country has no future.

What’s even worse is somehow massive amounts of money is missing. Catherine Austin Fitts has been over this many times. Now I do believe the money is missing but now they’re saying it might be because of aliens…I kid you not. Now I don’t believe in aliens on Earth but if it’s not aliens or a secret space program what exactly are they doing with all this money?

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

I need to clarify something. I don’t believe there are aliens living here and visiting us all the time but I wish it were the reason they are stealing all this money because the alternate explanation is much more scary. It’s very possible the people at the top have decided to get rid of most all of us, (Georgia guide stones), except for a few less than a billion so that the top people can have room for them and whatever technical people they need to keep things running. It’s very possible they’re building some sort of underground safe haven. It’s almost 100% that the Denver airport is some sort of bunker. If you look at the murals there they’re creepy as hell and having statutes of the Egyptian God of the afterlife Anubis and what appears to be the horse of death doesn’t help.

Michael Wittmann
Michael Wittmann
6 years ago

That is one really weird photo of JS. How sure is it that the photo isn’t shooped? I’m not sure that expression is even physically possible.

I could only find three instances of it using a reverse image search. It seems to originate at “” which seems somewhat questionable.