Gloria Steinem Was A CIA Agent

Courtesy of Julian Assange’s twitter:

Here’s Gloria Steinem talking about her work as a CIA agent [later she dated Kissinger during his Nixon appointment]

Notice the face she makes at the beginning, the moment the interviewer mentions the Independent Research Service, a known CIA front organization. She sucks her lips in between her teeth, and bites down on them with her teeth. That biting on the lips to keep them closed is a subconscious expression of secret-keeping. People make that face when they have something they know they cannot release, and they subconsciously bite on them to keep them closed.

Bill Clinton once made that face when asked about how Chelsea was doing in an interview. A body language expert saw Clinton make that face and then seem happy as he sat on his hands, and the expert predicted there was some big news about Chelsea he was not letting out, and it might be that she was pregnant because it appeared positive. A few days later they released the announcement that Chelsea was pregnant. Bill knew and wanted to say but knew he couldn’t, and his brain bit his lips like that as an expression of its desire to keep his lips shut.

What you know is that there is much more to that than she is letting out. The CIA did not just give her money without any interactions with her, and hope she would do what they wanted. She was talked to, agreed to what they wanted, and they deemed her their’s.

It is very difficult to make it to a soapbox with a national reach yourself. A few brilliant geniuses do it to some degree, but my suspicion is if you grow big enough, you will end up either approached and accepted and allowed to continue, or they will reject you and then work very hard to prevent you from reaching the mass audience which the “mainstream media” reaches. If you are in, you will be mentioned constantly on TV, radio, and in writings done by the mainstream media and your brand will soar. If you are not in, they will never mention you, even to denigrate you, unless they absolutely have to, and every mention will be impossible to get.

And if you succeed too much without the machine’s approval, you could end up like Breitbart.

Never think what you see arose organically and anyone can do it the way the people you see in the machine did. Almost everything the MSM shows you is controlled Kabuki theater, and the vast majority of the people you see there, and in dominant positions online, are somehow playing a role.

Spread r/K Theory, because the machine isn’t going to help this out

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6 years ago

It almost looks like she’s glowing in the dark. Creepy stuff. If the deep CIA was really into population control though- that was a bad business to get into. Their long term planning in the 60’s was shit, and everyone knows it. The CIA, like any government agency, is a parasite. Kill the host, the parasite dies- what non-Westerner would take in any CIA/globaalist people? Ever?

I can’t predict the future, but I can tell you how their story ends. After the Western nations implode, these “people” will have buzzards pecking at their bodies, and maggots pouring from the bullet hole in their heads that the locals in Latin America, the Middle East or China gave them- after draining their offshore bank accounts and seizing their bunkers. They could run to Israel, but both the Bible and common sense tells us what is going to happen to there after Western Civ falls. That’s the curse of having perfect tactics and ZERO strategy.

6 years ago

Anyone old enough to remember Nov 22, 1963 is likely aware of conspiracies and loose ends. I can only imagine what it would be like carrying those questions around for decades.

In my lifetime, it was the 9/11 investigation and the testimony by CIA Director Richard Clarke and I will never forget him saying that it was the political in-fighting among the various depts responsible for tracking the jihadi 19 that allowed their plan to proceed.

Now we have Parkland reports that have a similarity: political hand-cuffing of common-sense ground-level action by distant and uninvested bureacrats.

Whether this is some nefarious conspiracy or simply the law of unintended consequences (ie Political Correctness run amok) I am unsure of. But until it gets fully addressed (notably by keeping the Hoggs and Kimmels out of the conversation), such avoidable tragedies will continue.

6 years ago

Hi AC, thanks for all you do. First person I thought of was Oprah. She has to be machine.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Disney likely has a secret logbook as to how much power to give a star based on how many potential souls they’ve corrupted (Cyrus). Same for a GaGa.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Proof of the concept:

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