Q Confirmed – Kobe Steel Falsifying Steel Spec Data

Q had dropped this:

What if the steel used for military-grade projects was made-inferior by our enemies as a method to weaken?
What if Hussein knew and authorized?
How many Marines volunteered to serve Hussein during his term?
What if his name we don’t say organized the deal?
The US taxpayer subsidizes the WORLD.
AMERICA has been sold to the highest bidder.
AMERICA has been weakened on purpose.
The depths of their TREASON is unimaginable.
Pure EVIL.
HELL on earth – HRC victory.

And then out comes this:

Japan’s third-biggest steelmaker said its CEO will step down to take responsibility for the widespread data fraud scandal that came to light last year, although doubts remain over its corporate culture and the possibility of future fines.

Kobe Steel, which supplies steel parts to manufacturers of cars, planes and trains around the world, admitted last year to supplying products with falsified specifications to about 500 customers, throwing global supply chains into turmoil.

The company, in announcing the results from a four-month-long investigation by an external committee, said it had also found new cases of impropriety, widening the total of affected clients to 605, including 222 customers overseas.

“I feel heavy responsibility as our data falsification has caused trouble to so many customers,” the resigning CEO and chairman, Hiroya Kawasaki, told a news conference…

The case was one of the country’s biggest industrial scandals in recent memory, which set off a rash of malfeasance revelations by other Japanese heavyweights, hitting the country’s reputation for manufacturing excellence…

The scandal which would arise is that if the US Government was receiving steel then it was testing steel, and thus should have picked up on bad steel. But if Q is correct, and things are the way I suspect, the testing was compromised somehow. I hate to say it, but I would think it likely that someone rolled in, presented credentials, and explained how painful it would be for someone unless those tests came out a certain way. And so the tests confirmed the supplier’s bad data.

But that would then imply collusion somewhere. I tend to be paranoid, so my question is, was Kobe Steel supplying bad steel simply due to a culture of incompetence and corruption within the company, or might this have been part of a bigger operation launched by some nation that wanted to see the militaries of the west rendered vulnerable, lest conflict emerge some day.

Could China or somebody else, have launched an ambitious operation to compromise steel production and supply at the lower levels, and the government oversight at the upper levels? Or might a radical Islamist Sheik have decided it was a wise spend of his billions to weaken western military steel, so if APCs rolled into an Islamized region of Paris, simple roadside bombs would more easily take out the French Soldiers inside? Or might this have been the work of some existing network that had penetrated everything already, and which has some unexplained desire to see white Europeans destroyed and replaced with some different race and culture, to achieve some ends still unknown?

For that matter, are there any American Soldiers or Marines who might have survived an IED blast, if the steel armor on their vehicles had been made of higher quality materials? If this is what Q is implying, asses must hang.

The end of that Q drop is also worth notice. Hillary appeared to be pretty clearly steering us into a world war with Russia at the end of her campaign. Be it her aggressive stance on the Ukraine, or her claim that we should declare a no-fly zone in Syria and then shoot Russian planes out of the sky, had she been elected she could have plunged us into a war, with inferior equipment, that would have killed 50% or more of our young K-strategists. Given the bad steel may have been purposeful, bear in mind bad steel is of no use without a war to destroy it. If the bad steel was purposeful, then it was phase one, and Hillary’s belligerence was a purposeful phase two that by the grace of God fell just short of fruition.

That would have been Hell on Earth.

Lets hope she was right about Trump:

Hillary proceeded to pick up a full glass of water and throw it at the face of the assistant, and the screaming started.

She was in a full meltdown and no one on her staff dared speak with her…

She screamed she’d get that fucking Lauer fired for this. Referring to Donald Trump, Clinton said, ‘If that fucking bastard wins, we all hang from nooses! Lauer’s finished, and if I lose, it’s all on your heads for screwing this up.’

Interestingly, this is one more time Q appears to have known what was coming out, before it did, this time with respect to media publishing schedules of articles. At the very least he has a pretty deep insight into a broad swath of intelligence/surveillance materials that are inside everyone’s internal circles of communications. More and more, it is becoming harder and harder to portray him as someone lying about their access.

Which means he may be legit. And if he is, then we are going to see a storm of unrivaled proportions engulf all levels of our governments, ranging from corruption, to treason, to murder, to child-trafficking and sexual abuse by our elites.

Buckle up.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because if she is right they will all be hanging from fucking nooses

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6 years ago

“so my question is, was Kobe Steel supplying bad steel simply due to a culture of incompetence and corruption within the company, or might this have been part of a bigger operation…”

From 30 years of Japanese experience, I would say it is neither of the above. It was almost entirely due to the Japanese “face-saving culture of shame” that a) prevents problems from coming to light, and then b) abases and apologizes profusely in extreme shame when the problems do eventually come to light.

Kobe Steel and other Japanese material manufacturers rigorously test, but what happens when you manufacture a lot and it misses the threshold by, say, 1 or 2 percent? If you are the person in charge, do you call attention to the miss, publicly shame the workers, and cost the company a lot of money by having to trash the product? No, you grimace and suck in air through clenched teeth, confer quietly with a few close associates, and sign off the lot, and circulate a memo reminding everyone what high standards you have and to keep vigilant and work hard.

Then once you have done it the first time, it easier to do it the next time, even if it is 4 or 5 or 10 percent. And to tell your successor to do it when he comes to you asking for advice after missing the quality target his first time. Further, if you are the successor, do you call attention to the miss and not only cause the above-mentioned problems but also initiate an investigation that will shame and cause your predecessors – all the way up the line – to have to take responsibility? No way. Not in Japan.

So, Chinese steel ticketed for critical (military/infrastructure) projects? Yeah, I would be suspicious. But this Kobe steel scandal? Nope, the specification miss percentages were too small and too random/sporadic. It’s just a series of minor CYA events by production managers that became fixed within the corporate culture and went on for too long.

Reply to  BC
6 years ago

rabbitry either way. 🙂

Veritas Quaerite
Veritas Quaerite
Reply to  BC
6 years ago

I have less direct exposure to business with Japanese than BC, but I can confirm that my limited experience correlates with the scenario laid out here.

6 years ago


Hey, what do you know, besides human animal and plant pandemics, a new ice age era, a satanic globalist elite of pedos trying to kill us all, the jews and muslims fucking with us because of cultural and religious incompatibilities, there is also a threat from outerspace too:

Last paragraph (it’s a very long post):
“Now, there is a very big asteroid which passed by the Earth on September 16th, 2013. What is most disturbing is the fact that its cycle is 19 years so it will return in 2032. Astronomers have not been able to swear it will not hit the Earth on the next pass in 2032. It was discovered by Ukrainian astronomers with just 10 days to go. The 2013 pass was only a distance of 4.2 million miles (6.7 million kilometers). If anything alters its orbit, then it will get closer and closer. It just so happens to line up on a cyclical basis that suggests we should begin to look at how to deflect asteroids and soon.”

2032 is the time the global confidence model says everything will crash into the ground… Fug, I guess, lol. See here this graph: http://archive.is/l5wR6

So start prepping for a meteor crash too frens! (Martin’s model has yet too fail on anything. Watch his documentary “The Forecaster”)

6 years ago

The report on Hillary’s behavior is single-source and therefore cannot be taken as gospel. That said, it is very much in line with what we know of her character and other incidents that have been confirmed elsewhere. HRC is a deeply unstable individual who should never be allowed anywhere near the levers of power.

6 years ago

What percentage of U.S. military hardware is constructed using non-US produced steel?

It seems to me that any order for new tanks, planes, etc. would require that U.S. produced steel be used, for the reason given that foreign suppliers could try to sabotage the military by producing inferior steel.

Reply to  cavalier973
6 years ago

What %? Too much.

Rich K Hyde
Rich K Hyde
6 years ago

What are the odds that Lauer’s #metoo fall was some Democratic operative in NBC implementing HRC’s revenge?

6 years ago

What could go wrong with the military having weakened rifle barrels, vehicle armor, ship hulls and engine components?

English Tom
English Tom
6 years ago

The (((bankers))) play the long game. They have been weakening the West for decades in preparation for their move East. Their assault has been multidimensional, culture, finance, immigration, etc etc. They promote their own and treasonous Shabbas goys. They will have given all our secrets to the East, they will kill switch our military systems to defeat us in war. These people are the Jews.

6 years ago

Maybe I’m missing something, but it seems to me that the Q drop above cams on 3/6, a day after Kobe Steele news article from Reuters. Am I wrong?

6 years ago

AnonConsv, if no one has said this before, kindest possible thanks for what you are writing on your blog. I’ve been skeptical about Q since I first encountered him last December, but as a informal IC historian I know how these kinds of operations would have to be undertaken on both sides of the game. But having also worked in DC conservative politics for almost 20 years, I’ve also encountered my share of conspiracy theories, so I took his revelations with a grain of salt.

But I’m beginning to share your optimism/ fear/ excitement/ dread about what Q (and POTUS) may be uncovering and correcting. Your erudition has helped me understand more of this issue, so thank you again for your time to compose your posts. They are greatly appreciated, and I hope you will continue.

If what Q says is true, and I’m now more 70%+ convinced he’s real, this will be Historic beyond what we’ve encountered on a national and international level since the War of the League of Cambrai (1508-10) and its effects on the then-known world. It could be as earth-shaking as 11 Sept 2001, if not more.

I have faith in the ordinary, God-fearing American to see this through, to the benefit of our country. But there will be a lot of progressives and socialists who will not like this ending. Personally, I could care less about their political delusions, but it is something we will all have to work through since there are millions of them. Or just deport the b_stards and be done with them in this nation for the next 250 years. It’d be no real loss.