Great Obama Summary At The Burning Platform

A great example of how the Alt-Right will supplant the establishment:

His mother was born in Kansas. His father hailed from Kenya. These star-crossed lovers met in a Russian Language class at the University of Hawaii in 1960. A year later, he was born on August 4, 1961. Even today, his origin of birth remains a topic of national concern. In fact, the subject of his birth certificate was recently raised by the NBC moderator, Lester Holt, during the presidential debate on September 26, 2016. This, in turn, fomented a very heated discussion between the presidential candidates: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

His origin of birth was first challenged during the primaries for the 2008 presidential election by his then opponent, Hillary Clinton. The controversy was later claimed to be settled upon the release of his long-form birth certificate in 2011. However, many today still claim his long-form birth certificate is a fake. Multiple electronic document experts currently contend the document uploaded by the White House is not a scanned version of the original long-form, paper birth certificate. It is instead, a “nine-layered” document with many electronically added overlays proving it to be assembled digitally as opposed to being an exact copy of the original.

Another claim proposed by some is that the British National Archives have indisputable documentation showing “his” father did indeed, have a child born in Kenya in 1961; and the literary agency, Acton & Dystel, once described him in their promotional materials as: “Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.” There are still others who claim his selective service card bears a number that proves it was issued in 2008 and there are at least five Social Security numbers associated with his name for people who lived at previous addresses known to have been his. But, at this point, what difference does it make? Besides Snopes says these are all lies and even Wikipedia claims these are just conspiracy theories anyway.

So let’s just stick to what we know…

There is no reason to read National Review, American Spectator, or any of the old establishment outlets. Whatever you want on the right, it is better and more interesting on the Alt-right. We have better writers, more interesting writers, more honest writers, and we are not screwing over the nation.

Is there any reason to go Cuckservative?

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7 years ago

[…] Great Obama Summary At The Burning Platform […]

7 years ago

My suspicion has been that the Birther controversy has been an elaborate red herring meant to look suspicious enough to keep attention off of the Indonesian passport angle.

7 years ago

Amen, AC.
America needs to win this election; otherwise the 2020s, rather than be known as the Roaring Twenties of a century ago, will be known as the Bloodbath Twenties.