Hillary Campaign To Target/Kill 4Chan, 8Chan, Twitter and Reddit’ers On the Alt-Right Using NSA Tracking Tech?

Interesting allegations here:

I will give you the summary. Democratic leaders, acting with the help of the White House, are going to use an NSA super snooping package to determine where the lone wolf, distributed leadership of the unofficial Trump support is to be found on the internet and then they are going to kill them one by one using the same resources that were used to assassinate Seth Rich.

Basically the link is a supposed hacked transcript of a chat channel set up on a Hillary PAC server, where some techie and David Brock are directing people to use an NSA hacking tool to ID people on reddit, chan, and twitter who support Trump, so they can be targeted in such a way as to take them out of operation, like “Seth Rich.”

It is actually a fairly logical step, if the boss and her crew just committed treasonous crimes that would get anyone else decades of jail time, and they were able to force the FBI Director to not only give them immunity, but then actually run cover for her and her lackeys in the media. If there are no consequences, getting the Presidency is all that matters to her, and Trump might just have a Special Counsel put her in prison if he wins, why not?

The real problem is that parts of this would not only fit with reality, it would be expected. Hillary is a raging mental case. In addition, this would be the ideal trigger to set her off based upon her father issues, since now we have an Alpha male effortlessly getting what he wants, by taking it from her, and laughing at her in the process. It devalues her importance and her intellect. It even involves her being ridiculed as she is out-grouped. It demeans her.

All of that would undoubtedly make her rage, and I would expect her to yell out to some peon like Brock, “Find them and do something to them! Kill them if you have to!”

Even worse, anybody who supports Hillary is going to be so stupid that they could actually be stupid enough to take her seriously and try. Combine a mental defective like Hillary with a groveling sycophant, immunity from all laws, and access to high end government toys, and you could easily see this being real.

The links to the allegations are not the most rigorously vetted sources, and the evidence is lacking, beyond screenshots. Normally I’d laugh this off as totally bogus, because grassroots leftists are pussies. But then you think, what has every leftist movement in the world devolved into when push came to shove? And how have so many people gotten killed? They thought it wouldn’t start as early as it did. They thought it couldn’t happen where they lived, when they lived there. They assumed the other side was sane, when in reality they had lost it.

History would indicate that it is not as unlikely as our normalcy bias would suggest, and the first few bodies will start dropping when we still think there is no way that could happen. But if you see all the people getting followed around by government surveillance, and that the country is nothing like what you were taught from a legal/moral perspective, then suddenly this doesn’t seem as improbable.

Everybody is breaking the law today, there are no rules anywhere, even the FBI Director views his own agents as expendables and himself as just PR for felonious traitors, and it is all about what you can get away with. Rules and honor are giving way to power and winning, which never ends well.

Now we have Trump, the king of rightist amygdala triggers, meeting a leftist population which can’t be addressed by anything other than “Xie” or “Hir” without dropping to the floor into a fetal position and entering a grand mal seizure, in an environment where there is no punishment for any crime, and everybody is a law breaker – and the candidate they have chosen may be the sickest of them all. This might be the time, for those at the tip of the rightist spear, to run the risks common to any counter-leftist movement we have seen in history. Those who still think the law is to be obeyed might be the rubes who are destined to fill those mass graves. And none of us can probably tell, since our brains have never seen this before, so our amygdalae are not adapted to separate possible from reality.

Again, a grasp of how to spot surveillance will be of vital importance in the coming future. Nobody is getting Seth Rich’ed without surveillance showing up first. And surveillance is everywhere.

I have bumped into six people on Free Republic who have told me they are under some form of Fedguv surveillance for their activism. Tom Bauerle burned his surveillance. Glenn Beck filed for a permit to build a fence, complaining of things going on around him which were indicative of surveillance activity, then he fled to Texas, saying he was afraid for his family’s safety in Connecticut. Sharyll Atkisson actually was framed for having classified documents by her surveillance. Robert Spencer wrote something which indicated to me that he is probably under in-person surveillance, probably 24/7, everywhere he travels, which means the whole package is upon him. (I wrote a whole blog post on it, and only held it because I wasn’t sure if it might compromise something worthwhile. Then again, is terrorism as much of a threat to the nation as leftist infiltration of the domestic surveillance/intelligence machinery?) There is a list a mile long of people on the right targeted by the surveillance state.

My impression is, if you have ever taken part in any sort of political activity, you have probably gotten some sort of coverage, which makes the above allegations a tad more credible, since getting the surveillance file, prepped by genuine fedguv surveillance, is nothing for those in power. If you think you are a part of 8Chan and never saw surveillance, you probably just didn’t notice your coverage. I would bet that Heartiste, Matt Forney, Roosh, and Sundance, are all under coverage, and I’ll bet Cernovich and Ricky Vaughn each have a veritable entourage shadowing them like none of us would believe.

The ground level surveillance you’d see is probably private sector contractors, picked up and sent out by some local investigative agency under contract to fedguv’s machine. As a result, they’ll probably be amateurish, since I assume the really good and experienced operators go to counter-intelligence and dangerous terrorism and crime. What is left is given to this, and loosely overseen by some sort of governmental agency with LE authority to keep it off the radar when it bumps into local LE.

Even the LE at the top running things likely have no idea of any specifics of what they are really doing, they just assemble a file on the names they are given, and never interfere. That file is then stored, and can almost certainly be pulled by assholes like the ones supposedly represented in the transcripts at the link. What they can really do with it will be anybody’s guess.

There is only one way to keep it at bay. Be surveillance aware – vary travel, vary routes, vary routines, vary speeds, vary food preferences, vary schedules, vary patterns, and look for the mistakes it will produce as surveillance rushes and stumbles trying to keep up as you change your routes and make their attempts to get the bubble ahead of you backfire and put them behind you. Be aware of what goes on around your residence. Never blow off even one curious incident as coincidental. And be ready to repel an attack violently, so you will appear too dangerous to make the small list the idiots above might try this shit on. All is very good advice, even if we weren’t on the cusp of a K-shift with a commie President and a delusionally insane Democrat voter base, all in control of the domestic intelligence apparatus.

I hope when Trump gets in, he realizes the wild-west aspect to our surveillance state, where NSA toys are privatized and floating around to be used by anyone with connections, official Fedguv surveillance is easily deployed for political purposes by partisan infiltrators on anyone for a whim, conservatives are under an onslaught, absent any oversight, and it is not at all impossible a guy like Seth Rich can be killed in a operation using legit domestic LE Intel to lay the groundwork for any private sector partisan asshole’s wet dreams of being the star of the movie Hitman. There would appear to be a real need to create some independent oversight agency like the Taxpayer Advocate Office, with its own surveillance division, to oversee domestic surveillance operations by private, as well as public sector entities.

Deep down, I want to say that the chances are that this is bogus. It feels that way, but I cannot tell if that is real or a maladapted amygdala that has never seen these periods before. It is possible if I was Alexander Solzhenitsyn, I would recognize all of this, having seen it before. My intellect keeps jumping up, saying that such an emotional dismissal is what all those dead bodies in history said right before they were killed. You never know. Be aware it is out there.

Our side should assume power soon, and if the governmental/structural aspect of it isn’t roped in and cleaned up by Trump, it needs to be turned around and pointed at the left with both barrels. If there are no rules, laws are meaningless, and everything is winning, those are the rules we should play by. If we are going to face this in times if r, they need to face it a hundred times as hard in times of K, and it needs to hurt.

And it needs to start with the Clinton Machine’s lackeys, and the Obama infiltrators in the domestic intel/surveillance machinery.

If we can’t get rid of it, Trump needs to focus Roger Stone on taking this all over, and putting it to good use.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Dopamine, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Out-grouping, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Hillary Campaign To Target/Kill 4Chan, 8Chan, Twitter and Reddit’ers On the Alt-Right Using NSA Tr… […]

brick house
brick house
7 years ago

As support, there was a thread on 8chan of a supposed leak of someone associated with Hillary’s ‘Correct the Record’ talking about NSA tools they were given or somehow obtained. Now the fact of the leak (if true), says there are people on the inside who are on our side. I’m prepared to believe it all – in my life, every time there was a hint of dirt on the surface, if and when the whole thing was exposed, it proved much worse. I positively /shudder/ at the idea of Clinton as president.

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
7 years ago

well I think you are being naive if you think clinton will be worse than obuma.

he/she (obuma) has weaponized every aspect of the government. that is something hillary could not have done. she can take it and carry on but when you have reached the point of criminality that presently exist can it be made worse.

the evil she would do is only a continuation of what was built before her.

it is worse than you think already.

AC are you under surveillance?

7 years ago

Having first been exposed to the alt-right a few years ago via the Manosphere, it’s disturbing to see how quickly it got made into the Bogeyman this year. Certainly, I’m not blind to the presence of racists but I wouldn’t make the kind of categorical dismissal I’ve seen so many respected conservative pundits make.

One has to wonder about how many of these neo-Nazi trolls are actual Nazis, versus being:

A) Classic trolls trying to be edgy and get a reaction for the lulz
B) Agitators employed by the feds to probe suspected hate groups for actionable terrorist plots
C) Leftists trying to poison the well

7 years ago

>being the star of the movie Hitman

The pipe dream here is crawling into the game and become Agent 47, the guy you were playing for hours. Little nitpicking here, because I can think who else may come in to butter your bread. I can also partly confirm what Brick House has posted. I spotted one of these CTR people on a uninvolved politics board that is actually not of interest for them.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

I can’t remember the exact number but he said there was only 200 or so agents in all of St. Petersburg that were arresting people and dragging them off. Our case is similar. A few psychopaths telling everyone else what to do. I have a theory that Empires only last long enough for the psychopaths to work up the ladder of the organization. Once they reach the top the civilization rapidly spins out of control.