How Do You Cure Anxiety? With Sheer Terror

Interesting study:

The psychedelic drug in “magic mushrooms” can quickly and effectively help treat anxiety and depression in cancer patients, an effect that may last for months, two small studies show.

It worked for Dinah Bazer, who endured a terrifying hallucination that rid her of the fear that her ovarian cancer would return.

It is counterintuitive, but anxiety issues are a result of having it too easy. That ease atrophies the amygdala, and reduces its ability to cope with harshness and adversity. If you know real fear and terror, or even almost die and survive it, the rest of life is easy. I predict that when mankind meets the apocalyptic world he is designed to inhabit, people will strangely find their minds less bothered by the minor irritations of life.

I suppose taking a hallucinogen that gives you a vision of being chased and eaten alive by giant zombie pumpkins could do the same thing, but I’d think it easier to just start an alt-right blog, and piss off the state.

As the Apocalypse approaches, and the deep state closes in, the rest of your earthly worries will quickly disappear entirely.

You might tell somebody about r/K Theory just because it relieves your amygdala

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Amygdala Hijack, Anxiety, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] How Do You Cure Anxiety? With Sheer Terror […]

Duke Norfolk
7 years ago

I don’t know if you’ve touched on it before but this may be why people have always gravitated to horror films/books, etc. We have an instinctive urge to stimulate our amygdala to keep us mentally fit.

I wonder if there’s a difference between society’s rabbits and wolves in terms of attraction to that genre. But as I think of it it seems to me that maybe this fails as my anecdotal experience with this doesn’t track. For instance I tend to the K side and yet I have never really been interested in that genre.

What do you think, AC? Any thoughts on that?

7 years ago

narcissist alert, narcissist alert:

all of the narcissist attacks in one video: narcissist girl trying to attack guy’s amygdala

7 years ago

I’ve been a lifelong advocate for psychedelic use. I’ve never been fond of other people telling me how I can manage my own neurochemistry.

Reply to  Anonymous
7 years ago

Then good luck managing your neurochemistry, and avoid the shake and bake accidents.

7 years ago

Sounds like Walker Percy’s book “Love in the Ruins”