Interesting Links

Some interesting links :

Want an effective weapon that you don’t need a license for, and can’t be arrested for possessing? Click Here. Free Republic had a great thread which began with an article by a Navy SEAL on the effectiveness of the new high lumen LED flashlights as weapons in the event of an active shooter scenario like Colorado. Best info on the thread is that 200 lumens can blind someone effectively for several seconds when shined at the eyes for a moment, Costco offers a pack of three 200 lumen flashlights powered by AAA batteries for under $20, and the Fenix TK35 compact flashlight costs just over $100 at Amazon, and with 820 lumens (860 in the new updated model just out), it can blind an active shooter long enough to close the gap and try to disarm him. Lots of other flashlights which claim to be brighter actually fall short of the Fenix according to Freepers who have tested them, meaning many ultra high Lumen counts may be phoney approximations. Best of all, the nanny state hasn’t regulated flashlights yet. Of course nothing beats a gun, but one Freeper’s story of a goblin making contact, getting blinded, and backing off long enough for the Freeper to make his exit, makes one think carrying a flashlight today might not be such a bad idea.


From the American Spectator,now the r-types want government to take over the credit agencies, and alleviate discrimination on credit reports. Yep, the poor are being discriminated against, because their credit reports say they may not be able to pay back a loan as reliably as a very rich guy with a long history of paying back loans. Where have we seen this before? Oh yeah, the housing crisis. And still the nation’s amygdala is not tripping to the point that revolt is the only way to quiet it. No matter, we are probably coming to that point soon. If I were Liberal, I would stock up on flashlights.


The NY Times says Algebra is tough, so we should just stop teaching it to kids.
I mean, what is the point? Again, K-selection produces drives to greatness, r-selection produces apathy and ever declining standards of mediocrity. Why put it all on the line when resources are free?


Liberal notices single motherhood is worse for kids. Liberals still don’t care.


Elton John says he feels horrible his son will grow up without a mom, so he wants to adopt another child so the two kids can commiserate together about their misery. Low investment rearing drives come with an absence of caring for the quality of a child’s upbringing. It is truly immaterial to them.


Violence is only real to Americans if they have experienced it.

From the article;

“During a Friday morning ABC News segment, Stephanopoulos interviewed a man named Christopher Ramos, who was inside the Aurora theater in Colorado on Thursday night. Toward the end of the interview, when Ramos started to break down crying, in effect reliving the horror show he had survived, he said something I found to be incredibly revealing. “I see this on TV — a shooting in a mall or a shooting in a bookstore,” he said. “I see it but I actually don’t feel it. … It was the first time I saw something that was real.”

For many Americans today, if you haven’t actually been engaged with an active shooter, your amygdala doesn’t see violence as real – our culture has desensitized it to not fire off. I have always found the Social Conservative’s aversion to violence in Hollywood silly, and been baffled that Liberals supported such violence, while Conservatives, who I would think would like it, opposed it.

Yet here it would appear violent media might cause people to turn off their amygdala by failing to associate violence with the terror of almost dying at the hands of a lunatic. Instead, such media associates it with funny wisecracks and a hero who can’t be killed. This would then make apathy in the face of potential violence acceptable, and effectively turn the electorate into ostriches. At least until you actually see the muzzle flashes, at which point your amygdala re-engages, and you suddenly think, ‘maybe I should have bought a gun, and learned how to use it.’

Of course some amygdalae are more trainable than others. The writer goes on to describe how citizens are dropping like flies in Oakland every day, but despite this, nobody seems to have any idea of what to do about it, beyond go about their day and hope it isn’t their number that’s up. Oakland is next to Berkeley, CA, for those wondering.

Within the human r/K spectrum, the most ardent Liberals will never learn.

But the SoCons were right again, even as I thought they were being silly. Violence in media is probably an r-stimuli, and will accelerate the slide by increasing apathy and deconditioning of the amygdala. Let the violence turn real, and most men will see their amygdala register it, and then they will rise to meet it.

It is interesting that the farthest part of the rightward and leftward ideologies seems to know instinctively what cultural forces will help the nation adopt their ideology, and what forces will not, and their positions are instinctively designed around this. The left wants more sex, more violence, and less fear of failure, and the right wants the opposite.


See that pretty girl by the side of the road, flagging you down because she has car trouble? Well, she also has two friends waiting in the bushes to rob you at gunpoint if you stop. Make sure you have a flashlight in one hand, and a Glock on your hip, ready to draw if you stop. And don’t forget the advantage of fast lateral movement. Every lateral move takes a moment to process and adjust to, in your opponent, and by the time he does process and adjust to your move, another lateral move can leave him behind the curve, until you have cover and he does not. It’s even more effective if he is blinded, and a wall of hot lead is heading his way, forcing him to move too. Practice that draw and shoot with a flashlight in the off hand, and combined with a side step, so it is all packaged together nicely in the muscle memory.


Gizmodo does an interesting article on a secret, high-tech, online weapons bazaar that will sell you anything from an MP5-K PDW to an RPG, and ship it to you disassembled, hidden in multiple packages, off the books. Not sure how safe it is, or when the feds will begin their infiltration (if they can, which seems difficult given their sophistication). Bit pricey too, but clearly just what our British friends are going to need when the revolution begins. One disassembled M1A Abrams, delivered by UPS and reassembled in your living room could change the course of the revolution. Or at least make for one hell of an ice breaker at parties.


An economist says, why bother trying to fix things? Our economy is so broke, and the coming collapse is so inevitable, and it will all be so painful, we ought to just borrow like crazy and stave it all off as long as possible, regardless of any consequences. I thought that was what we were doing all along, but apparently the professional economists don’t think we are digging our hole fast enough.

Oh the fun that is coming! Thank the Liberals, everyone.


I have been working on a big piece that will come out soon. It will describe how to use the Liberal’s fragile amygdala and altered information processing to manipulate them in debate. It is likely the Liberal brain can be manipulated, in a technical fashion, if you know how to present data to them.

I will probably do a better treatment of it in a book someday, but for now, I’d hate to get run over by a garbage truck, and take the underlying premise with me – I have acquired this knowledge through being at the exact right place at the exact right time, with the exact right characters at my disposal. So a rough outline will come out soon. I think it’s actually better than anything on this site, and more practical, and it is my hope others will take what I offer, and build upon it.

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