Is Obama in More Trouble Than We Know?

Much is being made about Obama’s assertion that, “If you’ve got a business – you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” Most are saying this illuminates some underlying belief of Obama, and of course it does, but I think it also illuminates something else.

I think this shows that Obama is still desperately trying to solidify his base. First there was the commercial directed at Black Americans, saying Obama “had their backs.” Then there was the backdoor amnesty, designed to shore up the Hispanic/pro-immigration contingent. Then there was the open embrace of gay marriage. Then there was the support for making religious institutions buy birth control. These are not the plays of a candidate reaching out to the middle. These are the policies of a desperate Liberal, hoping to solidify his base.

Of course, this comes on the heels of news that Obama has spent $100 million on attack ads designed to poison independent voters against Romney, only to see Romney’s support totally unaffected.

The same statement on business that Obama made, was made about nine months ago by Elizabeth Warren, and at the time, it was hailed by Leftists as some brilliantly crafted oratory, perfectly encapsulating the unfairness of our current capitalistic system, and the comparative justness of Liberalism. If you read the Leftist blogs, you could see, Liberals got really jazzed up over it at the time.

Of course in reality it was simply an effective way of assuaging Liberal amygdalae, which tend to get overwhelmed by a recognition that their ideology is fundamentally immoral. Warren’s speech provided Liberals with a semi-plausible argument that taking a business owner’s hard earned money was fair, because it wasn’t really his. Rather, it was earned by the collective, and thus the collective was wholly justified in taking it. This allowed the leftists to engage in their normal theft of property unburdened by conscience – or amygdala. Of course this doesn’t make such a statement any less noxious to average Americans.

That Obama has now stooped to using it says to me his campaign is seeing some pretty scary internals indicating that his base is severely unmotivated. His sudden use of this argument may be a sort of pilot program to see if this type of rhetoric will get them motivated, and eager to vote for him.

Now combine this with all of the other moves his campaign has made, to solidify the support of constituencies that one would assume would vote for him eagerly, regardless of anything.

I suspect Democrats are beginning to realize that when your candidate is a loser who has nearly destroyed the nation, nobody is going to be eager to vote for another four years of pure debacle. Of course given what an abject failure Obama has been, who could possibly blame the Democratic base for not running to the polls gleefully, eager to pull the lever for a repeat of the last four years?

What this may mean however, is that Obama could lose two or three percentage points in the election, or more, due to his base just staying home, and not rushing out to vote for a candidate who they fear is going to destroy the Liberal brand for the coming generation. In a nation where every election is as closely divided as ours, this could produce a huge swing in the outcome.

Of course as the last election showed, the American electorate contains a sizable idiot brigade who knows little of politics or issues, and which can do anything and vote for anyone. So even if Obama is genuinely panicking, nothing is ever certain. But I do think these are definitely positive signs.

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Robert Janicki
11 years ago

Thanks for the link to my story on Obama “the Cut and Paste president” who copied practically verbatim, Elizabeth Warren’s theme on “You didn’t build it…” Obama has to be the most intellectually lazy president in my lifetime.

11 years ago

I’d argue Obama comes more from the Henry Wallace tradition of the Democratic Party and they’ve never rellay had a shot at it.Liberalisms never rellay recoverd from LBJ.It may well be Obama is the first Liberal since him, and he may well drive the final nail into Liberalisms coffin.Nick Cohen wrote in What’s Left? that Clintonism may be as about as left as things are going to get and comparing the stimulus package to things like DemoGrants advocated by McGovern, I’d say that’s about right.The left is no longer about a guranteed income to wokers but instead about stimulus to consitutent industries and bank bondholders . it’a aint the same left as before.