Jeh Johnson – The SJW In Charge Of DHS

Jeh Johnson shows his colors:

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said Tuesday that passing gun control laws is now “part and parcel of homeland security” in an interview on CBS This Morning.

In the segment which was flagged by Politico, Johnson said this was the first time he had vocalized such a belief publicly. President Obama and congressional Democrats have made a renewed push for gun control laws in the wake of the Orlando terrorist attack on a gay nightclub that left 49 people dead.

This explains a lot. I wondered, how the fuck did Comey end up heading the FBI? Why would Obama appoint some straight-shooter who is actually willing to stand up to him to FBI director? Why put what was the top domestic intel agency in the hands of anybody but a diehard leftist ideologue? And why are so many conservatives reporting indices of government surveillance, if Comey runs the FBI?

My guess is, DHS is now calling the shots, which is why that is where Obama stuck his loyal ideologue.

I expect Johnson is implying that now, that gun control is all important to homeland security, the DHS is justified in using all of it’s domestic intel and surveillance assets to force Congress into action. By now, they’ve probably acquired a shitload of surveillance on everybody serving there. They’ll probably go for the no-buy list, though we should insist that if they pass that, then President Donald Trump must also have the right to create a list of dishonest journalists who no longer have First Amendment rights, and who can be barred from publishing misleading material, under threat of imprisonment and fining for any organization which publishes them.

We will find out in the future the extent of Johnson’s power. I am guessing that FBI has been pushed into the backseat behind DHS/HSI, and this leftist agitator now controls the national domestic surveillance/intelligence infrastructure. He probably has the power to forcibly absorb all state and local PD surveillance and intel assets into federal task forces for his own personal blackmailing army.

If we now see gun control begin to make headway in the Congress, we will know exactly how it has happened, because as of now, with gun sales at all time highs, any gun control should be dead in the water absent an incredible intervention by a nearly all-powerful entity.

It is a shame we don’t elect more moral and responsible politicians, who can’t be blackmailed.

Update : After this post was written, I saw this:

NEWS: McConnell says he MIGHT be “open” to “serious suggestions” on new gun control measures after meeting with Comey, Johnson tomorrow…

“Nobody wants terrorists to have firearms,” says McConnell. “We’re open to serious suggestions from the experts” who run FBI/DHS.

Note how at the link, it says the current estimate for the number of “erroneous” additions to the terror watch list is 300,000. Whether that includes conservatives they want to keep an eye on, or if they are not deemed erroneous, is unknown. All of those people would be barred from buying guns.

I’ve said the machine is out there. If you’ve thought I was paranoid, you were wrong.

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7 years ago

[…] Jeh Johnson may be using the Department of Homeland Security to blackmail Republicans into supporting gun control. […]

7 years ago

“Jeh Johnson shows his colors” … and those are mostly nuances of the color of fecal matter.