The Second Amendment Needs To Go?

Now is not the time to be triggering Conservative amygdalae:

I teach the Constitution for a living. I revere the document when it is used to further social justice and make our country a more inclusive one. I admire the Founders for establishing a representative democracy that has survived for over two centuries.

But sometimes we just have to acknowledge that the Founders and the Constitution are wrong. This is one of those times. We need to say loud and clear: The Second Amendment must be repealed.

You can see the essence of leftism here. Everything is about assuaging that amygdala. Where the Constitution can be used to assuage angst, he reveres it. Where he feels angst in the face of it, it must be altered to alleviate his angst. It is all the amygdala’s inability to tolerate hardship.

We will tolerate things we don’t like. Leftist speech, adverse consequences of some greater cause, even consequences we don’t like in a greater system we view as necessary.

This is what we will see after Orlando, because the left has a problem. An objective analysis cannot help but see the left’s insanity here. Import millions of Muslims from violent parts of the world, where the people hate us. It is as stupid as anything ever done by any nation. Now fifty people are dead, and anybody can see the cause.

The left now has a choice. Acknowledge they are stupid, or find some other potential cause to fixate on. The problem is the one thing a narcissist cannot do is acknowledge any personal failure. It will overwhelm their amygdala and devastate them with personal feelings of inadequacy and failure. So as a result, what we will now see is a left uncontrollably driven to fixate on guns, because the alternative is acknowledging that they themselves are idiots, and because of that stupidity they are importing the savages who are killing everyone.

You can see the foundation of that hedonistic psychology here, even in issues of policy. You can see how the mind is made to seize any opportunity for dopamine, and flee from any hardship or angst. You can even begin to see the underlying programming you’d need to understand to manipulate it. Avoid angst, assuage ego, and offer the prospect of being really brilliant and super-awesome, if you will just support “X.”

That is not the mindset that makes a great civilization from scratch. That is the mindset that destroys that which is great in an attempt to create a fantasy utopia that can never exist, and prove to everyone that their stupid ideas are not the problem – by doing their stupid ideas even more than before.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Guns, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Morals, Muslims, Narcissists, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] The Second Amendment Needs To Go? […]

7 years ago

There are about 900K LEOs in America. From the number of sworn officers, you have to assume that this confiscatory paramilitary force will have to follow the historical structure of military organizations, meaning that no more than 10% are actually the fighting spear, and the rest are support. That gives you 90K door kickers.

There were 5.4 MILLION NICS checks in America between Jan and May 2016. That’s at LEAST one gun per check, and like the Orlando shooter, it’s often two or more. If they wanted to pick up just those new sales, that would require each door kicker confiscating at LEAST SIX THOUSAND GUNS EACH. Assume the best case scenario for the gun grabbers, with 90% compliance. That’s never happened in earlier confiscations, but let’s say that Americans are PARTICULARLY compliant. (Australia had 20% compliance with their ban, with 80% of the guns being kept by their owners against the law, and English compliance with the shotgun ban was about 16%. Compliance with the NY SAFE act is around 5%.)

So lets say that they confiscate 90% of the guns in America. That still leaves SIX HUNDRED guns per door kicker, and these are being held by people who have affirmatively decided to fight for them. How many raids can you go on before you get zapped?

It sure isn’t six hundred. As the adage says, amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk logistics. A local DJ Russ Martin put it best, “You aren’t going to go door-to-door. You’re going to go door.”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

It would get sporty faster than you think. There are a lot of bloggers with Hundred Head Insurance Policies.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

And the websites themselves going dark would be plenty enough. Here’s some more fun keywords for you: stochastic communication insurgency

7 years ago

[…] Leftists are psychotic. […]