Leftists and Sexualizing Children

An interesting article here:

Germany’s left has its own tales of abuse. One of the goals of the German 1968 movement was the sexual liberation of children. For some, this meant overcoming all sexual inhibitions, creating a climate in which even pedophilia was considered progressive…

Nowadays, the stimulation of a child’s sex organs by an adult is clearly seen as criminal sexual assault. But for the revolutionaries of 1968, it was an educational tool that helped “create a new person,” according to the “Handbook of Positive Child Indoctrination,” published in 1971. “Children can learn to appreciate eroticism and sexual intercourse long before they are capable of understanding how a child is conceived. It is valuable for children to cuddle with adults. It is no less valuable for sexual intercourse to occur during cuddling…”

The parents also spent a long time discussing whether it was a good idea to have sex with their own children, so as to demonstrate the “naturalness” of sexual intercourse…

In a largely unnoticed appearance on French television on April 23, 1982, Cohn-Bendit, a member of the European Parliament today, said the following:

“At nine in the morning, I join my eight little toddlers between the ages of 16 months and 2 years. I wash their butts, I tickle them, they tickle me and we cuddle. ? You know, a child’s sexuality is a fantastic thing. You have to be honest and sincere. With the very young kids, it isn’t the same as it is with the four-to-six-year-olds. When a little, five-year-old girl starts undressing, it’s great, because it’s a game. It’s an incredibly erotic game.”

This was the leading edge of the intellectual left during a time of high rabbitism. It is tough to argue that today is much different as we are being told to let grown men share changing rooms and showers with little girls at gyms, and importing Muslims who rape children in high numbers. Ever wonder if there is an ulterior motive to that, or their import of child molesting foreigners?
Rough article to read, because you know those poor kids would grow up with the pain of abuse. It is tough to see a young life, full of joy, made unhappy by worthless individuals who should have been taken out and shot. It is like some third-world Muslim killing a member of the military with a family, or a junkie killing a cop with five kids. The utter worthlessness of the perpetrator just makes the massive cost of their act that much more enraging.

It does raise the question, why would intellectual ideas about uniform resource allocation to all, be so intertwined with a drive to justify both sex with children, and the removal of sexual inhibitions in society? What could the linkage be?

Notice that when you encounter ideological capitalists, they will rant and rave about governmental interference in the markets. They will curse external constraints on their own behavior, with respect to resource acquisition. Yet bring up sex, especially with children, and they will call for constraints, from every angle. They want the constraints applied to everyone, just as much as a leftist wants governmental control of resource allocation. The capitalist’s true issue is not freedom – it is the K-strategy.

The thing with leftists is, they have a rabbit psychology. It unnerves them, because when they look around and see a K-strategist wolf society around them, it makes no sense. Physically, the wolves look just like the rabbits. Why are the wolves so wolfy, and not like the rabbits? Why do the wolves have to be so scary? Why do they frown on all the hedonistic rabbit’s urges? To the rabbit, everything would be so much nicer, and their lives would be so much easier, if everyone were just a rabbit.

From there, it is a small jump for them to conclude that the wolves have something wrong with them – something it is up to the rabbits to fix.

When they are given access to children, from there, the destruction begins.

This entry was posted in Liberals, Morals, Pedophilia, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Rearing Differences, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Leftists and Sexualizing Children […]

Robert What?
Robert What?
7 years ago

Our society has extremely schizophrenic attitudes towards sex and children. (Actually, to sex in general.) Children are supposed to be treated as if sex doesn’t exist, and yet the society surrounds them with sexualized messages and images. How is the subject of child sexualty treated in a truly K strategies society? Firstly, I suspect that anyone who presented deliberately sexualized messages to children would not live very long.

7 years ago

[…] Why are leftists obsessed with sexualizing children? […]

7 years ago

“Sex education” is their big victory. It should be up to the parents, with school resources.
If you want to know what it’s like inside the mind of a narcissist, this is the true face of evil.
http://imgur.com/gallery/6xmzwJA Never forget it, never take pity and never trust them.
These people are monsters.

7 years ago

Robert, if you would just take the “T” off the end of rabbit, you’d find your way to Kinsey, Freud, Frankfurt School, Boas, Miley Cyrus’ manager, and Hollywood, to name but a few.

You’d also find out that people who present deliberately sexualized messages to children live for a long time, are disproportionately wealthy, and command a high degree of power in universities, news, publishing, and other entertainment and government media. Those people have an extraordinarily disproportionately high number of everything, from exclusive countries to billionaires to Senators to movie producers, and, in the extremely rare circumstances where they are finally caught raping white children through open confession, they receive very short, very gentle prison terms, and are able to buy bodyguards for their time in prison, then exit prison on parole and retire with millions.

Mantis Toboggan
Mantis Toboggan
Reply to  higharka
7 years ago

What an insane comment. Just come out and say that it’s a Jewish conspiracy, why don’t you.

For what it’s worth, Jewish people are overrepresented in every single category, both far-left and far-right. So yes, you see a lot of Jews on the far left, like Chomsky, Aulinsky, etc, but you also see a lot of Jews on the right, like David Horowitz, Daniel Greenfield, etc.

Jews are just smart, so they tend to get to the top of whatever cause or organization they choose to do for a living. If they choose music, they will become some of the best musicians in the world. If they choose medicine, they will rise to the top of that as well. And yes, if they choose politics or culture, they will be some of the most influential members of that field as well. But they will all disagree with each other on just about everything. Some of them will be far left, some will be far right, plus all the combinations in between. You ask 10 Jews a question and you’ll get 15 opinions.

Yes, there are many evil leftists who happen to be Jewish, but you have to look deeper than the fact that you see a lot of Jews among a group you dislike. Most of these guys are actually self-hating idiots, because the stuff they do is extremely anti-western and aims to destabilize the societies in which they live, especially Israel. It’s a shame that many of the biggest israel bashers are Jews, like Chomsky, Stuart, Greenwald, etc.

How someone like you can look at the fact that many of these super far-left idiots are Jews, but not see that their behavior is in the exact opposite interests of any kind of Jewish conspiracy. How is having ultra-hard leftists around like Chomsky or Greenwald good for world Jewry or Israel?

The reason you see lots of influential leftist Jews is not because they all have an evil plan, it’s because they are clever.

Reply to  Mantis Toboggan
7 years ago

Disgusting. You’ve provided an embarrassing example of r-strategist behavior, supporting the members of the outgroup at the expense of your own group. From Anonymous Conservative:

“Since group competition will not arise in the r-selected environment, r-type organisms will not exhibit loyalty to fellow members of their species, or a drive to sacrifice on their behalf…K-types tried to purge the disloyalty, selfishness, and promiscuity of the r-types, while r-types tried to use deception, as well as…rule-breaking and lack of loyalty…

“Liberalism will also tend to produce a less cohesive society, due to its inherently selfish nature, and its openness to outsider’s interests.”

In the twentieth century, Semitic invaders tricked peasants into slaughtering dozens of millions of Europoids in Russia while dozens of millions of other Europoids, in Europe, were killed rearranging imperial structures to form a “United Nations” of wealth redistribution to Negroids and Mongoloids, with the primary and initial beneficiaries being the Semitic welfare queens in Israel. Even now, Europoids are forced to pay billions of dollars in taxes each year to fund Israel, and to spend hundreds of billions more, along with sacrificing thousands of their children, to destroy Israel’s regional enemies. Our people can’t even pass laws in our own countries without a 1/4 Jewish advisory majority (E.U.) or a 1/3 Israeli Supreme Court (U.S.) taking away Europoid rights to protect children from the early sexualization and the mandatory use of transgender drugs on preteen children.

You’re welcome to side with the wandering traders who’ve never been able to grow their own food, build their own weapons, or pay for their own houses without tricking Whites into providing those things. One of the bonuses of the internet age is that people across the entire world are now getting to share a current understanding of this exploitation. The lies are being checked, and when the shit hits the fan, you will be gently escorted to Israel to see how long you and your buddies can survive against the Arab hordes WITHOUT our $4 billion yearly care packages, and without our every-other-decade toppling of an unfriendly regime next door.

And by the way, before the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade gets you, you’ll be ineligible for citizenship, voting, or holding non-service jobs. And you’ll see how fast AR-15 ammo runs out when the traitor Senators and Brusselscrats stop misdirecting White dollars to your new bosses. My guess is, you’ll be dumped in Gaza to starve along with the other goyim.

Enjoy the other side.

Gentile Ben
Gentile Ben
7 years ago

A reminder that Gay Liberation initially included pedophilia. They dropped NAMBLA and rode AIDS to PR victory after victory.

My prediction is that after World War G (now victorious) and T (nearing total victory) will come P. I used to think that transsexual children and bug-chasing would be the limit cases, that outright pedophilia, once embraced by the left and gays, would remain associated with churches and social conservatives to prove the innate evil of the latter.

Never underestimate the flexibility of the Left. At the turn of the century the left hated fat people and never missed a chance to excoriate fat, Big Mac-chomping flyover Americans. Now “fat shaming” is twinned with cross burning.

File under “Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.”

Reply to  Gentile Ben
7 years ago

Ben, you should look into the work of Dr. Norman Spack–he’s one of the current big advocates for child “sex-change” operations.