Matt Forney Cover’s Milo’s Rabbit Riot

Milo ran into another group of pink shirts at his event at DePaul University. Looking to get the real scoop, I headed over to Matt Forney, who can be counted on for incredibly insightful, reader-supported, in-person coverage of much of the political action this year:

Unfortunately, in a low-energy repeat of what happened to Donald Trump in March, a gang of violent Marxists invaded the venue and shut it down, forcing Milo to flee for his life. Not only that, both the DePaul security guards (whom the university had forced the event organizers to pay an extra $1,000 for) and Chicago police officers on the scene did nothing.

Even worse, not only were the protesters physically attacking Milo’s fans, I was assaulted by a fat chick who tried to steal my phone.

You can’t get better on the ground, in-person coverage than that. Matt was literally fighting off fat chicks who were trying to steal his shit, as he was trying to get the story. Click over – its a great read. And if you can contribute, it’ll produce more great on-the-ground coverage like that.

It is also worth noting that they are quoting Matt Forney’s political coverage on twitter at Breitbart now.

Some were blaming the cops, but the cops leaked out that they wanted to help, but were ordered not to:

I talked to a few of the dozen Chicago police officers eventually called into the building, and they were irate. They were well-trained, and well-equipped to handle scenarios such as this. They wanted to do their job, and remove the protesters, but administrators demanded they stand passively and watch.

Yeah – #Blacklivesmatters punks in need of beatings – I’ll bet the cops wanted to get up there and get into it. The real issue is that things are still relatively r, so the cops’ brains calculated their response using a lower level of baseline amygdala agitation. Likewise there were more than a few K’s in the crowd who wanted to run up on the stage and set things straight, but their brains performed similar calculations. Attacking would have been an amygdala stimulant, not an amygdala relaxant.

That means of calculating responses is a feature, not a bug. If things are r, and you behave in a K-fashion, you will not alter the underlying r-status of the environmental resources, and you will endure the great costs that come from being K in an r-world. The K-cops who acted would cease to be cops, and we’d lose their support when the real shit hits the fan. The K-students who acted would be expelled, and we would lose their support at the university.

The well adapted K will bottle up his rage, knowing how the story ends. As he does, that bottled rage will reform his brain into a more K-mindset, without him even needing to do anything. One day, real K will arrive and that rage will be allowed to freely burst forth, but for now obey your instincts. They aren’t forged into your brain by accident.

To understand the K-shift that is coming, imagine if those cops’ amygdalae were lit up for the entire week prior, because five of their brothers were killed in the line of duty by the savages which the #BLM movement supported. Imagine if every day held a threat of running into an armed robber and being killed. Their amygdalae would have been in high gear for weeks on end, reforming their brains, and seeking any opportunity to blow off a little of the built-up steam. Imagine the moment they walked through the door and into Milo’s event. Imagine if the members of the crowd had trouble finding food to feed their families because idiot liberals destroyed our economic system. Imagine they had all gotten IRS audit notices earlier in the day, because the government wanted to rip them off some more so the rabbits could continue to play. All those amygdalae seeking relief would have been a powderkeg in search of a spark.

Everyone’s amygdala, in high gear already, and then you have these assholes parading around on stage making threats. Imagine what you’d do personally to these assholes, as the reigns of civility slipped, the crowd surged forward, and the rules suddenly gave way to a free flowing melee. Imagine how it would relax your amygdala.

Patience. ITZ coming.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Matt Forney Cover’s Milo’s Rabbit Riot […]

7 years ago

Yeah, one of these days it is going to end very badly for the rabbits. In the case of DePaul, all it would have taken is for one audience member to walk up to the stage and yank that black guy off of it. That would likely have triggered a riot where the protesters would be pounded into a pulp.

When folks realize that the laws no longer protect them, a few will stand up to protect the rest. It will be violent and bloody. Dark days are ahead.

7 years ago

[…] Anonymous Conservative on the attack on Milo at DePaul. […]

Edwin Oslan
7 years ago

Is it Matt Forney telling that girl to lose weight an example of K strategy?

Edwin Oslan
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

I wasn’t relating Trump’s strategy to r selection so much as using the Rules for Radicals template, especially the “push the negative until it becomes a positive” rule, hence the “triggered” protesters that attempt to shut down his rallies and just make him look like the victor in the end, but I guess that is what you describe as him using r strategy.

So, in other words, Forney was just being a dick? I saw the clip and thought it was funny, especially when she shrieked, “racist!”

Edwin Oslan
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

I getcha. Please don’t think that as a criticism of Forney, haha. Maybe I’m a tad jealous I’m missing out on all that excitement. I definitely plan on going to the next Milo speaking engagement, or the next Lauren Southern one or anyone that would piss off SJWs.

Reply to  Edwin Oslan
7 years ago

Dealing with leftist should be easy, I recommend 7.62x54r. Ironically, that’s what the Soviet military used for decades…

7 years ago

”To understand the K-shift that is coming, imagine if those cops’ amygdalae were lit up for the entire week prior, because five of their brothers were killed in the line of duty by the savages which the #BLM movement supported.”

Cops get regularly killed in the line of duty in South America by Criminals who wage war against them.

They create unofficial death squads to root them out and kill them in response.

7 years ago

What puzzles me is, since when do the police take orders from college administrators when there are OBVIOUS CRIMES being committed?? Something smells here.