Maybe Paddock’s Laptop Wasn’t Missing Its Hard Drive After All

When officer’s bodycam footage was just released, it was noticed that Paddock’s laptop was booted and running in the hotel room.

It is possible the drive was removed after it was booted, and then he left the Laptop on there to be found like that. Or maybe he booted from a thumb drive. But it would seem most likely that laptop had the drive in it, and the drive disappeared after the officers on scene were forced out by whoever took over the scene.

Plus, unless Paddock left the hotel, whatever he would have done with the laptop’s drive would have been recorded on video. So either he started the laptop much earlier, left it running after stripping the drive, and then disposed of the hard drive on an outing outside the hotel on which he was not followed (I suspect unlikely for several reasons), or somebody has the drive and has purposely disappeared it.

A mysterious case grows even more mysterious.

The body cam footage is below:

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because nothing is what it seems, as time goes on

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5 years ago

Win10 will crash almost instantly if you remove the boot drive. It’s possible that he was running it from a thumb drive and had removed the hard drive, but that speaks of a much higher level of sophistication than we have been led to believe he had.

5 years ago

I have a theory, what if uBeam or something similar is making that ultrasonic tech you think affects people? It hasn’t released to market, gets a lot of funding and physicists say it is too low level to charge a phone. But totally safe.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I think the “Smart meters” being Pushed hard/forced on us here in the UK is in someway connected to surveillance (or as a component of a weapon)
Permanently connected to a power supply, and the wiring in your home, transmitting? Along with Energy usage data via the transmission lines or 5G, the 5G element also having the potential as a weapon microwaving our DNA?

I receive weekly encouragement via Snailmail to accept a smart meter even though I’ve already called my supplier and refused/opted out, the (EU) regulations requiring their usage by 2020…doesn’t help!

I’ll get my [Tin foil] coat!

Reply to  Mr Twister
5 years ago

I’ve worked on smart meter stuff, so this is in my bailiwick. There are surveillance aspects of it (the info is granular enough to tell things like when you are taking a shower, when your stove is on, when you’ve opened the fridge door, etc) but that’s just gravy.

The power companies are pushing them because it gives them the ability to save money when balancing the load on the grid without having to bring up peak-load plants. That’s why there is a big push to make them cheaper and cheaper (28xnumber of homes in the UK, or even more, $30×100 million homes in the US) to get that contract.

The way the grid works, you have to be making enough electricity to meet all the loads at that moment. You can’t save energy (much, there are tricks with things like capacitor banks but that is at the end user side) for later, so the old way was to have enough generation to meet the highest level possible based on what is being used now. With smart meters, they can get enough data that they only need to handle the peaks for the next few minutes, not hours.

That doesn’t mean that they aren’t used for surveillance. This is actually how the Cabal likes to work. They don’t have to do anything but let the need for efficiency put all the wiretaps (Alexa, Siri) in the house and then plug into them. I think that they spend a lot more time on preventing things that would disrupt that tide.

Toshiba has a design for a shipping container sized, entirely autonomous nuclear power plant. It lasts over 50 years, gets buried in a concrete vault, doesn’t contain any materials that cold be converted to a bomb, can’t melt down, and supplies power at pennies on the KwH (amortizing the cost out over 50 years, with interest.) IIRC, it’s the size you would need to supply a few city blocks or apartment blocks per.

That would make us MUCH more resilient, much more efficient, much cleaner, and eliminate the need for metering.

The only places using them are Pakistan, India, and China. Howaboutdat?

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

£28m per Smart meter?
Sounds like the Cabal REALLY want them in all of our homes..