Homeland Security To Collect All Relevant Information About Bloggers And Social Media Influencers

Here we go:

Many were hoping that once Barack Obama was out of office we would see less of this Big Brother surveillance nonsense, but instead it seems to be getting even worse.

In fact, the Department of Homeland Security has just announced that it intends to compile a comprehensive list of hundreds of thousands of “journalists, editors, correspondents, social media influencers, bloggers etc.”, and collect any “information that could be relevant” about them.

So if you have a website, an important blog or you are just very active on social media, the Department of Homeland Security is going to put you on a list and will start collecting information about you. The DHS has already announced that it will hire a contractor to aid in monitoring media coverage, and they will definitely need plenty of help because it is going to be a very big job..

Horrifying to see it in print, even though it is already being done.

Again, intelligence gathering of all relevant information means surveillance, and that does not roll out piecemeal. It is a package, which will now drop on all the bloggers, media influencers, and anyone else who has an opinion online. It will be technical surveillance set up on their residence, physical following them, and mass data-dumps into their file. Think they don’t have the resources? Think again. These bloggers and influencers will at some point have aviation, with the amazing tech they have packed into those planes, simply because they posted an opinion online and other Americans thought it was a solidly thought out opinion. Some will see their coverage, and get even more to cow them into line, and some will not.

But everyone who writes an opinion will now understand that the government will know exactly who they are, it will know all their secrets, and it will be watching what they say, as they say it, and deciding whether what is being said is good for the people in power or whether an attitude adjustment is in order. Some of the writers will play the game and write what is wanted of them, and they will see their stars rise. Others will write honestly, be pushed around, and resist the pushing. And they will have a tougher path. But on the whole, the social media infrastructure and blogosphere will gradually be molded, with the most popular sites being the ones who play ball.

You know Trump would not want this. Leftists will abuse this like nobody’s business as a matter of course. Cuckservatives and GOP, Inc. will too, because they are just as much a part of Cabal as Hillary Clinton. And none of those want Donald Trump elected, or anyone else who would honestly represent the people. This might as well be named the new Department of Establishment and Cuckservative Protection for the Good of Cabal, Inc.

People keep showing up here claiming Trump is not who he appears to be. So far I disagree, ardently. But we will know whether Donald Trump is real-deal or not conclusively. I’ll tell you when the time comes, because I have an iron-clad window into the effectiveness of the Storm, and the level of freedom in America.

I’m betting in six years all of this will be a bad memory.

But I will let you know either way.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because there is a machine, watching your every move…

This entry was posted in Cabal Inc., Conspiracy, Intel, Politics, Surveillance, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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5 years ago

“Relevant information” would obviously include not only a writer’s blog/site, but also the identities of those who comment and ping back to the blog, blogs those commenters (and the blog writer) comment on and link to on social media, etc., to build a personal and professional connection “web” of targeted individuals.

I agree, it is scary to see it in print. I suspect the announcement itself serves as an opening move to see how people react and to start some people along the path to compliance: “We acknowledge we are monitoring everything you do, just as you suspected.”

5 years ago

They already do this. The government has been doing this at least since 1997 with the Lewinsky thing. Cabalite Corporates were also doing this without official DHS help. It doesn’t really help them though to waste resources on this stuff. You can sue the government, you can’t sue a contractor based out of China. Once you can’t sue the government and nobody cares the government is screwed- because it’s looking inside the country and not outside. The outside threat will kill it. All a patriot has to do is be quiet and wait.