MS-13 Sweeps Happening In Secret


It was a tally so impressive that President Donald Trump touted it at his State of the Union address: Since May, agents cracking down on the violent gangs terrorizing the working-class suburbs of Long Island had swept up 428 gang suspects, including 220 members of the notorious MS-13.

But the sweep, Operation Matador, also has been shrouded in secrecy. Federal and state authorities have declined repeated requests from The Associated Press for even basic information made public in most law enforcement operations, such as the names of those arrested and the crimes they are accused of committing.

They won’t divulge their ages, immigration statuses or current whereabouts. And while they say 44 of those arrested have been deported, they refuse to say what happened to the rest, including whether they are even still in custody. They say releasing more details could endanger the suspects and jeopardize ongoing investigations…

A federal judge overseeing the case ruled the plaintiffs deserve prompt hearings and released at least nine. The judge ordered the government to disclose how many were being held. The government has not done so.

Who might want to kill MS-13 members? What investigations could require they be completely erased from the system? Why is this uncommon? Why hasn’t this happened before? And is it me, or does that last paragraph have the feel of a Deep State judge running interference for the machine and seeking intel, and a governmental apparatus on the other side playing for keeps, and ignoring whatever is not conducive to its objectives, no matter the rules, or rulings.

Q has said democrat Deep State operators were using gangs like MS-13 as muscle to run operations they wanted taken care of kinetically. As one example, he claims Seth Rich was killed by MS-13. And that reminds me of the similar case of Quarles Harris, with a good rundown here:

This is not the first controversy for John Brennan. During the 2008 run up to the elections, it was announced that President Obama’s passport information had been breached. It was later discovered that the breach was an employee of Brennan’s, while Brennan was working for candidate Obama at the time. His employee had also breached the records of John McCain and Hillary Clinton, possibly as a red herring.

It has never been established why Brennan wanted to get into President Obama’s files but Obama could have authorized him to at any time. The employee who breached the accounts was never fired and a key witness in the case was found murdered outside his church, while the investigation was still ongoing. The witness, Lt. Quarles Harris Jr, was cooperating with federal authorities at the time of his death. The investigation died with him.

This report of secret MS-13 arrests might be what you could expect with a Top Secret investigation of illegal covert intelligence operations by the Deep State, using gangs as a tool of violence and subjugation. It wouldn’t be the first time leftists coopted a violent subgroup within the population to try and subjugate their political enemies with force, and even make some disappear.

I find it interesting because I had heard a story of a case where it seemed such a gang was being protected by one high-ranking agency. The high-ranking agency came in and seized jurisdiction from another LE agency and forced them out of the gang’s areas of operations – and then appeared to do nothing for years. At the time I assumed it was Obama trying to shield illegals, even criminal ones, from deportation and imprisonment by any intrepid local or federal law enforcement who would have taken on the gangs.

If Q is right, one of the things he may be talking about when he says they cannot reveal everything, is that there will be more than a few dead Police Officers that are among the Deep State’s final tally, and if that came out, the ability of local Law Enforcement to work with the Federal level would be forever destroyed, and we would be well on the way to a civil war, even among local and federal government law enforcement agencies.

Interesting to see Q’s stories be consistent with the evidence in multiple places.

Spread r/K Theory, because there are things going on of which we are not aware

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6 years ago

This isn’t new, the CIA made extensive use of the Italian mafia in the 50’s and 60’s. There were more unspoken rules back then though. Everyone followed them. Nowadays? No rules, its just savage.

6 years ago

You read it here first, there are few social problems that can’t be solved with tree chippers and pigs (to dispose of the chippings). Think what good things we could buy with all the gold in their jewelry and teeth!

Reply to  Dave
6 years ago
6 years ago

“They won’t divulge their ages, immigration statuses or current whereabouts”

It would be great if the gang members are being covertly executed. There is no good reason for them to be left alive. They are demonic in appearance, and pure evil.

6 years ago

The Narco’s TV series which aired on Netflix is a good insight into the absolute ruthlessness and genocidal nature of those criminals.

6 years ago

Those drug gangs will not hesitate to assassinate anyone who go against them. From Mayors to presidential candidates.

Silver of Lead

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