National Review Linked To This Site! (Hooray!)

But it was only to make fun of it (Aaawww!):

The body-snatched Republicans will become ever more serviceable dummies for the master of rectal ventriloquism. Principled conservatives won’t vanish — though some trolls keep telling me we’ll all be hung, gassed, or killed by the coming mobs. Rather, we will become increasingly irrelevant, cast into the same peanut gallery as our libertarian cousins.

In a case of another high followed by a low, I thought for a minute he might have seen the piece because he lurked here, but then I realized Vox linked to me a couple of days earlier, and he probably just saw it there.

The final high followed by a low was that I assumed this site had finally made it, and Drudge-level traffic would be immediately forthcoming. Sadly, had I not been watching my referrers closely I would not have noticed this link due to any traffic spike. Saturday was actually about 5% down from my average daily pageviews for September (compared to a several hundred percent first-day surge from any Vox Popoli link-in). Of course it brings me back to a high since this site now gets enough traffic that a link from NR can fly right under the radar, totally unnoticed. A year and a half back, that link could have doubled my daily traffic. But I am still appreciative to Jonah for the link, what with not looking a gift horse in the mouth, and whatnot.

Jonah is right though. I was trolling him with that comment, just on the off chance the piece came to his attention. “John Birch’ing” the alt-right was an attempt at a dogwhistle designed to trigger the alt-right with an image of being out-grouped, and the masses turning on it. Of course the alt-right, by and large, wasn’t bullied as kids. So as with most dogwhistles aimed at the right, it went over everybody’s heads. Not that I think Jonah sat down with a pad and planned all that out. These things are innate. To paraphrase Eric Hoffer, people threaten you with that they fear most. Being John Birched was his fear.

I mainly find it all interesting in light of his final line, highlighting his real fear – “… we [establishment conservatives] will become increasingly irrelevant, cast into the same peanut gallery as our libertarian cousins.” Not to put too strong a point on it, but that is out-grouping he just described, not liberal domination. What would you fear more, being in the peanut gallery, or seeing liberals win and be happy, as the nation is turned liberal with foreign immigration from third-world dictatorships?

The gist of Jonah’s article is that Trump will be a quasi Democrat who will pull the country and the party to the left, and that will be bad for conservatism. His preference would have been to elect Jeb Bush, who then could have enlarged government, kept the IRS targeting the Tea Party, and demonized conservatives, only to hand the nation to Bernie after 8 years, just as Bush 43 followed the same plan and then handed the nation to Obama.

Really, when the IRS is targeting the Tea Party, and Donald will stop that and Hillary won’t, it pretty much separates the conservatives from the cucks. If you are loyal to your fellow conservatives you will do anything to stop their persecution, including supporting Trump. If not, then it is meaningless to you, because you aren’t really loyal to the people who make up the movement.

If you are not loyal to the people who make up the movement, how could you possibly be a part of it, let alone expect to lead it?

That disloyalty is why the establishment is destined to end up in the peanut gallery.

This entry was posted in Amygdala Hijack, Cuckservatives, GOPocalypse, Out-grouping, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.