New Info On Shooter of Seth Rich Investigator

Very interesting:

…conservative lobbyist Jack Burkman baffled some people when he paid for a private investigation to find the killer.

Then in March, Burkman himself became the victim of a mysterious shooting and was hit by an SUV in a parking garage when he was picking up documents from someone he thought was an FBI whistleblower.

Using fingerprints, detectives tracked down the suspect and it turned out to be Kevin Doherty, a man who had worked for Burkman on the Seth Rich case.

ABC7 obtained a new search warrant which shows Doherty bought a rifle, then rented a black Lincoln Navigator on the morning of the shooting, and returned it in Boston the next day…

But the new records also show the SUV had GPS, which put the Lincoln at the Marriott in Rosslyn during the shooting and at a Leesburg field later.

This was the guy who took out an ad to find an investigator, not realizing Cabal surveillance would have picked up on that immediately, and sent in their own informant/spy to answer the ad and get close to him.

It is mainly interesting to me because it feels like Cabal is not sending it’s “A” team out anymore. If they were running flush with cash and in control, this guy would have run the close surveillance to gather the intelligence for a hit, and then a hitter unrelated to anyone involved would have come in from nowhere and done the job professionally, before disappearing into the ether. This feels like they couldn’t find a hitter to do the job, and just offered to throw a wad of cash at the infiltration guy if he could pull the hit off, so he gave it a shot looking for a big payday and a promotion in the ranks of Cabal, Inc.

Of course had this case been investigated like Seth Rich’s case, this guy would never have even been picked up.

It seems times are changing all around, on all sides of the equation.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because all signs point to the fall of the Cabal

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5 years ago

IMHO – the “Cabal” has never had an “A Team.”

They are up against a President who means it when he says “No More!!!”

June 5th. More popcorn and beer needed.

5 years ago

Lol, the A team knows to stay away or has turned towards the light. It’s just a matter of time now, the obvious screw ups will get bigger and bigger.

Robert What?
5 years ago

It could alternatively mean that the cabal are so sure of their power and control that they don’t give a shit. After all, who’s going to investigate it, the utterly corrupted FBI? Who’s going to prosecute it, the corrupted DOJ? Who’s going to report on it, corrupted, partisan Media? The cabal have nothing to worry about and they know it. Thus the sloppiness.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

“…It is mainly interesting to me because it feels like Cabal is not sending it’s “A” team out anymore…”

WOW!!! I think you’re right about it not being the “A” team but I would go farther and say that they never had much of a “A” team in the first place. Imagine the people that work for them. They allowed themselves to be blackmailed into having sex with children or some other very vile behavior. They did something really stupid or greedy to get in this situation. Like the guys who jump parole that the the police call up and tell them they won a free big screen TV they need to come pick up. When they get there they of course arrest them. Lots of average people know that staying out late in seedy places leads to trouble yet these people do. I’ve no doubt they have some smart people but the real power they have is immunity from arrest because they’re the people in charge of arresting. Nothing else. Look at these people who case people. They’re not geniuses at all. They just have enough cash to hire a lot of duffuses to spend time tracking people. These people have nothing better to do. People on the go would be bored to dead with these meaningless jobs watching people who do nothing and wouldn’t stay with them long.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

That’s true, they never had much of an A team to begin with. The best “whackers”, ex-higher end SF, don’t get into that kind of trouble and don’t just kill people in the US without a whole lot of questions (these guys take their oaths seriously). Now, foreigners on the other hand, MI6, Frogs, Mongs (Chinese/Rus), Poos, Mossad and of course ISIS and MS13- those fuckheads will whack all over the place.

5 years ago

Look at G Gordon Liddy and his plumbing team’s job. This is the A Team.

Gum Boocho
Gum Boocho
Reply to  everlastingphelps
5 years ago

Are you sure that G. Gordon Liddy was not a big blunderer who destroyed Nixon & the GOP whom he was trying to help?

5 years ago

Another possibility: Investigator/Shooter found something he wasn’t supposed to find. Maybe he passes it on to Burkman thinking it is not relevant or of little consequence. Later, however, he learns — to his horror — that the information he found and passed on to his “boss” was very important.

[Note: This scenario happens all the time when you investigate something, which is why you often periodically review everything you find looking for new connections.]

Anyway, realizing what he’s done, Doherty needs to shut up Burkman because he can’t count on Burkman not putting things together himself. He has to do it before people with expensive, professional hitters start looking for Doherty too. So, seeing precious few other options, he decides to engage in some half-assed self-help.

Of course, now he has a great deal of trouble on his hands because: (1) he’s going to go to prison, where he’s almost certainly a dead man; (2) Burkman is looking at everything this guy told him to figure out what the hell happened; and (3) smarter people realize that even arranging an accident for Burkman is going to attract much unwanted attention and who is probably appropriately paranoid now.

Gen. Kong
Gen. Kong
5 years ago

One often encounters the assertions (from Q, for example) that “these people are stupid” or that “they don’t have the A-team in play any more”, but these are mis-characterizations. The Body-Snatchers managed to take near-total control of not only an entire country, but an entire civilization (what was once known as ‘Christendom’). While they are absolutely evil to the very core of their being, they didn’t accomplish the wholesale takeover and destruction they have by being stupid. If they are stupid, it means the white-hats are even more so (e.g. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king). I suspect Basil’s theory is more in line with what actually happened here. The fact that they now have this problem is more Divine Providence than any stupidity on their part.

Also please note that all of the really bad actors (Soros, the Clintons, the Bushes, Epstein, Obama, Holder, Lynch, Jarrett, the FBI – even McCabe) are all walking free (and even signing multi-million dollar deals with Netflix). Not one has even been charged, much less arrested. Yes Harvey the Hutt has actually been arrested, but it’s worth noting that the whole series of revelations (the #me too gang) about Harvey’s notorious casting couch (even I knew of this long ago – and I’m not a follower of Pedowood or of the degenerate popular culture) were brought out by the filthy liars (((Ministry of Truth))). This is probably a gambit to either keep the really disgusting stuff (pedos and their rapes and murders of underage kids down to toddlers) under wraps or to minimize it when it starts to ooze out. Ol’ Harv had no problem coming up with a million in pocket-change to get out of jail, either.

The Body-Snatchers are not to be underestimated. They’ve had many decades of control – probably well over a century and there are no doubt many dead-man switches in place to ensure they remain untouchable. Fighting them means the white-hats must defuse a series of massive, complex bombs. Seth Rich was merely one of a long string of murders the Body-Snatchers have gotten away with. There was obviously a serious attempt by the deep-state to derail Trump’s dealing with Kim-Jong Un which thankfully seems to be back on track at least for now. This isn’t the action of a near-defeated enemy – though it shows they regard Trump as a deadly threat. Things do not yet have the look and feel of the WW II eastern front after Stalingrad or even the western front after D-Day (the long retreat of the Germans from relentless advances by the allies). We certainly hope to see this soon, of course. The constant premature declarations of total victory by the Q folks (followed by months of no visible activity to destroy the bad actors), are not terribly productive nor are they good for morale.

5 years ago

They did a pretty half-ass job of forging Obama’s birth certificate, as well. They’re used to operating in a Kabuki theatre world, where all they have to do is go through the motions.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  SteveRogers42
5 years ago

You really have to wonder if the forging Obama’s birth certificate was incompetence or a big “fuck you, you can’t do anything about it” to demoralize people it was so poorly done.

Gen. Kong
Gen. Kong
Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

Bingo. The whole “fuck you, you can’t do anything about it” is a huge motivation for those Ann Barnhardt terms as Diabolical Narcissists, which describes all of the Body-Snatchers and their high-level nomenklatura are. Orwell even mentioned this in the book 1984 when the ultimate motivation of the overlords was described as “a boot, stamping on a human face forever”.