News Briefs – 05/31/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Iran’s Rouhani going to Iran to try and save the Iranian Nuclear deal. This makes no sense, unless Iran is trying to make a deal to have China shut down the deal with North Korea, reestablish Cabal, and strengthen the architects behind the Axis-of-Evil-as-Cabal-redoubt model.

Ukraine faked the murder of Russian Journalist to thwart a possible Russian assasination attempt Whenever I see “Russian assassination attempt” now, I wonder whether Cabal is involved somehow, either to alienate other countries from Russia, or they tried to kill the journalist for uncovering something.

EU is planning drastic funding cuts to nationalist countries. Because resource restriction mixed with unfairness will combine to definitely diminish K-attitudes.

City will award stipends of up to $1000 a month to people most likely to shoot someone. Part of me wonders if this arbitrary allocation of resources is just a cover for payouts to domestic informants. Regardless, flooding free resources might actually r-ify individuals.

Harvey Weinstein indicted on rape and sexual assault. If there is a dirty ring coordinating with Cabal in Hollywood, Weinstein will know, and will do anything to save himself.

Chick-Fil-A honored fallen soldiers on Memorial day with an empty table with a folded flag on it.

Bush Era DOJ report recommended felony charges for Oxycontin execs.

Strzok’s father worked in Africa for companies linked to, and funded by CIA. It is all one big club, with those on the inside and those not.

Young Boy with Muscular Dystrophy hugs Trump after he signs Right To Try Bill. Sweet video, because the young boy goes to hug Trump as Trump starts to turn away, and the kid stops, and then seamlessly rests on the Presidential desk like he shouldn’t have tried, then Trump sees him and hugs him.

Trump asks all FBI infiltrators at his rally to raise their hands. None took the bait. Unsaid is that there were undoubtedly some spies who went and reported everything back in an after action briefing.

Drudge points out maker of Ambien piles on Rosanne, calls her racist, as it drugs a generation. I had an uncle who said he would wake up with bruises from sleepwalking, and his doctor said it was not uncommon.

CNN brings on woman whose husband was deported, she shocks hosts by supporting Trump and saying immigrants need to obey the law

Gavin Newsom says he sees no evidence of a Blue Wave, even in heavily blue states.

Joy Behar claims that the booming economy is actually Obama’s doing.

Interesting article on Google developing militarized AI for the DOD. Quotes secret google documents trying to cover up the nature of the work, and Google leaders saying they purposely supplanted US defense contractors, because this powerful technology is best developed by international entities like Google, instead of Nationalistic defense contractors owned by one country. Sounds like Cabal telling us to trust them to secure international peace for all mankind by letting them handle development of all our most powerful autonomous-killing wind-up toys, capable of depopulating the globe. Vault-Co was right again.

Starbucks Racial Training Narrator Has History Of Disparaging Racemixing

Fox may pick up Rosanne, and bring the show back. The only thing better will be if they recast all the anti-Rosanne costars, and it is a hit.

France clears 1000 migrants out of largest migrant encampment. Used Bulldozers to clear up tents afterward.

Public school teacher and feminist wanted to shoot up Las Vegas concert while her favorite band played her favorite song, to empower a feminist #metoo movement encouraging women to mass murder.

Consumer confidence at a 17 year high.

NY Times admits it lied about Trump’s Rally size.

Kim Jong Un cried over North Korea’s bad economy. He may have been under a lot more stress, from a lot more stuff than this article is acknowledging.

Spread r/K Theory, because Q is coming

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5 years ago

Looks like the Ukrainians beat the Russians for once, at incompetence.

5 years ago

Ambien is classed as a sedative-HYPNOTIC.

5 years ago

Sometimes I am quite useful.