New Poll – NFL Losing To Trump

Not surprising in some ways, surprising in others:

Q7: Last week, Donald Trump said NFL players should stand and be respectful during the national anthem. Do you think NFL players should stand and be respectful during the national anthem?

Yes: 64%
No: 25%
Unsure: 11%

It is not surprising that Trump is winning already, even before talking about it at a Patrolman’s Benevolent Association convention to the cheers of Police Officers or at a VFW convention to the cheers of veterans. It is not surprising if he would have slightly higher support than he won the election by.

What is surprising is that he has 64% support, and only 25% would oppose Donald Trump. We have been told President Trump is Hitler, and resisting him is a solemn duty of all Americans. We were told Black Lives Matters is a very influential protest movement that everyone supports. We are told all minorities oppose Trump. yet if you added every black and Hispanic in the nation, you would just about have 25%. And you know most of those 25% are white liberals.

In fact if the left is honest when they assess how many Americans are liberal, 25% means not even every liberal opposes Donald Trump.

This means that President Trump is now conditioning 64% of the nation to feel he represents their interests. Probably 52 or 53 percent were already supporters (not all vote). So that means he is increasing his support, and the number of people who view him as an ally, by 11 or 12 percent. Meanwhile, he also K-ifies the nation with conflict stimuli, erases the toxic leftist culture that is poisoning our youth, and teaches SJWs they need to keep their mouths shut.

None of this is merely good luck, that happened by accident after an off-the-cuff remark that happened to blow up into an issue. This was all planned and mapped out. Every outrage by the media is merely Donald pulling their marionette strings, using a plan that has been months in the making.

What it has produced is a pretty impressive set of victories. It is funny to watch how President Trump simply showed up and took them, at no cost to him in political support, while no Establishment Cuckservative in history would dared have even utter a word. I have never seen a better example demonstrating how George W. Bush failed the nation and handed this country to Obama, despite his leadership in the War On Terror.

Despite all of their professional degrees in political science, communications, history, and law, and their representations to conservative voters that they were professional politicians, it is almost like the Republican Party to date, and all of its candidates, were completely incompetent with respect to political leadership and running a nation.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because K-selection is coming back strong

This entry was posted in Cuckservatives, GOPocalypse, K-stimuli, Liberals, Morals, Nationalism, Politics, rabbitry, Splintering, Treason, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

Other interesting results:

No one wants more politics in the NFL. Landslide majorities want less.

Half of black people want them to stand. Less than 1/3 of black people support this.

People who consider themselves non-partisan are much closer to the Rep opinion than the Dem.

6 years ago

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