News Briefs – 03/29/2017

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so I’m going to do periodic posts with News Stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. This will be the first.

Military man dying of cancer, Trump gives $15,000 to his son to cover the costs of treatments, and the media buries the story, except for the Herald Review.

Wonders of socialism – Venezuelan child gangs are having machete fights over who gets the best garbage. Think those kids will fret about microaggressions against gays and tolerance of the defectives?

Facebook’s App can turn on your microphone and listen to you.

Facebook did far more for Obama in terms of data scraping, and the question is being asked now if it was against the law.

English man caught super gonorrhea resistant to last ditch treatment in Asia from a one night stand.

The Rams just hired two male cheerleaders who will dance on the squad just like the girls – I assume complete with Pom-poms. It looks like gay black guys.

WaPo does a frightened article on how bad the national debt will get, very soon – basically in a short bit we may end up spending 1.5 times our entire defense budget just on debt service.

An article on intrigue that went on with Michael Flynn’s case. The Judge suddenly and inexplicably was recused, Mueller had to turn over all sorts of evidence he had withheld, and there is a new judge laying down the law. Q did say Flynn is about to be freed, and it does feel like the hidden hand of the white hats.

Spread r/K Theory, because exciting times are on their way

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Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

Good idea. I like it.

6 years ago

Did you hear about the crazy lesbians who adopted six kids and crashed their van over a cliff? It’s on Fox News. That’s gotta be textbook.

6 years ago

This scandal seems to have tendrils in two swamps — DC and Hollywood.

(And life imitates art as actresses from a superhero show fall under the sway of a supervillain…)