News Briefs – 03/12/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at :

[Nate Cain was a whistleblower who turned over documents on the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One. It is a tough time. I couldn’t imagine having the key to the total destruction of the Clintons. There is a machine out there that could intimidate the evil which would hurt Nate into submission, and if push came to shove make sure nothing would ever happen to him, by force. But as we have seen now repeatedly, it is somehow insulated from official control by the elected government, and is still out there outside of POTUS’ control. It would not surprise me if it is what made itself known to Nate, to let him know his actions were not welcome. Hopefully Q and Trump will pull out all the stops, and lock down his security. Though as we saw with the CIA Agents wounded in Cuba, even the official, pro-USA wing of the CIA is powerless in the face of the machine. It is very strange to observe, and I am still not entirely clear on what this is I am looking at. I would almost feel a sense of cognitive relief if tomorrow Trump explained there were aliens living in the US using hologram technology to blend into the populace, and it is them who are in this kind of control, which seems so resistant to being constrained by lawful government authority and the most elite law enforcement and intelligence apparatuses of our nation.]


That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

Tommy Robinson goes to trial and starts fighting back today:

Some are trying to say the Venezuelan outages are due to American cyber attacks.

Alyssa Milano apologizes for a tweet calling herself a disabled, transgender person of color. Sustained amygdala stress can build you up and make you stronger. But I am beginning to wonder, if your reflexive amygdala-coping strategy is denial and disregard, if stress will only detach you further from reality.

Merkel lacky predicts Muslim Chancellor in Germany by 2020.

Malaysia frees woman accused of Kim Jong Nam Poisoning with VX nerve agent.

600 women report sexual assaults in Cologne Germany 2015 on New Year’s Eve, but only three migrants were ever convicted.

Ethiopian airline was smoking and dropping clothing shortly before the crash.

Some think wireless Bluetooth earbuds like Airpods may increase cancer risks.

Iowa Supreme Court rules Medicaid must cover Transgender surgery.

YouTube alters search algorithms to prevent people from seeing any criticism of new movie Captain Marvel. They are really going all in lately to try and push the Borg-think on everyone. I almost wonder if Q could be forcing them to do this, in this exaggerated a fashion, to open up everyone’s eyes to how they cannot be trusted in any way.

Google email shows managers wanted to stop the spread of news which helped elect President Trump.

FAA is looking into another 737 incident in America where passengers hear a bang and saw flames come out of an engine, before the plane declared an emergency and landed complaining of engine trouble. Investigators found no evidence of smoke or fire in the engine.

Tony Blair has been secretly trying to help Macron force the UK to remain in the EU and thwart Brexit.

Article notes, Hillary Clinton’s Arkansas Law License was just reinstated after 17 years of suspension.

EPA was being audited under Trump, and was caught destroying documents it was supposed to preserve for the audit.

Dark Money Org gave $2 Million to group working with Fusion GPS, Steele.

Leftists are brainstorming how to destroy President Trump’s Fourth of July celebration.

One-eye’d Taliban leader Mullah Omar lived a short walk from a US base while the CIA focused intense manhunts everywhere else. Another reason all intelligence should be military intelligence. You get those elitist assholes in there, and pretty soon they have turned everybody else into Chess pieces, rather than trying to accomplish the mission. That means CIA probably oversaw the assassination of the good leader in Afghanistan, Ahmad Massoud, right before 9/11. Notice how in the infogalactic article, the Tunisians who carried that assassination out demanded to meet with him prior to September 11th for an interview, and panicked as the date closed in. Did Osama bin Ladin organize that from a cave in Afghanistan, using Tunisians? Or might that have been a higher power?

It is not impossible Bernie Sanders could have been recruited as a Soviet Agent many years ago.

Nancy Pelosi rules out impeachment for Trump, says he is not worth it.

Overflowing border security meeting in New Mexico explodes with anger and frustration over continued illegal migration. Our elections to date have been scams, which we believed only because the media sold us lies to support the outcomes.

Trump could save billions by ending the Clinton policy of making government have all phone menus have a Spanish translation.

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary to G.H.W. Bush claims Bush groomed and molested young Hispanic boys. The guy did hold the position, according to leftist source Wikipedia.

Germany may lose access to US Intelligence for purchasing Huawei equipment. Not bad, given their plan was to give Cabal a backdoor into our intelligence.

Rothschilds are having an unprecedented auction of ultra-expensive fine wines from their collection. It is possible the machine is so expensive the burn rate is too high to maintain without the entire machine working together synergistically.

Appeals Court moves toward unsealing Epstein’s underaged sex case.

Trump endorses permanent Daylight Savings Time.

Blacks during segregation had the Green Book to find black-friendly establishments, Trump supporters have 63red Safe App to help them find MAGA-friendly establishments.

Judicial Watch files an ethics complaint against Adam Schiff over his contacts with Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS and Michael Cohen.

No end in sight for Venezuela’s blackout.

One in four college students were diagnosed or treated by a mental health professional for a mental condition within the last year. Think there are any MK Ultra infiltrators among those professionals, trolling for the next MK Ultra windup toys?

A Status Report on whether Flynn is ready for sentencing is due my March 13th.

Much of the media’s advertising revenues were Cabal payoffs. Now, even as Trump has the economy roaring, those payoff are not flowing the media is feeling it:

Spread r/K Theory, because the the light is better than the dark.

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Tampa AC
Tampa AC
5 years ago

Whenever someone questions the veracity of the “Deep State” or “Cabal”, I ask them if they’ve ever watched a Sean Connery James Bond movies. Spectre is a perfect fit for the deep state/cabal! Spectre agents are embedded in critical governments and corporate roles. I assume Ian Fleming (a spook) saw things that convinced him Spectre existed.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

The 63red app seems destined for use by the other side to find and attack Trump-friendly establishments (although not violently, as patrons will all be armed)

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

And just like that there’s a report that the app’s API is leaking like a sieve.

5 years ago

It means she started paying dues again. It was suspended because she stopped paying dues and doing CLE (and is normal for people who change jobs to not need to be bar members anymore).

Now she can register as a lobbyist.

5 years ago

Ethiopian plane smoked and shuddered before deadly plunge


5 years ago

Interesting information suggesting AOC is a paid actress (video overview here but more coming out on Twitter):

Then she Tweets the thing about the Girl Scouts that everyone mocked: “@girscouts is how I first practiced how to change brake fluid, start a fire, practice self defense, recreate the NASA Challenger mission, and v importantly: learn to teach myself new skills + navigate ambiguity” Clearly code. You don’t change brake fluid but you can drain it, burn things down, shoot and blow things up while you’re waiting for orders from on high.

5 years ago

False flag designed to generate sympathy for the Freemasons?

5 years ago

Autopsy shows George Foreman’s daughter Freeda Foreman died of suicide at 42

Did the cabal decide to punish him for something?

Mister Quigg
5 years ago

The Amazon warehouse conditions are strange. It seems to go beyond mere uncaring management. In the First World it should be impossible for a well-known company to run things so badly they need an ambulance on call for collapsing workers. Given the financial structure & backing of Amazon, I wonder if there’s something else going on here: combine warehouse operations with another kind of operations…? If they have thousands of low-status, badly-educated workers & high staff turnover, they have quite a sample on which to experiment. Why exactly are the workers collapsing and trying to kill themselves, rather than just quitting? What’s going on in the Amazon warehouses?

5 years ago

[…] reason why these crimes are still being committed.” He’s right, you know. [Credit to Anonymous Conservative for pointing out this […]