News Briefs – 04/24/2020


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Over on Vox Day’s site, his readers see the story of the Police Chief who got nailed for trying to sexually groom a young boy in a sting operation, and they all recognize it is a sign of the Cabal’s machine. That link is amazing, because the comment section is a high-IQ, mainstream group of sane citizens who sees the network’s infiltration as clearly as day, and fully realizes they have been looking at it for decades – and it is worse than they could possibly have imagined, and across national borders. How many immediately harken back to individual observations they noted as odd, but only now realize fit this model perfectly. All of these key positions have been targeted and taken, based on decades of Cabal wargaming against itself, and figuring out where its weaknesses are, and then taking over the leadership positions which were necessary to prevent defeat in that particular way. That is why among a group of men who volunteered to protect, serve, and confront evil at all costs, it is the homo who is grooming young boys on the side who rises effortlessly into the top spot. And his ascension was never not going to happen, just like the honorable cop who did everything by the book would be in patrol to the day he died, and never even come close to that position. It is beautiful to see that comments section, because it means phase one of the resistance is just about over. Everybody knows it is out there, and has taken those positions among the leadership. Phase two, which will be necessary, is an accurate examination and understanding of the extent of the machine that has been built, how far it goes into every corner of society, and perceiving it’s extent, and invisibility, and ever-presence, and mind-blowing technological deployment. Right now resistance is futile because nobody understands the degree to which Cabal’s overwatch sees almost everything, without anyone knowing it would even be possible. Right now, people think they can do anything secretly, and sneak up on the machine. Not even close. Late at night, pull off a main drag into some random side neighborhood and park, and almost always somebody in that area sitting in an observation post, will be perking up and wondering what you are doing, and trying to figure it out. That is Cabal. I increasingly think I may be here because God will task me with a portion of phase two. Not necessarily the path I would have chosen at 17, but He knows what is best. If Phase one and two go off successfully, the rebirth is inevitable, and God’s plan will immediately begin happening again as everyone effortlessly realigns themselves onto God’s personal, individual path for each of them, instead of Cabal’s. I can’t help but imagine it would create a magical world. Hopefully Q handles all of this in an organized fashion, but if he does not, the course is increasingly set, and for Cabal, there is no going back.

Durham is expanding his investigation of the Russia probe, and taking on more investigators. Brennan is said to be a major focus.

Former CIA officer and National Security Council chief of staff Fred Fleitz  described John Brennan as “the most politicized intelligence chief in American history.”

In that study which found 30 different strains of the Coronavirus globally, one strain reproduced so fast it created 270 times more virus in the blood compared with other strains. Inside a human body, there is one genetic driving force whereby viruses are constantly getting selected among for faster and faster reproduction, like this strain. That mutant which emerges and out-reproduces all the other viruses is the one which will dominate in the body, and eventually produce a more lethal virus. But when you zoom out to a population level, it is contagiousness which will act as a counterforce to that genetic drive and limit the lethality of a virus. A virus that is only slightly contagious cannot get too lethal too fast, because it needs lots of time to get to jump to another host before it kills the first one. If a lethal mutant emerges, it will kill the host before it can spread, and that strain will die out. that force is what counters the first force, and limits the lethality a virus can develop. But a highly contagious strain, that begins spreading even before any symptoms present, can get a lot more lethal and not affect its spread. I would expect this will get more lethal like this in places like Africa, and India, and Pakistan, where human life is cheap and undisciplined, and it will run wild. Thank God Trump is closing the borders.

CNN reporter claims Coronavirus ‘helped humanity’ gain time to address global warming.

Italian prosecutors are considering criminal trials for health officials after grieving relatives of coronavirus victims demanded justice for their negligence.

China puts a city of 10 million ‘on lockdown.’

 In Ecuador, rotting corpses in body bags line the sidewalks, uncollected.

Disappointing results for Remdesivir in its first trial revealed in draft documents published accidentally by WHO. But it is WHO, and if they are Cabal they do not want any cure.

NBC News has made only one online mention in six months of the Universal Studios theme park being built in China’s capital of Beijing.

Sweden’s chief epidemiologist said that “herd immunity” could be reached in the capital Stockholm in a matter of weeks.

Wuhan laboratory scientists ‘did absolutely crazy things’ to alter coronavirus and enabled it to infect humans, Russian microbiologist claims.

New Homeland Security research shows sunlight, humidity kill coronavirus quickly.

The first coronavirus patients admitted to a Queens nursing home under a controversial state mandate arrived along with some grim accessories — a supply of body bags.

New York Times finally gets around to singing the praises of pulse oximeters in dealing with the Coronavirus. Actually if you want a good deal on a pretty good one, you can stop by here, and look at the 500D, 500C, or 500E. They will be sold out, but sooner or later you will see one that they just got stock in on, and it will be under $40. If you stop by ebay, you will see the inferior 500DL going for $180, and good luck finding another one somewhere else. They also have KN 95 masks, and surgical masks cheaper than most other places.

There is a new type of UVC light, called far UVC which can disinfect without harming human cells.

There was no post-election surge of Coronavirus cases in Wisconsin.

Five Problems With the NIH Sponsored Study That Claims ‘More Deaths’ From Treating Coronavirus With Hydroxychloroquine.

Results of clinical trials are making their way to publication showing Hydroxychloroquine to be effective in many situations.

Westport Connecticut decides to not fly COVID-19 drones that were going to show heartrate, temperature and  more.

An elderly couple — she’s 88 and he’s 90 — are back home from a hospital stay Friday — coronavirus free after being prescribed TrumpPills by their celebrity doctor son.

A prominent COVID-19 model says Oregon could reopen by May 25.

Vice President Mike Pence said Thursday that he thinks the coronavirus pandemic could “largely” be “behind us” by Memorial Day Weekend.

First patients injected in UK Coronavirus vaccine trial.

66% of Homeless in a San Francisco shelter have Coronavirus. I wonder what the mortality was to almost reach herd immunity there.

1 in 5 New York City residents already infected with the CCP virus, antibody testing shows.

Oxford team believes they’ll have a million #COVID19 vaccine doses and proof that it’s safe and effective by September 2020.

Joe Biden is under criminal investigation for sexual assault, DC police confirm.

Pelosi wipes her dripping nose with her bare hand and then touches the House floor podium used by other lawmakers.

Yale psychiatrist claims Trump supporters like brainwashed ‘child soldiers.’ First I thought she was crazy, but then she said ‘they… easily could turn into “armed troops in the streets” if the president doesn’t win re-election in the fall,’ and as I stroked my Glock, I thought she wasn’t entirely wrong.

Maxine Waters says her sister is dying of Coronavirus. And Elizabeth Warren’s brother dies of Coronavirus. Why are their siblings dying of coronavirus when they, who would seem much more at risk, are not? Could be an innocent explanation, but another possible explanation is their siblings were the money-handlers in their little corruption operations, and now that Q has removed the corruption, only the public faces of the corruption operations have any utility to the Storm, and any reason to be left alive.

Dianne Feinstein, whose husband is a billionaire off China business, used her Senate power to push most-favored-nation status for the CCP’s corrupt dictatorship.

Democrats to punish black Michigan lawmaker who said Trump helped her beat Coronavirus by urging Hydroxychloroquine.

Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum graduated from an Oakland, California-based training school for progressive revolutionaries that has spawned a list of activists who have gone on to become the who’s who of the far-left leadership world, with many taking senior positions at organizations financed by billionaire George Soros.

2 men freed from jail by California virus order rearrested, one for carjacking someone right after being released, the other for going on a firebug bender.

A federal judge blocked a California law requiring background checks for people buying ammunition, issuing a sharply worded rebuke of “onerous and convoluted” regulations that violate the constitutional right to bear arms.

Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and Thomas say Court precedent isn’t sacred.

Nevada sued by physicians over ‘ridiculous,’ ‘illegal’ ban on COVID-19 anti-malarial drugs touted by Trump.

A top elections lawyer filed two lawsuits in federal court in Nevada and in Virginia to stop officials in those states from mailing out ballots to everyone on the voter rolls, not just those who request them, because many of them are ineligible to vote.

Divided Supreme Court rules for Trump administration in requiring immigrant’s removal.

The Keto diet changes your biology to help you fight the Flu.

Pompeo warns the U.S. may never restore WHO funding. Another little touchstone, for which I cannot find any potential explanation that would involve Trump being compromised, or just another Bush-type distraction who is solely there to help Cabal keep its position.

Spread r/K Theory, because we create our own reality

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4 years ago

==Operation Dark Storm – Redpilling Black Twitter on the JQ==

Everything you need is here:

THE JEW FEARS THE REDPILLED BLACKS: they deleted the previous pastebin, see here:
Good thing we have this archive:

Also, 4chan mods have deleted the thread and banned OP, see here:

4 years ago

AC- want to share a rabbit hole you may be interested in: the argument that Vitamin A isn’t actually a vitamin, but a toxin initially misunderstood to be a vitamin but perhaps now weaponized to make and keep us ill.

The argument as I understand it is: although naturally occurring, we can only clear so much of it at once, and excess gets shuttled into our livers for storage and future breakdown. But if we consume too much, we top off our reserves and it starts to overflow elsewhere, like an overflowing bathtub causing collateral damage. This may explain why kids have better immune system generally than old people: if this substance is a poison we can manage in small doses, but adults have no surplus capacity, they can get knocked out by something they may have cleared when they were younger and not overloaded.

One of COVID’s mechanisms may be that it releases this stored poison and overwhelms the body, and why it manifests in odd ways sometimes based on patient susceptibilities, such as skin conditions:

First learned of this from a guy named Grant Generaux, an engineer by trade who reversed his kidney disease based by assiduously eliminating dietary, supplemental and pharmaceutical vitamin A. He has some free ebooks on the topic.

Lots of implications if true, including adding a nefarious angle to the intent of those who advocate Vitamin A fortified foods alongside vaccines, while also advocating population control.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  B
4 years ago

This Vit. A poisoning is super interesting. I saved a really good article that tied this to all sorts of diseases. If you’re even slightly interested in this sort of thing he has really done good work here. Is he right??? I have speculated after reading this that maybe this mechanism is responsible for the very poor heath of some vegetarians. I think that a richer vegetarian would have more problems than a poor peasant that didn’t eat as much fresh colored vegetables so he would not get the overload of Vit. A. but the rich vegetarian would eventually become overloaded. By eating what called the “right things” they would be accumulating poison at a much higher rate.

This would also explain why a bunch of heavy meat eaters may do better. Maybe they eat less A???? They think the high meat intake is responsible but it’s not.

There’s some real problems with diet that no one is really making much headway with. Some high meat consumption diets do well and some vegetarian diets do well but the standard in between seems to not be good for you. I haven’t seen any good explanation for this.

One really simple fact brought up by the article is Vit. A is used to take the skin off of peoples faces so that new skin will grow. Well then what does a lot of it do to your gut???? Why would the gut be any different? I can’t imagine taking skin off your gut would be good for you.

4 years ago

Ah, you really need to watch the WestWorld series frens, season 3 in particular (the first 2 seasons are ok, but not that awesome). Episode 5 is literally about explaining how a group of people developed a high-tech AI system using massive amounts of data on everything about everyone, and how they use the system to calculate the most likely outcomes, and then use it to influence everything they need (including people’s lives) in order to get their most desired outcome, and how the outliers who want to destroy the system want to do it by revealing everyone’s files so they can learn how the machine affords them no choice at all in the way their lives go, despite the machine HAVING to feed them a false sense of hope and control over their own lives in order to keep the machine itself running (basically, what AC call “the myth”), because at the end of the day, hope and confidence are what keeps the world orderly, and the machine does not want complete anarchy that they can’t control.

It is also interesting how the AI system detects outliers before they become problems, and it takes pre-emptive measures in order to cull them, or manipulate them into becoming harmless to the system before they become a problem.

This episode is basically a massive redpill on how the real world works as of now, although I am not sure if there is any AI system involved in the real life machine that the gaybal has developed to keep everyone under their control.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Here is the scene from Westworld

Reply to  map
4 years ago

Yeah, that’s when they show everyone their file. The whole episode is worth watching thou, it has a lot of other great scenes related to this.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Dude, you HAVE to watch the season 3 from episode 1. Disregard the previous seasons, they are cute to watch if you want to be all nerd and shit about understanding the lore of the series, but the whole season 3 has a HUGE Fight Club vibe (which was most likely also used by whitehat Military Intel for predictive programing for what became General Flynn’s digital soldiers in the info/meme warfare efforts against the gaybal).

There is this scene on a previous episode (can’t recall the specific number) in which Dolores (the blond hot girl who ordered the files to be shared with the gen pop) shows the file to the thin white guy who is with them (they are allies), and I was like: “this shit is a massive redpill, let’s see where they take this”, and here we are, they really came thru with the whole whitehat predictive programming thing.

There have been on the last years a surprising amount of extremely redpilled episodes/narrative arcs in some series, and it has always felt like a statistical aberration to me. Here there is a series that was financed and shown in the government TV station called “Conspiracy Theory” about a journalist who is investigating a criminal, and the director from the main intel agency in the Country hears about it, and so he orders the journalist to be stalked and later attacked because she doesn’t care about the threats she gets, and all of it is done because said intel agency director was criminally involved with the guy the journo was investigating, and he is afraid that the journo finds out about his connection to the criminal she was originally investigating. And to the mix there is an anonymous blogger who nobody knows who he is (they suspect he is a cop from one of the police forces who is part police, part intel agency (something akin to USA’s FBI)), and that he drops intel about corruption in the police forces and intel agencies, and you can see how something like that would also be a big no no in the eyes of the gaybal.

I’m telling you, things have been accelerating for the past 4 years, and they will keep accelerating even more.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

As for the economic aspect of it:
IMHO, it’s a non-factor.

When you have some 300 families who have exclusive access to high-tech at least 1 or 2 generations ahead of everyone else, that control NOT ONLY the vast majority of all the financial system BUT ALSO most of the organized crime networks and businesses (and organized crime makes more money than most Countries around the world do every year), and also the education system and most entertainment and MSM (which can be used to drive up demand on the gen pop for the products they produce for basically free), AS WELL has access to massive amounts of government funds that they constantly loot using their comped gaybal compliant politicians and legislators (especially the zionists lobby), it’s pretty obvious that they have literally infinite money to play around with.

The thing is, just because you have infinite money, doesn’t mean you have infinite control over everyone automatically, you have to move the pieces on the board correctly in order to get complete control over Humanity (which is their objective, it’s pretty much a 100% correct speculative hypothesis that their objective is that due to their behavior). AND if you’re using money to do it, you have to setup the board in such a way that MOST OF HUMANITY is in a constant state of scarcity, because if you can’t keep most people poor, the leverage your infinite pile of money affords you gets reduced, and pretty fast (most people don’t even want that much money, most people just want to live in peace and have fun and enough money to raise a family and have a nice car or 2 or 3, a nice home and get to enjoy some nice vacations once in a while, and have enough to enjoy some hobbies, it would be pretty hard to keep people confused and afraid and on constant street (and thus more manipulable) if you removed financial stress from most of the gen pop).

Rhapsody The Blue
Rhapsody The Blue
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

They went superwoke in season 2. Can’t have any male heroes.

I really hate that pandering to my gender. As a woman I want to see buff, shirtless Thor and Captain America. 🙂 I want to watch Han Solo and Capt. Mal Reynolds be roguish and charming. I want to see James Bond chase the bad guy through a construction site and give him two manly fists of what for.

Reply to  Rhapsody The Blue
4 years ago

Kek, makes sense for a heterosexual female audience member.

Season 2 was the weakest of them all, and surprise surprise, it’s because the director let his wife take over during it (not kidding, check it out).
I only watched season 1 and 2 because I watched a trailer for season 3, and I didn’t knew it was for season 3, so I thought the whole series would get sci-fi setting shooting-shit-action in one or two episodes. But nope, I had to endure 2 seasons before the hi-tech sci-fi setting came into play, but by the time I was almost done with season 1 I just said fug it and watched the whole thing, kek.

I am really enjoying season 3, it was worth it suffering thru season 2 (season 1 wasn’t great, but good enough to be easily tolerable).

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

I agree with your assessment of seasons 1 and 2. I didn’t realize that season three was a thing. Oops. I’m going to download it.

What I want to know is when I’m going to get one of those robot girls. I want one…or two.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Robot waifus are solely for the purpose of eradicating trans-national organized crime syndicates, so get your mind out of the gutter Mr. Sam.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

“…get your mind out of the gutter Mr. Sam…”

I don’t care. I’m a Man damn it. I told a friend of mine I could get all the Women I want but the ones I really wanted I couldn’t easily get and the ones I could easily get I didn’t want. He agrees totally.

I’m certainly not saying all Women are a bust but the numbers are really bad. Women for me are just not worth the trouble.

This has happened in history that can be verified twice that I know of on a large scale. In Sparta Women had to do two things, make sure the Helots produced enough on the property they owned and have children. The Spartan Women, for whatever reason. refused to have enough children and when the Spartans ran out of Men they were defeated and the everything went to ruin, (from the Spartan perspective. It was great for the Helots).
Another is Rome. They brought in no fault divorce and it’s like it is today with Women divorcing their Men and taking all their assets. The same result as is happening now happened then. Men refused to get married. It became so bad the State put in a bachelors tax. There’s been a lot of reasons put forth for the fall of Rome but what about the idea that the Men decided that it was just not worth fighting for? When the barbarians came they just drifted off. In many cases they were better off when Rome fell. How many Men feel this way about the US now?

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Kek, when you make a joke about denying robotic waifu sex slavery to your based and redpilled boomer online fren on an air conditioning blog and he goes on to teach you a history lesson as a reply.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

I knew you were joking but I thought I would throw in a little gray pill. It’s what I’m all about. We all know what a Red Pill and a Black pill is but the gray pill is when you just mix up everything, humor, facts, history and anything else you can throw in the mix.

Reply to  Rhapsody The Blue
4 years ago

Ditto that! I love love love alpha males!

4 years ago

> Another little touchstone, for which I cannot find any potential explanation that would involve Trump being compromised, or just another Bush-type distraction who is solely there to help Cabal keep its position.

Aren’t you the same person who claimed that it’s impossible to know what’s going on without classified intelligence and that one needs 30 hypotheses to keep every situation open? I’m sure you can think of at least a few.

Just Me
Just Me
4 years ago

Lot’s of shitbaggery going on today!
Went to this site 10 minutes ago, it still hasn’t fully loaded.
You under attack today AC?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

This is why I use OS X (which has amazingly stable UNIX as a foundation)

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
4 years ago
4 years ago

I know UV lamps can cause issues, especially to people’s eyes, but if you put them inside the air ducts, where all the air is circulating, then it will disinfect the air and not cause harm to anyone as there will be no direct interaction between people and the lamps.

Amy Armadillo
Amy Armadillo
4 years ago

“CNN reporter claims Coronavirus ‘helped humanity’ gain time to address global warming.”

Kinda like Little Boy helped Hiroshima gain time to address its traffic congestion.

Rhapsody The Blue
Rhapsody The Blue
Reply to  Amy Armadillo
4 years ago

My husband and I have been driving in what we call “plague traffic” here in SoCal. Middle of rush hour, and everyone is going >70 mph. Normally it’s stop and go. I’m not sure it’s ever been like this. Way before I was born, maybe.

Amy Armadillo
Amy Armadillo
4 years ago

Re: NYT story — Three years ago I was hospitalized for congestive heart failure, and intubated for three days in a propofol coma. Since then I’ve used a pair of pulse oximeters as well as both portable and home stationary oxygen generators.

One of the “favorite” comments from a doctor warns of recommending such a device for the untrained public who might misinterpret the data. Which is their philosophy in a nutshell:

Better leave medicine to the professionals.
Better leave news reporting to the professionals.
Better leave science to the professionals.
Better leave global warming, gun control, LGBT and abortion rights to the professionals.

My God, what’s to “interpret” with these devices?! You slip it over a finger and press a little button which makes it light up. In 10 seconds you see your pulse and blood oxygen as numeric readings. Right now my SPO2 is 93, pulse 67, with my continuous-flow nasal cannula set @ 3L. A couple days ago the battery on my portable unit died, but I still needed to run a quick errand. My SPO2 stat when I first arrived back home was a risky 50, pulse 89.

I know that’s dangerous, but I had the luxury of immediately using my home generator and within a minute I was back in the low 90s. My point is, people with chronic breathing issues have figured out workarounds — in my case, remain calm, conscious meditative breathing, and it helps to have an air flow like an AC pointed at you. With low oxygen you get shaky, feel anxious, and during my recent errand my vision was going a little dark, but none of that killed me. I’ve learned to recognize and adapt to these symptoms.

I’ve also learned in this entire adventure that the last person you wanna see with a medical issue is a doctor, 99% of whom DID NOT graduate at the top of their class (and the 1% who did can walk on water, just ask them).

I suspect I’ve been in a Covid19/ COPD episode since last Friday, but am working through it with the medical gear from my 2017 heart failure and associated breathing problems. I feel fine.

4 years ago

The Scourge of Seattle has some interesting facial bifurcation:

comment image

REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

On the Cabal pedo recruitment promotion stuff,

About 25 years ago, my brother was finishing elementary school and his principal was caught (by a teacher) trying to molest a kid. Apparently he had been doing things like this for years as more accusers started coming out with their stories. Pedo-principal was arrested, but the Judge set him free. He even kept his pension. Maybe that was to get him to talk, or keep him from talking.

Police departments have taken noticeable cabal infection in the last 25 years but Judiciaries have been sicker longer. Same thing with schools, there used to be alot of really great teachers and I’m sure there still are but the fugged, overweight, liberal man haters have been taking over the rank and file.

I would posit the equation goes something like this. Finance > Politicians > Judges > Schools and PD’s. A foreign dark money financed entity gains control over local politicians via campaign contributions and blackmail. The politicians at local levels then put controlled people, usually their blackmailable law school friends, into positions as Judges or clerks. The politicians can sway, cajole or appoint city councils that then select your principals and police chiefs. Freemasons were probably an earlier form of the system appointing civil servants, but their rituals don’t (or shouldn’t) involve blackmail. As masonic ranks decreased (becoming a member is not easy) and their money was limited another hermit crab organization moved into the weakened civil servant shell to exploit it.

Of course, gaining control over money is a requisite (they are very aggressive towards doing that), as it helps their organization grow faster, but in my estimate, Cabal was less than half the size it is now about 25 years ago.

Rhapsody The Blue
Rhapsody The Blue
Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

That’s one thing that drives me nuts about Q- there seems to have been no plan to take back at least some of the airwaves (or internet bandwidth or wherever). The enemy’s propaganda industrial complex (PIC) is worse than ever. All these pedophile and trafficking stories are the perfect things to wake people up, even that really hits them at the core, but I have a hard time finding anyone who has even heard of them.

What I worry about is the normies who might like Trump, but start thinking he’s too contentious and things will calm down if Biden wins. That’s how normies think even now- that people are basically rational and nice underneath, and that’s because Q has let the PIC run unfettered.

Qanon says we’re news now, but I need some help from actual national platforms. I be crazy girl rolling out a whiteboard with post-it notes and red yarn interconnecting everything.

I dunno… I would have just declared martial law and let history judge me as it may.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

Makes a lot of sense.
And once you have control over the politicians, you have control over the intel agencies, and vice-versa.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

“… Finance > Politicians > Judges > Schools and PD’s…”

Yes I think you’ve nailed it.

4 years ago


Music: Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson
Lyrics: Neil Peart

Sprawling on the fringes of the city
In geometric order
An insulated border
In between the bright lights
And the far unlit unknown

Growing up it all seems so one-sided
Opinions all provided
The future pre-decided
Detached and subdivided
In the mass production zone

Nowhere is the dreamer
Or the misfit so alone

Subdivisions —
In the high school halls
In the shopping malls
Conform or be cast out
Subdivisions —
In the basement bars
In the backs of cars
Be cool or be cast out
Any escape might help to smooth
The unattractive truth
But the suburbs have no charms to soothe
The restless dreams of youth

Drawn like moths we drift into the city
The timeless old attraction
Cruising for the action
Lit up like a firefly
Just to feel the living night

Some will sell their dreams for small desires
Or lose the race to rats
Get caught in ticking traps
And start to dream of somewhere
To relax their restless flight

Somewhere out of a memory
Of lighted streets on quiet nights…

4 years ago

Read it and notice how the lawyer who started to bribe the FBI guy meet him. I bet that wasn’t a coincidence. FBI guy took 200k in bribes and gifts over a 2 year span, imagine how much money the guy he was protecting was making

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Yep, there are no coincidences, and in what regards organized crime there are NONE at all, ever (take into account organized crime only exists because enough key positions in the intelligence community have are compromised (for now), and that the IC pretty much knows everything about everyone (without even taking into account the gangstalking harassment/surveillance network made up of low-level cabalites)).