News Briefs – 06/12/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Larry Kudlow had a heart attack. Q just posted a False Flag weather alert and he has indicated heart attacks can be engineered, so you’re always suspicious. Fortunately his wife tweeted out that it appears he will be fine.

Sessions ends asylum claims based on fears of gang violence. All that really did was increase immigration from gang-infested shitholes.

Supreme Court OKs Ohio Voter roll purges. Election tampering takes a big hit now that this can go national.

BBC says US-North Korea talks going more quickly than expected. Almost so fast it is like the deal was already worked out.

Democrats assemble a working group of high level Hollywood producers to try to find messages which resonate with voters. We know full well how frustrating it is to have one psychology as the environment is favoring the opposite psychology. Thank God the K-shift has begun.

a href=””>Australia introduces PrEP anti-HIV drug, and unprotected sex rates among gays rise dramatically. HIV was never going to be the big one, and now when the big one hits, there will be tons of gays ready to spread it mightily.

Additionally, the Australian government gives an almost $10,000 a year subsidy to defray the costs of the PrEP. Pay more taxes plebe – more gays need more unprotected sex on your dime.

An article at Breitbart on the Senate Intelligence’s Security Director leaking material to reporters. I only include the article to note, if you are a hostile intel operation, the first place you compromise is HR, but not far behind is head of security. If you can control the resistance to your operations, everything else will be easy. This guy was probably leaking on orders from Cabal, and thus he is a good catch for the Storm.

Pompeo says Trump can offer security assurances unlike any in the past. “We’re prepared to take what will be security assurances that are different, unique than… (what) America has been willing to provide previously. We think this is both necessary and appropriate,” It sure sounds like these guys are dancing around a background of a reality based on Q’s drops.

Dennis Rodman notes, he went to Obama about North Korea, and Obama wouldn’t give him the time of day. Notice the God Emperor’s narrative emerging. Blacks tend to emphasize social loyalty against out-groups. Here, messages keep coming from Black Americans that Obama was disloyal, and Trump was the one they could trust and work with.

Twitter CEO apologizes for eating at Chick-Fil-A, says he forgot its Christian background. Narrative, Christianity is both dangerous to be associated with and shameful.

Food Stamp Households continue to roll back in numbers, now at 2010 numbers.

Louis Farrakhan loses Twitter verification, supposedly because he said “Satanic Jew.” Of course that never happens to other Muslims, so you know the reality was that it was payback for having said nice things about Trump. Typical message in Cabalese, perhaps delivered entirely autonomously by a machine where everyone does what they think Cabal would want, and as they all favor each other, benefits rain down from the top and accrue to each.

Kim Jong-Un hit the town in Singapore to see tourist destinations prior to the summit. Q is right, it seems like Kim didn’t need to do a lot of preparing, as if the deal was already done.

Italy rejects ship with 600+ migrants. This was interesting – “… a number of people are in need of medical treatment, including 15 with serious chemical burns…” Are they not even waiting to get to Europe before throwing acid in each other’s faces?

Italy declares victory when Spain agrees to take the 600+ migrants. Somebody behind the scenes is pulling very hard still, to flood Europe with migrants, but the competitive instincts of Europeans will get fired up as nations like Italy win, and other nations lose.

E-Verify is coming to stop employment of illegals. All these problems were solvable, but for the orders of Cabal to let them remain.

Dept of Agriculture infects 100 cats per year with T. gondii to harvest the cysts from their stool for research. Given how liberals want to replace Western populations with low IQ imports, imagine if a brain infection that diminished IQs could be found.

Another 9 dead and 30 wounded this weekend across Chicago. If you could maintain the 4.5 dead and 15 wounded per day, in one year that would be 1642 dead and 5500 wounded per year. Those numbers would drive a movement for a pullout from a military engagement these days. It is funny to think if you replaced Rahm Emmanuel with Donald Trump that would probably be fixed within two weeks.

Fire hits Iraq’s biggest ballot warehouse before vote recount. Iranians are meddling in Iraq to keep their militias in charge.

Obama meets with 2020 Democrat Presidential contenders. Cabal, Inc. interviews to see who the fixed system will promote up the ranks.

Kim Jong-Un’s former Swiss classmates remember a very different person than the portrayals of him today.

Tanzania orders all unregistered bloggers to take down all of their content. I doubt any readers here are from there, or are blogging there, but if any are, do not think domestic intel does not already know exactly who you are.

Trump doctrine is being described by insiders as, “We’re America, bitches! Take it or leave it.”

Bill Clinton says the norms of “what you can do to someone against their will” have changed. Rape is all about power, not sex, and those are the words of one seriously damaged asshole.

Google will deny US Military access to its AI for use in improving military technologies. It would not surprise me if this is Cabal deciding to keep its best toys out of the hands of the enemy.

Spread r/K Theory to every one you know, because the big news hasn’t even begun

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5 years ago

—- “”We’re America, Bitch” is not only a characterologically accurate collective self-appraisal—the gangster fronting, the casual misogyny, the insupportable confidence—but it is also perfectly Rorschachian. To Trump’s followers, “We’re America, Bitch” could be understood as a middle finger directed at a cold and unfair world, one that no longer respects American power and privilege. To much of the world, however, and certainly to most practitioners of foreign and national-security policy, “We’re America, Bitch” would be understood as self-isolating, and self-sabotaging.”


Every. Damn. Time.

5 years ago

I’m beginning to think Obama HAD TO brush off Rodman, especially in light of the latest Q post saying Obama tried to call the 3 NK generals right before the summit but didn’t have their NEW phone numbers.

5 years ago

“Google will deny US Military access to its AI…”

US Military will deny Google access to US.

Problem solved.

5 years ago

Nikola Tesla had a heart attack just after meeting with the Soviets via a nephew.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
5 years ago

Cabal asset acquisition via the UK “Family courts”

To the tune of £800million!