Trump Signs Peace Agreement With Kim Promising Complete Denuclearization

Signed Agreement:

U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un pledged on Tuesday to work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula while Washington committed to provide security guarantees for its old enemy…

“President Trump committed to provide security guarantees to the DPRK and Chairman Kim Jong Un reaffirmed his firm and unwavering commitment to complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,” said the statement.

BBC noted that if you factored in their use of an interpreter, Trump and Kim only had a meeting which would have been about 18 minutes long if they both spoke the same language.

Between that and the way Kim was following Trump’s directions to move here and stand there in the pre-meeting photo ops, it sure looks like Q’s assertion that he deal was already done in November was real.

Tell your friends about r/K Theory, because everything is planned, whether we realize it or not

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5 years ago

Even setting aside Q, it’s obvious a deal must have been done, as the risk of all this pomp and circumstance would be too high otherwise.

More interesting I think, and lending credence to Q is the fact that NK is even *conemplating* de-nuclearizing. They are obviously aware of Libya, even before wild man and possibly certifiably insane John Bolton opened his mouth. In fact I wonder if Bolton wasn’t explicitly or implicitly instructed to say this to give a pretty solid signal to everyone that needs to know that the cabal has been taken down. Otherwise I just can’t see why they would even contemplate it.

5 years ago

Amazing. Bravo Mr. President. This isn’t a “Peace in our time” either, Kim is really desperate. It must be a terrible place to be in, knowing that your country is disintegrating but all you can do is build a couple dozen thermo-nukes. Any actor rational enough to build those weapons, would also be rational enough to know when to throw in the towel. If the Nork intelligentsia is slotted into a unified Korean power structure look for reunification talks to start happening in a few years.