News Briefs – 07/24/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Canadian Mass shooter was named Faisel Hussain.

Reminded me of this from 4Chan:

Some Brits decide they may not want yet another mosque built, so they hold a protest, which almost turns into a civil war:

That is good solid amygdala, and now is the dopamine deadened period when nothing is really threatened. All of Europe will enter a civil war. The only question is how many million will die, and whether after it is over the warriors who remain standing will clean out the rabbits, to counter the selective breeding the Cabal is trying to implement with these wars they set up.

Man arrested for working out at Planet Fitness completely naked, says he thought it was a judgment-free zone. If you are inclined to want to work out naked, there is a brain structure that will foresee negative future consequences, and provide enough negative cognitive sensation to prevent you from doing it. Notice how this guy literally lacks the cognitive ability to process the fact he is getting arrested. “But officer, I thought this was a judgment free zone. Why would you ever arrest me?” His brain had no idea this would happen, or that his view of things might not hold sway with the Police.

Sasha Baron-Cohen gets a Georgia Republican Lawmaker to drop his pants and run backward shouting “America,” and “USA!” as a self defense technique against Muslims. Also gets him to pretend to be Chinese and talk in an Asian accent, and use the N-word. This guy would appear to not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but it is also worth considering that it is possible Cohen has hired a top-level stage hypnotist to set up his interviews, or he has been studying stage hypnosis himself. It would not work on everyone, but if Cohen sets up a few hundred events like this per show, he might stand a decent chance of happening on somebody who will go right under and end up running around trying to press his bare ass cheeks against people. He could even improve the odds by having a professional hypnotist cull through thousands of interview videos for likely subjects to target. This guy, no matter how dull, just cratered his political career in a way I cannot believe he would if he were operating in a fully conscious, aware state. Those in the arena might want to go into a slightly higher level of amygdala when doing interviews and press availabilities, with an idea that somebody may be trying to manipulate them in this way. If I were this guy, I would sue, and use discovery to probe whether Cohen has ever studied hypnosis, or whether he has ever hired anyone who studied hypnosis. No additional harm in it at this point for him, and you might find something interesting.

Hillary wants to help transport children of illegal immigrants, for family reunification. Rumors of satanic pedophilia, and she wants access to vulnerable children. One plus one equals?

Tourists heading to France told to pack condoms, because there is a chlamydia epidemic.

BBC promotes “No labels” relationships, where you just sleep with whoever you want.

Sex Robot brothel opens third location amid increasing demand. With time, the only two forms of human to exist will be those who want children because they want to raise them well, and those who want them in order to get the welfare benefits. If we eliminate the welfare benefits, the only people who will have children, and the only genes to remain, will be those of the K-strategists.

Now Deadpool to explore character’s “Bisexuality.”

Manafort faces trial, but with glimmer of the hope of a pardon. Just a reminder that no matter what is happening at any time, at the end of the day, it is the God Emperor who is in charge and holding all the cards. Nothing is happening unless he lets it happen.

Deshowitz says Avenatti, Stormy’s lawyer has inside information, which he could not have without someone inside telling him. Either he is plugged into Cabal, or he is plugged into the Anti-Cabal forces, and is just a part of the show. Q did say, “Enjoy the show!”

Female Ebola survivor infects others one year after surviving the disease. It re-emerged from an unknown resevior in the body. The article also contains this gem – that Ebola remains active in Semen for two years after infection. I think Ebola is evolving in these people, to become something like a herpes virus, that will remain latent and lysogenic, periodically bursting forth unexpectedly and killing those not previously exposed. One day a single African migrant could depopulate Europe if the evolution went the right way – and the only protection would be the depopulation of entire regions. Now that would be K.

Hillary is wearing a Life Alert Pendant? Hillary has anger issues, which usually lead to blood pressure issues, which can predispose to strokes, if the blood pressure is not dropped with medications. Those medications often alter neurological function and produce lightheadedness and fainting, both of which can precipitate falling. It also tells you she is alone often enough to feel vulnerable. She has worse problems than she is letting on.

Type “Dog” repeatedly into Google translate, and depending on how many times you do it the AI will either tell you the Apocalypse is about to go down and Jesus is coming back, or the Apocalypse is about to go down, and the antichrist is coming. Today you have to wonder if the ghost in the machine of the AI has spotted something after scrolling and processing the entire internet, or if it really was just a bug.

In Venezuela, how to invest has changed with the state of collapse. Cars and property are good early on until people moving out cause them to glut the market and lose value. Eventually it shifts to manufacturing means for eggs and compact food stuffs that can be carried and bartered on the spot. And as time goes on and resources contract further, you had best keep whatever value you have under the radar, or the corrupt politicos will sweep in and take it. But ultimately you need a means of producing a compact way to elicit dopamine or offer security than can be carried discretely and bartered, and which doesn’t attract the attention of the government leaders.

Inflation in Venezuela to top one million percent.

Meat stockpiles are building up meaning prices will drop very soon on steaks, chicken, pork, and other sources of protein.

Suddenly Trudeau has political problems with border issues after the Canadian mass shooting.

EPA under Pruitt slashed $350 million in regulations, 300,000 hours of red tape.

Facebook blocks links to feminist women’s rights group after complaints of “transphobia.” I feel like this over use of “phobia” to describe discrimination is itself discriminatory to those with legitimate mental illnesses that involve real phobias. It demonizes and stigmatizes those innocent victims with real phobias, when they are at their most vulnerable and in need of help.

Middle of the road democrats are seeking out safe spaces to try and plot against the SJW tyrants who are taking over the party. Splintering everywhere, at the perfect moment for the God Emperor, and us.

Manafort’s trial delayed to July 31st. I’m mostly trying to divine the timing of the storm. Could be relevant.

North Korea is dismantling test sites.

The migrant crisis is about using the migrants to occupy border security while someone is smuggling other things over the border. They say drugs in the article. Cartel Inc is probably a division of Cabal, Inc. If so, ask yourself if the politicos who called for migrants to stream north might have been helping the drug smugglers, and why. I find myself wondering what else they could be smuggling as well.

Mexico’s new President writes letter to Trump explaining all the things he is going to do to cut down on the illegal immigration into America. We may have gotten an Anti-Cabal President south of the border too. A competing hidden hand at work?

Nancy Pelosi exhibits more neurological symptoms:

Q thought she was trying to set up a Vinny “The Chin” Gigante defense, pretending to be crazy, but this looks to me like amygdala-overload due to stress. The fast talking and the brain overloads look to me like someone who is genuinely operating in the highest amygdala gear, and periodically her brain needs to shut down for an instant to reset. Whether it is Q’s thing, or maybe she has something even more criminal related to defense graft with her hubby, I think she is legitimately freaked out about something really, really stressful.

The effects of the God Emperor – In 2016 those polled said Democrats were generally mainstream. Now a majority say Democrats are out of step with the mainstream. Only 18 months in, too. Imagine what it will be like after the full eight years.

Mike Pompeo says, “I actually looked back at some of the senators’ statements when Obama was — the president was Barack Obama. They were talking about the need for important and good relationship between [the US and Russia] Somehow — somehow they have either changed their mind or they’ve become pure political hacks. I suspect it’s the latter and not the former.” Trump is so spoiling us I already feel withdrawal symptoms periodically just when I remind myself he only gets 8 years, and some day he will have to leave the White House. I’ve been looking for somebody with the brashness to trigger amygdalae they way he does. Mike Pence is a great guy, but that is the problem – to really dominate like Trump, you need that freedom of amygdala to be impolite to trigger the left into apoplexy, and even be amused by impoliteness in others. This is the first time I have seen the brashness to say impolite things clearly, in somebody who could succeed Trump. Kansas 2024? I hope Trump is giving him books on hypnosis, persuasion and game.

Rand Paul calls to revoke John Brennan’s security clearance, asks if he is “monetizing access.” There is that phrase again. Unusual enough to stick, with a bolt of amygdala to make you notice it. Q knew, and the Storm is real.

Spread r/K Theory, because you never know what the future holds

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5 years ago

” The only question is how many million will die, and whether after it is over the warriors who remain standing will clean out the rabbits, to counter the selective breeding the Cabal is trying to implement with these wars they set up.”

What is needed is to set up a permanent environment of K afterwards to suppress r.

Reply to  info
5 years ago

Yup. We can never let these freaks get up off the mat again. It’s a matter of survival.

Reply to  info
5 years ago

“permanent environment of K”
it’s called an honour culture
chivalry was one because when only 2% of a population is armed, they need rules to be nice to women and children

5 years ago

To limit the selective breeding of the Cabal its worthwhile to read Sun Tzu. Since he advocates victory that is to be done skillfully through minimal resource expenditure and manpower losses. Thereby preserving the K-strategists in war.

Fighting smart over brute force is very important therefore in this regard.

5 years ago

Have you seen the “Hollywood Q” aka Renegade dropping truth bombs the last few days. This looks like another major part of The Storm

5 years ago

The Storm has come to Hollywood, There’s a “new Q” named Renegade dishing dirt on everyone from the top down…may be part of the Storm. 4 chan is all over it
A great summary of it is up at

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

New drop.

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 6532f9 No.2279519 📁
Jul 25 2018 10:21:07 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 3df588 No.2279498 📁
Jul 25 2018 10:20:06 (EST)
Need clarification in order to prevent movement split: Is R real or fake?
There is only Q.

5 years ago

If “Pompeo” runs for President, they’ll have to tell us who he really is, in more detail than “TRUST KANSAS”.

5 years ago

Q’s back!

5 years ago

You just never stop, do you? Trump is abusing hundreds of children in plain sight. Hillary wants to help them, and you accuse her of being motivated by your Pizzagate delusions. A GOP pol makes an idiot of himself and he must have been hypnotized! Good lord, at least read a couple of books about hypnosis before displaying your utter lack of knowledge.

Reply to  QR
5 years ago


Reply to  QR
5 years ago

No, QR, you and your fellow Leftists are the one using children as human shields. Trump is merely doing his duty in protecting the country he was elected to lead. Which is probably an alien concept to you.

5 years ago

Keep in mind that quantity has a quality all of it’s own (to paraphrase Lenin).

What I mean by that is Europeans may be superior in equipment, training, discipline etc but they oppose enormous numbers that I don’t think people appreciate. The Germans were superior during WWII but apart from killing 80% of Russias fighting aged men it wasn’t enough. To be fair though this time around we will just fling nukes or DNA targeting bioweapons.

When I was arguing about refugees with a do gooder they couldn’t comprehend that the number of people who would come to my nation, if given the chance, they number in the hundreds of millions, if not billions.

Lastly – Israel’s “Sampson” option is intended for Europe.

Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

Lastly – Israel’s “Sampson” option is intended for Europe.

Do you mean Israel’s “we’re a race of crazy lunatics who need to be exterminated for the good of humanity!” option? Because that’s what the “Sampson Option” you describe would amount to.
“We have The Bomb, so do what we want or we nuke you!” is not a sane form of diplomacy.

I prefer to believe that the real Sampson Option would have been to nuke Cairo and Damascus, in the event of another Syrian/Egyptian invasion. That’s the difference between a nuclear deterrent, and nuclear terrorism.

Reply to  FrankNorman
5 years ago

There was a meme about nuking the magic Muslim rock for world peace but Cabal shut it down.

Duke Norfolk
5 years ago

“Kansas 2024?”

I believe you meant to write “Kobach 2024.”

Indeed we need to find that next man who has the brass balls that Trump does to continue the fight against the left and the r strategist cohort. There’s a lot of time for someone to come forth, and I have confidence now that so much will change in the next 5 years that we will see that man. God willing.

5 years ago

Cohen’s cousin is a famous psychologist. Like, super famous, the child autism guy.