News Briefs – 07/31/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Solar Minimum Deepens. The big crisis of our lifetimes may be food shortage due to climatic change. And there is no telling what that spirals into.

Denver encounters possible Ebola case. Still being tested, and probably won’t be, but if I lived in Colorado I would not expect the guy next to me to be carrying an Ebola-like illness he just contracted on a trip to the Congo. This is a different age, much more conducive to the pandemic than ever before. When it hits, it will hit hard.

Britain’s Supreme Court rules doctors alone can decide to pull food and fluids from brain damaged individuals, to let them die. No court to appeal to.

#JusticeForGoat trends on twitter after eight Muslim men in India rape a pregnant goat to death. Why we have not enriched our own culture by importing these men and making them citizens is beyond me.

Charles Koch laying the groundwork for a shift? Says he is hopeful he can support more democrats going forward, in pursuit of fiscal conservatism. In today’s environment, you have to assume everybody is Cabal, until they actually help destroy it.

ICE officers demand Portland Mayor apologize for Occupy ICE chaos. The enforcement element of our executive branch (K) has so diverged from the political wing of the local, leftist executive branch (r), that they are publicly feuding. That will get worse, as r progresses.

Tommy Robinson’s high court appeal to be heard this week. Signs you actually live in a dictatorship.

DNC Chair spotted at airport with an $1840 man purse? How could anyone spend that much on something which actually looks horrible compared to a simple black dufflebag?

GOP leadership is already planning to circumvent Trump’s shutdown over Wall funding. Medicare for all would not unify parties like opposition to the Wall. They all want that southern border wide open. Why?

James Dobson notes, you will vote in the midterm elections, or you will be risking losing your freedoms. I expect Cabal to be pulling out all the stops to hack, fake, and fraud a congressional takeover so they can try to impeach and stall Trump. Trump needs an overwhelming victory just to counter the fraud.

Google has two sets of workers – regular employees with full benefits who show up an hour late and leave at three, and contractors who do a full day, get no healthcare or perks, and do the exact same work. Be interesting to know the backgrounds of each group.

Oxford University study finds women with big butts are smarter and healthier.

Medicare For All bill will cost $32.8 Trillion, over the next ten years. In ten that should be our total national debt, so we’d only be doubling the national debt. Which would then double from there on out, probably. After Trump leaves office, the end of the US, or the end of democracy will approach. If the left ever gets power again, the government collapses, no doubts. They’ve just gone too far r.

SPLC cofounder tried to molest step daughter with a sex toy.

An article in the WSJ on the special “Carve Out” on Need To Know for security clearances for those at the top, which says Trump is right to rein it in. It was not always that way. Again, if Q was establishment, why attack this, which I would think is valuable to the Deep State. If this goes away, Q is real deal. If it remains, he isn’t. We will know for sure.

9th Circuit is dismissing Police Immunity and allowing Trump supporters to sue the San Jose Police Department. Not that leftists would have a dog in that fight, but again, it is a pro-Trump-ish ruling coming out of the 9th Circuit. Something significant there which may come to light later on.

Kim Dotcom is building a free-speech replacement for Facebook and Twitter.

Hollywood director says Obama gave safe haven to sex traffickers, while Trump has been fighting them aggressively.

Many Trump critics are coming around. I was fooled for decades, probably by design. I figured he would be smart, but I also assumed he was a carefree playboy billionaire with little commitment to the principles the nation was founded upon, or awareness of the importance of freedom. That he hid his power level so completely, for so long, is yet another piece of evidence he may be the most dangerous and competent competitor in the world.

The publisher of the New York Times has urged President Donald Trump not to continue labeling reporters “enemies of the people”, saying it could “lead to violence” against the media. That is the out-grouping amygdala-trigger. Notice how sensitive r-strategists are to it. We don’t even notice it, but the media is freaking out in ways we cannot imagine.

Conservative Treehouse looks at the case of James Wolfe, Security Director for the Senate Intelligence Committee. He leaked a copy of the FISA report with a wrong date to a reporterette he was banging, was caught dead to rights, but has not been charged.

President Trump is correct – Study shows 90% of Trump Administration media coverage is negative. I hear this and think, “Only 90%? Seems more like 99%.” And yet he’s solved North Korea, produced economic growth all the experts said was impossible, avoided several wars in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Asia, and blown out the left at every opportunity.

The Chinese think Trump is a wily Sun Tzu level genius.

Kim Kardashian praises Trump for the release of Alice Johnson. A Sun Tzu level genius, who pursues strategies nobody else can even understand. This little seed will radically alter the minds of every one of her followers.

Mike Rowe said after his show was pushed off due to election coverage, he jokingly told Bernie, Hillary, and Trump how he could forgive them. Bernie had to send him a rumpled jacket to auction off for charity, Hillary a pantsuit, and Trump an autographed bathrobe. Only Trump sent in an autographed bathrobe. He sees everything, and helps everyone he can, wherever he can, and nobody else even bothers to look at what is going on.

Along those lines, North Korea is likely an untapped goldmine of rare earth metals, and can get very rich, very quickly. If in a few years, North Korea is a rich first world nation (it already has the people, the education, and the culture), everyone in a non-first world nation will be knocking each other over to get Trump’s favor, and try to get the same deal.

Ginsburg thinks she has five more years on the Supreme Court. I once knew an old geezer just like this, who thought he had five years. He lasted about two. And he was a lot younger when he made his prediction, and looked a lot better. The bottom can drop out fast at that age.

Trump team leaning toward ignoring Mueller’s questioning. Waiting for the victory you know is coming is impossible to endure.

Trump is creating an Arab NATO to oppose Iran.

Trump offers to meet with Iranian President Rouhani without any preconditions. The master persuader just needs to get in the room. And a deal may already be made. There was an article a while back on how Trump organized the North Korean deal to allow Kim to be an equal, and maintain face. Here, he has crushed Iran’s economy, he is organizing a middle Eastern NATO against them. They may already have signaled they want to deal, and now Trump will treat them as equals, and even make them look bold and powerful by ceding something, so they can give him whatever he wants.

Interesting thread on the Cohen tapes, pointing out Cohen didn’t record anyone until 2016, when he made the Trump tape that showed Trump did nothing wrong. He then made 182 more tapes of his discussions with reporters, and they are now all in evidence. What is on them may be the significant tapings, and this may all be a God Emperor Plan to destroy the media, and maybe more.

Spread r/K Theory, because everything is new at some point

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5 years ago

The socialist-communist New York Times, who would not hesitate to call anyone who would resist their agenda an ‘enemy of the people’, is now crying that they are being labelled an ‘enemy of the people’ and that we just CANNOT use such language!!

A clear signal to us conservatives… to double down. Use it even more now.

Peripatetic commenter
Peripatetic commenter
5 years ago

This link is wrong:

Remove everything up to and including the %5E.

5 years ago

“Oxford University study shows that women with big butts are smarter and healthier.”

Obviously, they didn’t include Shaneka and Shittoria in their study. The IQ on those continent size butts would skew the study in the opposite direction.

5 years ago

AC, any thoughts on these videos?
How to Destroy a Narcissist part 1
How to Destroy a Narcissist part 2
She has other videos in a similar vein. She clearly is enjoying the thought of vengeance a little too much, and there’s a good bit of repetition in her advice. The worst part is she seems unaware (and thus does not warn) that your narc might react to these tactics by doing you real harm, physical or otherwise. But the tactics themselves seem good food for thought.

BTW, you wouldn’t happen to be on Gab?

White guy
White guy
5 years ago
White guy
White guy
5 years ago

Sorry old article!

5 years ago

“I was fooled for decades, probably by design. I figured he would be smart, but I also assumed he was a carefree playboy billionaire with little commitment to the principles the nation was founded upon, or awareness of the importance of freedom. That he hid his power level so completely, for so long, is yet another piece of evidence he may be the most dangerous and competent competitor in the world.”

Yeah, no. (I feel strongly enough about this to abandon my typical /pol/ typing style)

Trump has only recently hidden his power level. He’s always been a patriot, and always been for America First. I know this simply because I’ve been paying attention for decades.

Back in the late 80s and early 90s, he placed a series of full-page adverts in the USA Today, in which made statements which supported the death penalty and said that foreign powers such as Japan should be paying their fair share for their enjoyment of the US military’s protective services.

There’s an extant interview with him from the 1984 (((New York Times))) where, in the final paragraphs, he waxes poetically about potentially using his negotiating skills in pursuit of global denuclearization.

You can find various interviews with him still on (((YouTube))) where he speaks patriotically and about principles, start looking with the (((Larry King))) interviews at the site of the 1988 GOP Convention, which Trump attended.

Trump’s foray’s into reality TV and rasslin’, which I pretty much ignored BTW, where to serve a couple of different purposes, first, to make him a household name, and second, to make certain persons take him less seriously than they should.

My wife and I went from wondering “could this country ever be fixed? who could do it?” on one weekend’s drive to Church, to registering to vote (me, for the first time since Perot) and actively volunteering for the man in the next weeks immediately after his announcement. I knew immediately that there were only two barriers: would the cucks in the GOP conspire to prevent his nomination, and would they manage to kill him. Otherwise, I knew he’d win the general and that he’d be a GREAT president.

And the funny thing is, after saying all that, he’s so good that he surprises even ME.

Reply to  anonymouscoward
5 years ago

I was in a similar boat to AC.

I only started paying serious attention to Trump after I saw that he was going after child/human trafficking. I remember seeing the numbers of arrests during Obama’s administration, then seeing Trump’s numbers. Trump had only been in office maybe six months when I came across this information. but his numbers were already triple/quadruple Obama’s numbers. Obama had eight years in office and his arrest numbers were pathetic. Now we know why. This alone made me an instant Trump supporter.

I always suspected certain things but now I see that Trump must have had plans in the works all along; who knows if he’ll ever tell us how long he’s been working on his presidency. It’s truly remarkable how many things just locked into place just in the last 30 days in terms of my long-held suspicions about the roots of trafficking, how it links to pedophilia, and the war on drugs. Now it’s coming to light that it’s even more horrid than just political and economic power, but power for Evil works.

He and his team have accomplished so much already; I get chills just thinking about it. I also tear up constantly when I think of Trump and am always praying for him and his. I didn’t always like the moniker of God Emperor, but he is constantly and consistently proving that he is a man of God, and I believe He has been watching over him for a very long time.

5 years ago

“Interesting thread on the Cohen tapes” link should be:

Peaceable Citizen
Peaceable Citizen
5 years ago

Not sure if you saw this:

This stood out to me:
…others read one explaining that “racial minorities will constitute a majority of the U.S. populace by 2042.” The group that read the racially tinged release “produced more conservative views not only on plausibly relevant issues like immigration and affirmative action, but also on seemingly unrelated issues like defense spending and health care reform.”…

Viewed through your work on amygdala, to me this says the brain recognized the threat to resources of an out group and resulted in answering the survey questions through a K-lens of competing for resources. It’s “seemingly unrelated” unless you understand the underlying mechanism.

5 years ago

If you haven’t already come across this AC?

you have now!

5 years ago

Climate change is a complete scam run by the cabal.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

Speaking of Global cooling and Ice Ages I read both of this guys books, “Ice Age Now” and “Magnetic Reversals & Evolutionary Leaps”. If you want to panic forget global warming. Should we be so lucky. This guy noticed a pattern and made two books out of it. The Ice Ages, mass extinctions, volcanic eruptions and magnetic reversals and magnetic excursions coincide. We happen to be in a magnetic excursion right now. The North pole is moving very fast South. He thinks that when the magnetic pole moves is causes volcanic eruptions. He also believes that there are large explosions caused by the electric fields and magnetic fields of force moving about during these times. There’s good evidence for this. Maybe he’s wrong but the data on the timing of these mass extinctions and magnetic reversals is correct. It’s extremely likely that the mass extinctions that they proscribe to Man in North America are really one of these events, (or a comet). His books are interesting. Since he’s written his books there’s been further confirmation of the Sun-earth linkage magnetic field wise. There are magnetic tunnels that go from the Sun to the Earth. He has two blogs. Both interesting.

Here’s his blog and the second link is about the large scars in North America that look like someone blasted the Earth with a bunch of buckshot. He thinks these are from the explosions. I think they might be large, very large, lightening bolts from massive solar flares. Kind of like mega Northern lights events that cause lightening bolts instead of a few particles that light up the sky.

And related. We don’t really know how the Sun works. They say fusion but you know that’s not the whole story because the outside of the Sun is way hotter than the interior. Hows that work for fusion heat from below driving the Sun??? Some say it’s electrical. I don’t know but we certainly don’t have a good understanding.

There’s a guy who studied the pictures of the Sun from the close satellites we have watching it. He saw what looked like a mountain range on the Suns surface. Big, many times the size of Earth. Huge. After one rotation of the Sun it was still there so it wasn’t a temporary thing. He says it’s slag like that that floats on steel or when welding on top of the Sun. He says solar flares are between this slag.

Based on the slag I have concocted a whacked theory. The Sun makes slag as it runs, fuses, whatever. The slag traps gases and when heated make it rise to the top. The slag is also an electrical insulator keeping the charges that build up from equalizing in the form of solar flare electrical discharges. (Which is exactly what they look like to me. Electrical discharges). The Earths cycle is roughly 90,000 years of Ice Age with 10,000 years of warm like now. This slag builds up and eventually chokes off the solar flares making Earth colder (Ice Age). At some point the charge imbalance between different points builds up to such an extent that there is a huge massive electric super flare storm that breaks up the slag for another 10,000 years or so. If you look at the end of the last Ice Age you see a massive super heating, then cold, then another massive heating. It would fit slag breaking up in more than one heating event. Now Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson say this was from a comet and make a great case for it except we don’t have the actual comet or a crater. Just massive Ice melting.w We also have two heating events close together. Could it be from a stupendous solar flare caused by the break up of suns slag?????

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

There may also be something to the theory that our Sun is expanding and becoming a yellow white star. I read somewhere that the magnetic ‘envelope’ around our solar system is expanding as if the planets are being ‘pushed’ further away from the Sun. There have been noticeable changes to the ‘climate’ on Mercury and Venus that may also be a result of changes to our Sun.

Another theory was that Earth has also expanded over time and is now bigger. Suggestion was that the core is an electro magnetic ball of plasma that is growing and expanding. (A mini version of the Sun?) The movement of the tectonic plates and cracks in the Earth’s mantle is to accommodate that expansion. This also changes our gravitational field and may explain why the largest land mammal today is the elephant and in the oceans it is the blue whale. If true, it may explain why Dinosaurs couldn’t exist today.

Part of Nicolas Tesla’s work was based on harnessing electro magnetic ‘free’ energy. One of the reasons his work was seized by the Cabal of the time. This article is about the pyramids being used to focus this energy, maybe even store it. This fits in with the theory that our planet has a ‘net’ of energy around it with the pyramids as nexus points. Considering the number of pyramids found in different countries around the world, the ancient world may have had access to energy we are being denied today. Maybe we will gain access to it again once the vested interests are removed.