Blumenthal Seeks Declassification Of Last 9/11 Documents

I heard this on the radio:

U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut says he plans to introduce a resolution that calls for declassifying all remaining documents related to the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

My first thought was this was government, and transparency, and openness, and honesty, and revealing information, and being truthful – what the fuck is this cocksucker up to? Our politicians never do any of that, unless they are pursuing some nefarious, ulterior motive.

The radio didn’t have the second part of the story:

In April… families announced plans to step up pressure to compel the CIA, the FBI and others to turn over information that could shed light on potential complicity by Saudi Arabia.

It is an attack on Saudi Arabia. It is reminiscent of the Deep State laying sanctions on Russia to try and poison President Trump’s overtures to Putin.

Say what you will of Q. This would have still made no sense to me without him revealing that Crown Prince Salman had made a deal with Trump to eliminate the Cabal’s control in the Kingdom.

Now we see known political shitbag Blumenthal taking overt action to attack Saudi Arabia, when it is clear that the Deep State has been covering for them going all the way back to the days after 9/11 when Bush allowed all of the Saudi royals in the US to flee, despite a no fly order in effect for the rest of the US.

It is possible the ultimate elites, the ones who really run everything have orchestrated all of this. But that will be revealed one day.

We may see actual Deep State Cabal members imprisoned and executed for treason, in which case we will know that if they went to their graves silently, they were hiding their complicity because the ultimate blame laid with them. Or we may see them sentenced to death, and their interviews will reveal a deeper layer of the conspiracy which got away from us. Or we will see the Blumenthals and Obama’s and Hillary’s skate freely, in which case we will know everything is controlled, including the battle between the Cabal and the Rebellion.

Whatever happens, I think we are coming up on something of our mysterious situation being revealed. I am optimistic the reveal may accompany a rather dramatic change in our governmental circumstance, but whatever happens, we will see.

Spread r/K Theory, because like Q, it makes things make sense

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5 years ago

“What the fuck is this cocksucker up to?”

Good advice with dealing with public officials and the media. Analysis of their language, motives, actions, and timing is necessary to figure out what they are up to.

5 years ago

Which I can absolutely promise you will incriminate the Saudi Royal family. Maybe people in the Cheney administration as well, but definitely the Saudis… that were deposed last year by a faction more agreeable to Trump and are available to be handed over to the US for a show trial as long as Trump agrees to keep the weapons shipments coming in their proxy war with Iran.

Doubtful the docs include anything on the CIA’s role in coordinating it, or the Israeli Mossad providing the demolition teams who actually brought the buildings down while they filmed it and danced, but hey, you never know.

5 years ago

Say what I will? I say that if Q really wanted to communicate real information, he would do so without cryptic riddles to keep you all busy decoding them. But he has to sneak around the Deep State, you say. Do you really think the Deep State can’t go to The Deep State knows everything Q’s followers have posted online.

When it’s clear that the Storm is never going to come, how many of you will grab your Second Amendment rights and shoot innocent people in the nearest pizza parlor because you’ve convinced yourself the place is full of imaginary child molesters?

I guess the best I can hope for is that you’ll convince yourselves that the Storm happened in secret, or you’ll spend the rest of your lives cherishing the belief that St. Donny *tried* to save all those poor kids in the pizza parlors, but the mean old Deep State wouldn’t let him!

But there is another possibility! It isn’t either the Storm happens or the Deep State stops St. Donny and only you happy few ever know the truth. It’s that there is no Eyes Wide Shut conspiracy of Democrats sacrificing babies in Black Masses.

You keep claiming you’ve taken the red pill and rejected the blue pill (terms from a movie directed by two transwomen, which makes me chuckle every time I hear masculinists use it). The blue pill is believing the sanitized version of the world we all get in school and on mainstream tv. The red pill is realizing that it’s way more complicated and hidden and in some cases sinister… only people who proclaim themselves red-pilled generally run off into another direction entirely.

So I declare the yellow pill to be coming down from the red-pill high where you decide Obama and Hillary are Satanic child molesters descended from alien lizards and adjusting to the reality: yes, the world is a lot more complicated than they told you in school, and yes, a lot of things are determined behind the scenes instead of openly in our elections and newspapers. But the fact is that the reality is still pretty boring. The rich jerks who make the decisions that ruin the lives of those below them do this in boardrooms and offices, not at Satanic masses with cannibal feasts.

Q knows you wouldn’t listen to him if he talked about predatory lending or tariffs or currency manipulation. That’s why people always claim their political enemies – Democrats, Jews, witches, pagans, even Christians in the early days! – eat children and have orgies and worship the devil. He calls it the Deep State because it sounds less crazy than the Illuminati, but that’s the exact myth he’s pushing on you.

I know, I don’t interact in the comments often. There’s a limit to how much of this I can take. It’s just… you guys show ingenuity in solving Q’s clues. You feel compassion for the imaginary children Hillary is supposed to be raping, and if they existed, you’d be right to! If only you were using your powers for good instead of wasting them letting the psyop team known as Q feed you these fantasies.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

In other words a good example of Gamma behaviour as Vox Day knows all to well having been on the receiving end of attempts by several of them to do the same thing.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

‘Ol Remus over on the Woodpile Report cited C.S. Lewis today for this quote on the topic of evil:

“It is not done even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices.”

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

You’ve really got the measure of the troll A.C.

English Tom
English Tom
5 years ago


If you read you will find another plane took off as well. An El Al (Israeli airlines) plane took off with the real perpetrators on it. Saudis/Muslims are pasties. At least 8 of the so called hijackers were still alive after the event (stolen Id’s).

Israel did 9/11. Check out or zioncrimefactory.