News Briefs – 08/23/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Stefan Molyneux on South Africa:

Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter and his wife indicted for misuse of campaign funds. Right before the election. You wonder how many of these the Democrats will roll out between now and election day, given the Cabal’s only chance is a takeover of Congress for Impeachment to stall the Storm. Odd also everything hit on Monday, to maximize the news cycle effect.

If you are a furry, it is no impediment to getting hired on at NASA. But if you tell someone on the National Space Council to suck your dick, you will get your papers. The r-selected environment, in a nutshell:

London has four firearms incidents in two days, and police discover a firearms factory.

China’s space capabilities are maturing rapidly, as they seek to dominate the space environment militarily and deny it to others. Fits with Q’s story of Obama killing our space capabilities on orders of Cabal so our recalcitrant rural conservatives who wouldn’t turn over their guns could be suppressed under the boot of Chinese military authority with the help of treasonous leftist overseers. They just never counted on how those recalcitrants had volunteered for military intelligence, and formulated their own plans.

WaPo says Venezuela doesn’t prove anything about socialism. It was just the wrong socialist who tried to implement it.

Obama campaign fined by FEC for hiding illegal contributors, and keeping illegal donations. One of the biggest fines in FEC history, and given old rumors about boxes of $200 gift cards hustled in from the Saudis and the paperwork dummied up, there may be even more there going on.

Belgian Knife attack leaves them mourning the loss of several victims. Knifer went crazy in a restaurant.

Meanwhile in Venezuela everyone is bracing for the mother of all migratory waves as Maduro devalues the currency 96%, pegs it to a crypto-currency most think is a scam, and raises the minimum wage 6000% meaning all businesses need to lay everyone off. Imagine how Hillary would have brought them all here and given them citizenship so they could vote – and we could have been defeated in a WWIII of Cabal’s construction.

Neighboring borders are closing up because nobody wants migrants who abandon their homeland – except leftist r-strategists who want to screw up their own land. It is so complete, you wonder if the Venezuelan failure was planned. They never thought she’d lose.

Antifa mob attacks man with flag, beats him brutally. Turns out he was a Bernie supporter who brought a flag to the protest.

Some in Britain are calling for more criminals to become lawyers, because barring criminals diminishes diversity. In fairness, it is probably not that big a change in occupation.

US government rolls up two Iranian spies operating in the US to target Iranian resistance groups. Oh, to be an Iranian resistance group.

For the historians, a video from this link. Police are asking the public for their help because they cannot identify the woman and have no leads:

Russia creates a bipedal Mech Robot, with a cabin with bulletproof glass that the crew resides in:

Russia also to try and recover a crashed nuclear-powered missile. Apparently it used a nuclear powerplant, so Russia could put them up in the air and they would cruise around on autopilot until they were needed, and given coordinates.

Prosecutors do not push for jail time for Awan, he gets three months supervised released on fraud charges. No telling what is going on there.

Flashback – Congress paid off sex accusations with a congressional slush fund. Is it possible Trump has set up the sex accusations to boomerang around to this? If Dems call for his head over Cohen, what can he demand when those congressional names become public?

Goldman Sachs set to lose big as Venezuela devalues, after buying $2.8 Billion in Venezuelan Bonds last May. So basically Goldman Sachs gave $2.8 billion to Maduro, in return for a promise to be paid back more later, when Venezuela is defaulting left and right on everything. Cabal payoff? Child trafficking payoff?

Bulgaria points out that thanks to patriotic leaders, Bulgaria has a border wall and strong border force, and their country is now Migrant Crisis Proof.

ACLU says banning of Alex Jones sets a dangerous precedent.

Special Counsel delays the sentencing of Michael Flynn yet again. Something is delaying the Storm, as they sort it out.

Trump cites death of Iowa college student in asking for stronger immigration laws.

Ed Rollins says there will be no blue wave, everything will definitely hold. Assuming we turn out to vote.

Trump bags the most dangerous terrorist in the world with a drone strike in Yemen. Specialized in sticking bombs in hard to find places for taking down planes, like the underwear bomb.

Man attacks random priest, saying, “This is for all the kids.” Oddly enough, this may be what it takes to get the normies motivated to deal with the evil in their midst, in a lot of areas. Once they are under threat because of the evil, they will act to eradicate it. I would set this guy free if I was on the jury.

Google sued over tracking locations without permission.

Trump planning to dedicate 40 days to campaign for house and senate races.

Spread r/K Theory, because you never know what’s next with the God-Emperor

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Lina Inverse
Lina Inverse
5 years ago

and given old rumors about boxes of $200 gift cards hustled in from the Saudis and the paperwork dummied up, there may be even more there going on.

There’s a lot more than rumors, the 2008 Obama campaign didn’t do address verification of credit card donations, something you can confirm by looking up the odd figures for donations which would be something like $47.34. No one in the US would donate like that but that’s how a foreign currency donation would turn out after conversion to US dollars. I personally found several of these in my small city in flyover country.

Trump cites death of Iowa college student in asking for stronger immigration laws.

She was a “I hate white people” rabbit (archive since I can’t see her Twitter account lasting long), daughter of two virtue signaling rabbits. Thanks for providing a framework which makes these apparently insane actions make sense. Well, along with the purity spiral concept that “jim” has popularized.

5 years ago

“Oddly enough, this may be what it takes to get the normies motivated to deal with the evil in their midst, in a lot of areas. Once they are under threat because of the evil, they will act to eradicate it. I would set this guy free if I was on the jury.”

Being a retired Lutheran Pastor, not in any way connected to the RCC scandal, but who also wears a collar at times – my being beaten by a ignorant lunatic incapable of making any distinctions would be somehow acceptable in your mind?

I have personally and pastorally been involved in stopping cases of pedophilia. But getting my head bashed because of the homosexual lavender cardinals and bishops invasion of Rome, is quite alright with you because “it sends a message!?” 17 always focuses on those who are actually guilty, but never at the expense of the innocent.

If we lose our grounding on individual rights – are we any better than the raging leftist commies and the raging pedos?


Any rationale for the civilization you purport to defend would be lost.

Reply to  jb
5 years ago

I am inclined to agree.
That’s like beating on random jews because jews have control over MSM, Hollywood, big pharma, finance, invented communism, control the US Senate, etc…

Reply to  jb
5 years ago

You kind of deserve it for being a daughter selling christ cuck Mr Lutheran

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  jb
5 years ago

“…If we lose our grounding on individual rights – are we any better than the raging leftist commies and the raging pedos?


I don’t think you can sustain this sort of thinking intellectually. Do I agree with it as an overriding principle? Do I think there’s a lot of good ideas in Libertarianism and other individualist ideas. Yes. The problem is that the priest, the Jews, the cabal and a lot of others are not acting like this. They don’t give a shit about our “individualism” or us. They band together and destroy us. I don’t think any group is all bad but if they constantly attack anyone outside the group that makes critical comments about them, bands together to defend the group no matter what the actions of the individuals in the group and then refuse to police their own members then the only alternative is to attack them as a group. Damn individualism if it’s our only recourse as we are destroyed. The call to “they’re not all like this” is just a tactic to promote indifference in the out group while the in group is anything but. Finally after decades and decades and decades of attacking Whites for what a small minority did I say to hell with everyone else and their special groups. I want my own special group and to hell with everyone else. [As an aside less than 1% of Whites owned slaves but 40% of Jews did.]

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  jb
5 years ago

Missed this,

“…Any rationale for the civilization you purport to defend would be lost…”

It’s already gone. There’s nothing to save.

5 years ago

OT, but I came across this today:

Not the first time I read about Clooney get paid mega-$$$ for some tequila (BTW, other than in margaritas, who drinks tequila???).

Prior to my having found this site/blog, for the last several years I had been coming to the same conclusions found herein re: people getting paid outrageous fortunes for doing, well, nothing. This story about Clooney, which first surfaced several years ago, is what cemented it for me. Here we have someone from the Hollywood elite, who just happens to spout a lot of left-wing rhetoric, and who also just happens to have a large stake in a hobby tequila-making business, which just so happens to make bank. The luck! What an astute businessman Clooney is!

Nah… I don’t buy it. Again, I think this was a way to pay Clooney back for his years of blind loyalty to Cabal. That’s the only way I can explain it. I know the alcohol industry. It is highly competitive, and while it can pay good, it doesn’t pay this good. At least not this fast and easy. And there were already several high-end tequilas on the market before this was introduced. For Clooney to have pulled this off, with a hobby business no less, is simply a bridge too far for me.

This has got Cabal written all over it.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Bonaventure
5 years ago


Clooney is a member of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations). He successfully shilled for the (alleged) Darfur genocide which was actually a plot to deny China oil from Sudan.
He earned his money and fame this way.

5 years ago

Oddly enough, this may be what it takes to get the normies motivated to deal with the evil in their midst, in a lot of areas.

It is oddly fair to target the institution at random if it will not root out the problem itself.

5 years ago

An innocent human being does not the institution make. That isn’t “oddly fair” – just quite “odd.”

I stand firmly by my words. It is a matter of God-given rights, and if we jettison those willy-nilly to be doing “something/whatever” – we surrender our own rights, and become what our opposition is.

As I also said – the man is an ignorant lunatic. Hit at the wrong target to vent his “rage.” I guarantee you this, any clown that sees me in collar and tries that, will quickly discover in the middle of his forehead the lead-ish bite of my right according to the 2nd Amendment.

No jury nullification fans need apply.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Much clearer now AC. Thanks.
I think the problem is not safety per-se, its the lack of accountability, and the lack of general public vigilance (that safety incites, but that can be worked around via education, cultural pressure, we can engineer society to be more K, with rites of passage, training in combat for all young people, teaching real history, etc).
What we need to do is to counter the safety induced lack of vigilance with mechanisms that prevent subversion.

Its like this:
cabal gets finished. Doesn’t matter who is at the top, we take all their tools away, then what? Do we stand around and wait a few generations only for it to come back? No, we learn how subversion gets to grip entire nations and the whole world, and we plan to prevent it. Good times, weak men; weak men, bad times; bad times, strong men; strong men, good times.

This time, we’ll have strong men = good times + plans for good times to not get out of hand and weakness never stepping in.

5 years ago

We had better turn out and vote. The thought of losing Trump after eight years of lawlessness from Obama and cronies is unbearable. I’d rather the tide of the apocalypse roll in than face business as usual if Trump is impeached.

Couldn’t believe it but shouldn’t be surprised the media took a Trump tweet about South African farmers and twisted it to be white supremacist.

Then someone found a remote second cousin of Mollie Tibbetts who tweeted about being disgusted over people using her death to make a big deal about immigration. I wonder what her immediate family would have to say about it? If that was my sister getting raped and stabbed by an illegal, I’d be shouting “GET THOSE FUCKERS OUT OF HERE!!” from the rooftops.

5 years ago


Good news, even on the most shitty newspappers in my country the issues modern day slavery (human trafficking) and the massive pedo rings in the Church are popping up like mad.
Trump’s team actions of exposing those business model’s from the cabal are getting fruits, and the awareness to said rotten cabal shit is getting into the mainstream and general public’s consciousness.

5 years ago

Sadly, that Homer Hickham guy cucked…upon further review, he has agreed to help the furry female with her aerospace career. Evidently the higher-ups told him to accommodate her desires.

Strange that he caved, because he’s well past FedGov retirement age, and has written multiple books and had a movie made about his life. It would seem that he could have told TPTB to go pound sand, just as the furry had told him to do.