News Briefs – 08/24/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

A flesh-eating sexually transmitted disease in Britain. Really. Normally only seen in the third world.

The Baby Poo Smoothie is the new health fad.

Mitt Romney says last 24 hours have confirmed his faith in our Justice system. Cabalaite by blood.

Warren announces she is not running in 2020. She has other plans, mainly a long-planned vacation to Guantanamo Bay Cuba.

Trans man files human right complaint because he had to pay for his own breast implants.

California uses loophole to exempt 95% of state from work requirements for food stamps.
Hillary headlining fundraisers in several major cities for the fall elections. Some are speculating she is hoping to build favors and keep the door open on a rerun in 2020.

Apple opposed cracking the San Bernadino terrorist’s IPhones, but gave up Manafort’s iCloud data happily.

Facebook strips “President of the United States” Tag from President Donald Trump’s Facebook page.

Mexican Cardinal says sex abuse victims should be ashamed to accuse men of the Church.

Most convicted rapists in Sweden Foreign born, despite migrants being a small proportion of the population, and migrants enjoying favoritism in charging and convictions.

The government filing in the lawsuit says two anti-coyote cyanide bombs went off, spraying a child and killing his dog. If you see a blood smeared lawn sprinkler in the middle of nowhere, stay away from it.

Obama offered hush money to Jeremiah Wright, but nobody cared. And Wright was espousing anti-Americanism.

Facebook censors a NY Post article on why Trump supporters will vote for him in 2020. Assuming the Democrats and their Cuckservative counterparts don’t manage to Impeach him before then.

MasterCard and Visa cut off payments to the David Horowitz Freedom Center think tank, because SPLC labeled it a hate group.

Former Intel officials get big bucks in the private sector off of their security clearances. The reason? Private sector does the illegal work that government agencies are afraid to do for fear of creating paper trails and being subject to oversight.

Nobody will say if Hillary has a security clearance.

A good article, the primary point of which is, the FEC has held that to be a campaign contribution, an expenditure must have no other possible purpose beyond the campaign. If you do something for your business, and it also serves a campaign, or if you might have done it even if you weren’t campaigning, then it is not a campaign contribution.

Propaganda campaign online to stop Kavanaugh traced back to Iran. Why would Iranians pose as Bernie supporters to stop Kavanaugh, who has almost no effect on Iranian policy in the US?

Lannny Davis points out Michael Cohen has set up a GoFundMe to take contributions. Notice a theme? These types of things are Cabal’s Payroll company.

Facebook is identifying posts with Conservative content as Spam.

Laymen launch a website to track the networks McCarrick was involved in in the Catholic Church.

Trump is having Pompeo look into the treatment of and murder of white Farmers in South Africa.

Target CEO raves about the economy. “The best consumer environment I’ve seen in my career.” All Trump did was put America First.

In one week, the Rasmussen generic Congressional went from 48-41% Democrat-Republican to dead even. The Mollie Tibbits effect?

Sessions ending Administrative Closure amnesty, where Obama’s officials simply told 350,000 illegals their cases were being warehoused, and ignored. Files to be pulled, and cases to be reopened.

Rand Paul introduces an Amendment to defund Planned Parenthood. Probably won’t work, but it shows even libertarians don’t want to fund abortions for sluts

Trump says American citizens should have the same rights as the fake news media. Also says he prefers the presence of Fake News like CNN to seeing a world with unpopular opinions silenced.

Schweikart says, no Blue Wave according to early voting.

Trump completely neutralizes Cohen in one sentence, saying the payments never came from the campaign, they came from him. It is just so perfectly designed, and Cohen as a lawyer, should have known that if he was trying to hurt Trump. On the one hand, Cohen being a set up of Cabal in a secret operation for Trump would require tremendous sacrifice from him, and tremendous loyalty to Trump. But on the other, what would you sacrifice for the opportunity to be a part of the most significant battle to save the nation since its founding, and how much loyalty would you show Donald Trump personally. Impossible to tell what will happen here.

Spread r/K Theory, because like liberal treason, the news just keeps coming.

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5 years ago

Rand Paul. It is probably more his Christianity than his politics for defunding planned parenthood.

5 years ago


Something I just had defined for me and something all K’s need to keep in mind when looking at the information out there. The following is taken with some liberties and quotes from the authors’ note by David Baldacci – novel “The Whole Truth” (2008). The following is a ragged quote so as not to knowingly violate copywrite laws.

(quote)”The term “perception management” has firmly entered the public lexicon. The Department of Defense even defines perception management in one of its manuals, so the military folks take it very seriously.” Many public relations firms now offer perception management (PM). However, it seems that not many of them do it very well. To do it well you need to specialize in it as the the “Big Lie” is converted into the “Truth”.

Understand that the world of the PM is not spinning the truth, they create the facts and and present them, creating “truth”. So, the SOP is to present the lie/truth and then allow the diggers for the truth to “discover” the facts that support the “lie/truth”. The novel has at its operating logic many of the SOP’s used by the PM manipulators.

The problem as presented by the author is (quote) “that a major untruth can be established so quickly and overwhelminly across the world that no digging by anyone after the fact can make a dent in the public consciousness that it is not actually true at all”.

(quote) “And that’s precisely what makes it so dangerous”.

Think about the concept; most of what you see is from the spin doctors and is easily seen through if you care to look. The problem is that behind the scenes lie the PM’s and here is the danger. Very difficult to descern the actual truth. So if in your search for the truth, the research results always seems to be a step ahead of you – watch your back.

Be a “K” it is in itself a strong defense as a sense of purpose and basic level of morality can guide you.


By the way the book is a good story and mostly time immune so its publish date is not a big deal. I have no commercial interest in the above.

Peaceable Citizen
Peaceable Citizen
5 years ago

Have you seen this article?

What stood out to me was “…your happiness is equal to or greater than the difference between the events of your life and your expectations of how life should behave.”

It made me think of when you talk about amygdala and violation of expectation. I’m not sure if it’s the same mechanism but I appreciate having the amygdala filter when I am trying to understand human behavior and motivation. Thanks for all the effort you put into your writing!

5 years ago

Thanks for the link to the tranny article AC, made me laugh out loud.

If this isn’t a great example of a civilization that is “going down”, I don’t know what is.

5 years ago

It’s pretty freaking hilarious that you cite The Daily Beast (integral propaganda node in the Clinton/Cabal network) as Gospel truth. You’re the smartest dumb person on the internet AnonymousBoomer.

Mister Quigg
Mister Quigg
5 years ago

Odd video by an animal channel I follow, sounds like a skilled psych-op attack. She lives in Arizona which seems to be a human trafficking route.

Mister Quigg
Mister Quigg
5 years ago

Just as an army requires regular training, drills, realistic exercises to stay sharp, and every minor conflict provides useful intel about weapons and personnel response, so perhaps the Cabal regularly pick on harmless targets to acquire more feedback. And if there are tens of thousands of C employees with surveillance/interference powers, perhaps they pick on anyone who catches their fancy, like airport staff deciding to scan hot babes for the lulz. In a sense, it’s probably safer to do practice drills on e.g. a woman who lives alone with dogs in the desert than someone like you.

They may even be seeing how her audience respond, to see how many people think she’s mad, or it’s a random hack, or how many offer to help.