News Briefs – 09/07/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Trump shares video of Portland protester catching fire set to the song ‘Footloose.’ It will be in Trump’s twitter feed in the twitter brief, but it deserved a spot here too. Do not watch it if you need to be able to see, because you will have tears in your eyes for a bit after it. There is only one bad thing about the Best President Ever, and that is that even the greatest Presidency of all time will come to an end at some point, and nothing will ever be the same.

Here is the youtube of a parody video Donald Trump filmed for the 2012 Republican convention that featured him firing Obama.

A youtube video in which NSA Whistleblower Bill Binney discusses how he is helping people who are being hit with Directed Energy Weapons to try and proven they are being used as guinea pigs to test the technology by some unknown organization. He reports he is involved with a case where it appears the directed energy weapon was deployed aboard a drone to zap someone in their house.

Fox News contributor Trey Gowdy told “Sunday Morning Futures” that he assumes there will be no additional indictments arising from U.S. Attorney John Durham’s review of the investigation into links between Russia and the 2016 Trump campaign. Nobody really knows anything at this point, beyond the fact there is massive criminality and treason, and Trump, who seemingly always wins, is bent on taking it down, and has to take it down to survive.

WikiLeaks’ Assange to fight US extradition bid in UK court.

Atlantic editor-in-chief says he will release more dirt on Trump – as Veteran Affairs secretary insists article that claims President called dead soldiers ‘losers’ is not true.

48 of America’s 50 largest cities hit by Black Lives Matter riots.

Public Employee Unions are jumping on the Black Lives Matters bandwagon. Another indicator of the centralization – these are orders given to make sure everyone knows to feed the fire.

New York Post reports that one reason for the surging, often protracted violence in US cities is the rise of a host of progressive prosecutors who actually tilt against law and order. They actually tilt whatever way Cabal’s conspiracy tells them, which just happens to be against law and order for now.

A member of the Proud Boys is hospitalized with severe injuries from being hit by a car after attending a memorial for Aaron “Jay” Danielson, the President Donald Trump supporter who was murdered by Antifa in Portland.

A 32-year-old accused felon committed another violent assault against an innocent man after being bailed out by the nonprofit funded by Biden’s staffers.

WhiteHouseSiege to begin on sept. 17, the ninth anniversary of OccupyWallStreet.

Former Navy SEAL and author Matt Bracken in a youtube vid says the Portland Proud Boys shooting was a retaliatory hit for Kyle Rittenhouse involving at least 10 Antifa operatives who ran support. They are discussing this video here taken before the shooting, apparently by a conspirator, who was careful to not film the team’s faces. In it, at 1:20, you can see the shooter loitering and talking with a guy in all black, who looks like the spotter in this picture with his hand to his mouth triggering the shooter’s movement. It would appear it was a last coordination pow-wow before they initiated. After it at 2:03, you see the chubby girl in the shorts who took the corner (the cameraman is careful to not film their faces), as well as at 2:07, the fat chick in the striped dress and her boyfriend move out with the shooter, and the all black spotter guy, as well as the rest of that group and the cameraman. We really should get this on 4Chan and ID this entire team. It would be fascinating to see who their covers are in regular life. Notice also they had vehicular support, with a command vehicle and a backup vehicle to deliver a distraction team which made it a point to tell responding cops the shooter was leaning out of a red car. Look at how many people were involved in that operation, and the technical and logistical support. Think how bizarre you used to find it when somebody said, they had exactly that, all around them on a street.

Understand, intel is territorial. You will not see Antifa running operations like this on somebody else’s territory on their own. If they tried to set this type of machine up, it would rapidly be infiltrated and taken over by Cabal, or shut down with arrests and long prison terms. This is exactly what I see and write about here. The overall command and support structure here in this operation is the same thing running cover for gangs and serial killers, taking out honest cops, running coverage and generating files  on EVERYONE, gangstalking some people for unknown reasons (maybe just practice?), spinning up cop-killers and mass murderers, and able to flex on government when it needs to, to get cops in line and prevent anyone from posing a threat to it. It is between 4 and 10 percent of the population in most areas, from the biggest city to backwoods Alaska. I’ll bet it is the same thing behind the Smileyface killers, and which that guy on FreeRepublic said was also picking college kids with potential like his nephew, meeting them at parties, drugging and kidnapping them, and likely sexually assaulting them on camera while they are out, before dumping them in ditches in their underwear. The shooter is probably a useful idiot Antifa, maybe even an MK Ultra-baby handed to this group. But much of the rest of the operation probably goes back to being apparently normal, even seemingly nice suburban family people tomorrow, monitoring their neighborhoods for the machine covertly, and only playing the role of Antifa here. Remember, I said these actors were depleted when the riots started, and someone else on here said they noticed the same thing in their area.

Understand also, it is more likely than not the target was ultimately designated by a voice on a radio that got bounced off a repeater, and that came from miles away in some windowless command center, filled with TVs that showed all different angles of that protest in real time, often from the perspective of participants with hidden cameras in the crowd. That voice who delivered the target was probably somebody who will never show their face at a protest like this, and they got the name from a planning team who has files on EVERYONE, and who decided this guy best fit their mission objectives, whatever they were – publicity, neutralizing a threat, sending a message, protecting a political/social position in Proudboys from him getting it, whatever. I can’t imagine US Marshals taking the shooter out to tie up an Antifa loose end, which makes me wonder if the shooter was MK-Ultra’d, Derren Brown style, and had some sort of programming to cash out if he was ever about to be taken. But in a world where you can be a relative nobody, walking on the street, surrounded by some sort of covert operatives for a foreign conspiracy that runs much of the power structures in the US, where the CIA hacks brains and programs mass killers for the conspiracy, and where massive pedophile rings occupy the highest levels of power together, nobody is untouchable, even locked in a prison under 24/7 video surveillance, and the vast majority of the nation can not imagine any of that is possible, there is no telling where the boundaries of weirdness are any more. But for those ProudBoys, imagine them attending the protests, thinking it is just an organic conglomeration of random people, all of them on their own wavelength, when in reality they are the focus of a centrally coordinated machine with thousands of people under its command, operating like straight out of a Jason Bourne movie, which was probably watching this guy’s livestream in real time in the command center, just like that reporter I did the piece on who said, “You’ll see him now,” as he held his cell phone pointing at the black guy he was following.

This shit is out there, and as Q said ti si bigger than you can possibly imagine. The big question you should be asking yourself is, that if we know, how many of the “elites” we watch on TV know, but will not discuss this astonishing, mind-boggling revelation. Why is that? And what will happen if things work out like Q says, and after the Storm, you have 4-10% of the population who were part of a machine that just killed a patriotic dude like this in cold blood, because one of their pedophile drones got smoked by a kid he was trying to kill. What do you do with all the little cogs in a machine like that which will want to rebuild it, to get the party started again? What is a practically feasible method to prevent them from re-massing? I honestly can’t imagine what you do there, unless you are going completely out of the box.

Captain “Sully” Sullenberger calls ‘coward’ Trump ‘unfit for office’ and says he’s the first president to ‘repeatedly show vulgar contempt for those who have served our country’ in blistering Twitter attack. There is a pretty good possibility that the conspiracy has mounted some sort of hidden surveillance packages on the bottoms of a lot of commercial, and some private planes, with a deal with the pilots they have recruited into the conspiracy, that when contacted, they will divert flight paths to fly over an area designated in their orders. I suspect it is like a poor man’s keyhole satellite system, to add to the surveillance web. What is interesting about this is this guy is reasonably intelligent. He knows this is bullshit. But he also knows what happens if the conspiracy loses in November.

U-Haul trucks set ablaze by protesters owned by black man who placed a ‘Black Owned’ sign outside. Again, he thinks this is operating the way a normie would think. It is not. I will bet there is a Cabal-owned Budget truck rental company nearby, and it will never get touched.

Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden is touting Wall Street’s support for his $640 billion housing plan that would force low-income, multi-family housing developments into America’s suburban communities.

Video resurfaces of Joe Biden saying he asked China for help becoming President.

USPS is ‘investigating’ an alarming mail issue in SoCal — massive bags of mail being dumped in two different locations in Glendale, California, out of the back of a massive U-Haul truck.

Oregon bars the GOP voter statement in their state voter pamphlet, saying it was 29 seconds late, but the state GOP says it was in on time, and they are lying to exclude it.

An upcoming book  interviews a source that has worked at Google and Twitter, who says the AI algorithms used by Big Tech platforms are being trained to target conservatives.

CNN anchor Jake Tapper tried to convince Republican Sean Parnell to run in a different congressional district than in Pennsylvania’s 17th, where he is currently challenging Democrat Rep. Conor Lamb.

A legal foundation has filed two court briefs that assert that double voting by the thousands happened in 2016-2018 in Georgia and North Carolina.

A University Professor threatens to ‘document’ Nick Sandmann’s behavior on campus, and calls his beliefs ‘atrocious and uninformed.’

A new round of California blackouts could hit up to 3 million as grid managers plead for conservation.

As China launches a “Clean Plate Campaign,” speculation of a looming food shortage in China is growing.

Tens of thousands of Muslims across Pakistan protested against French magazine Charlie Hebdo reprinting cartoons that mock the Prophet Mohammad.

Hundreds of NYC restaurants join $2 billion lawsuit against Cuomo, de Blasio over city’s indoor dining ban.

Dinesh D’Souza says recent riots and political unrest could lead to ‘rise of citizen militias around the country.’

Michigan House Speaker says, ‘Democrats should be scared about Michigan’ in November.

Trump says schools teaching NY Times’ 1619 Project ‘will not be funded.’

47 percent of Americans see Trump winning a Presidential debate vs 41 percent seeing Biden win. And that is the bullshit Fake News Poll, where ten percent of Trump supporters will not reveal with power level.

Organizers expected 700 boats at inaugural Trump boat parade on Lake Lanier — 4,000 show up!

Spread r/K Theory, because this thing is bigger than you can possibly imagine.

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3 years ago

> mags of mail

Unfortunately, this is a problem going *way* back. My Dad was a postal inspector from the mid’70s and the mid’90s. His job normally involved overseeing bulk mail billing, which was just one of those unexciting jobs that had to be done, but he occasionally got directed to other things.

One of those, in the 1980s, was the discovery of half a dozen tractor-trailer loads of mail in Memphis, that had been discovered abandoned in various parking lots. The local postmaster’s stats were looking bad, so he was lightening his workload by getting rid of excess mail.

The three things that Dad got from the investigation were A) the postmaster actually thought he could get away with it, B) it had happened before at other large post offices, and (through the grapevine later) C) other postmasters did it later.

They *had* to know they would be caught, yet they did it anyway…

I don’t know anything about the dumped mail in California, but something else to be aware of is that some mail is handled by “private mailbox” companies, some affiliated with USPS, some not. The affiliated ones are basically privatized post offices; they sell postage, stamp mail, etc., but they’re not USPS employees. Margins are thin in such businesses, and if they simply dumped mail without paying postage, they could pocket the money and then blame the Post Office when it never arrived.

Elaine Ash
3 years ago

I would love a post from you on how to vet new “friends.” California is crawling with operatives, and I suspect there are some in my orbit. But how do I vet people? Please give us tips, AC

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Look out for people who have traits of Cluster B personalities, of course. But you should look out for those people in all situations.

Too quick to be friends? Too eager to please? Spotty employment history or government employees? No apparent source of income? Do they present themselves to you as good and loyal people while simultaneously showing a hostile or exploitative attitude to others in their life?

Stay away from anyone in the mental health business. Ministers. Dear Lord, the world is so filled with these fuckheads

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

AC, I’m glad you answered this. It’s a great question and one that I frequently think about. Becoming surveillance-aware is both a blessing and a curse. Another Level up in the Red Pill awakening game. It’s a big challenge though to balance healthy scepticism of those around you in normie world with self-doubt about unhealthy paranoia. It’s even more of a concern when we seek to guide and advise those we care most about – younger family members. Although many of us here are aware of this “thing”, there is almost never certain and undeniable proof. I constantly gauge how serious and how jocular I want to be about my surveillance advice with the young. We have to open their eyes to this evil thing while assuring them of the Good, the Beautiful and the True.

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

The ringleaders need to be guillotined on live television.

In front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia.

To be heckled and pelted by America’s greatest hecklers, Eagles fans, with rotten fruit, dog shit, tar, feathers, and whatever else in a long parade from their detention location to the execution site.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

100% this.
You’re the man AC.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

AC, thank you for the thoughtful response. As I consider the rollercoaster of my life I dwell on what might have been. What should have been done differently. What signals I missed or ignored. You said “..The their illusion to trick you..” and it’s this that gnaws. An untainted personal success (well-being really) is still my goal despite the obstacles this thing presents. I, at least, have years of experience to fall back on. Teaching our younger compatriots to define, fight for and achieve success despite the truth of this Beast is one of the most important challenges we face today.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiet, that’s some advanced Judaism right there (the divorce money scheme).

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

It is getting hard to comment here without auto-doxxing. Almost every time you tell these stories that illuminate how the network works, I feel anger. Not at you, but because it is turning on light bulbs on events in my own life. And is still turning on light bulbs even after reading your blog and comments for a couple years. The mind really rebels at seeing how big and comprehensive this thing is, even when it has suspected all along, and even been told all along.

A relative told me as a child that even from the time you enter kindergarten, the system is taking notes on you and your file follows you around for life. What file is this? Where is it stored? I haven’t seen anything physical. This week I had a thought: your file is stored IN YOU. They condition you with responses to various queries. Your responses show the status they have assigned you.

You may home school your children to protect them from this process happening at school, but it is then even more important to make sure your mate isn’t a narcissist who will do just as much damage without involving any cabal.

A narc once told me narcs are recruited because they are good spies. And having seen a mature narc in action, I know it is true. An elderly widow needed charity, moved in, tried to blow up my family once inside. I’d known her for a number of years through church events, so thought it was safe. Within a week she knew almost everyone in the neighborhood, what their financials were, what was going on with their personal relationships, and so on. This is in a neighborhood where most people go years without saying hello to the people next door.

Once you see an extreme narc in action, it is easier to detect the narcs whose mask has not yet fully slipped.

Reply to  Elaine Ash
3 years ago

ask them a favor that any normal person reallly doesn’t wanna do. help you move furniture. pet-sit your dog who needs lotsa long walks. lend you money.

if they’re happy & eager to do that….. you may have a problem

now that I think about it, ask em to water your plants or something – something that would give them access to the house *while you’re away.* then, the day before or even the same day, _just_ before you’re about to hand them the house key….. cancel. “something changed; I’m not going.”

any normal person would be kinda relieved/pleased, I’d think. does your new “friend” look just a little bit disappointed?

Reply to  stingaling
3 years ago

Great Advice.

3 years ago

> A University Professor threatens to ‘document’ Nick Sandmann’s behavior on campus, and calls his beliefs ‘atrocious and uninformed.’

Sandmann can turn his lawyer loose on the university and the professor. I’m sure he can use some more millions.

3 years ago

AC, over the last few days your newsbrief posts, on the latest iOS Safari, refresh every ten seconds or so until the page crashes out. Just a heads up.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

That happens on my iPad. Reboot fixes it.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (pls be patient, I have retardism)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (pls be patient, I have retardism)
Reply to  kirls
3 years ago

iPad? Sounds more like it’s the iFag, ohohoho ehehehe.

>Please clap

3 years ago

Just a thought. Could the constant push for “affordable housing” and the various programs to get low-income people and housing out into the burbs and less urbanized places be primarily a cover for getting their covert human surveillance assets out out places that they don’t have coverage? The economics and crime impact of such things are well-documented, but this would explain the Dems’ fixation on that type of program.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Some believe, and it appears reasonable, they want the cities to be like those in the movie “Hunger Games” all shiny and nice and the Dindus are wreaking havoc everywhere they are and driving the quality of life down. So they amp up the attacks to drive people out of the city, buy up city property for peanuts and then move the Dindus into the county to attack Whites constantly.

3 years ago

Black Activist Marches Through San Francisco Chanting ‘White Lives Matter,’ Urges White People to Be Proud of Their Skin — Police Called

3 years ago

This is funny af, Black dude goes around SF shouting “White live matter” and dropping redpills on slavery and shit, while telling the people who give him shit, and I quote: “Fuck off retards”.
It’s top kek.

3 years ago

Mossad should change its name to Mossttard.

3 years ago

‘Biggest crisis since WWII’: Denmark’s Jews panicked by nascent ban on circumcision on minors

3 years ago

Read the article:

Notable quote:

Henri Goldstein, the president of the Jewish Society in Denmark, suggested that the proposed measure represents “the worst threat since World War II” to the country’s Jewish community, who traditionally circumcise baby boys on their eighth day of life in a ritual known as brit milah.

Henri Goldstein argued that the entire basis for being a Jew in Denmark is at stake. Therefore, he ventured the nascent crisis is even greater than when the Copenhagen synagogue suffered a terrorist attack in 2015, as the change of law “threatens the very existence of a Jewish community”.

“The Jewish community will slowly but surely perish because we cannot practice the religion. Circumcision is not just something used by the very religious Jews. It is employed by pretty much everyone in the Jewish congregation. Religious, non-religious, and cultural Jews. Everyone sticks to circumcision”, Goldstein told Danish Radio.

Whether people would either flee Denmark or assimilate it would still mean dropping Judaism, he concluded.

And another one:

In 2018, a bill to ban non-medical circumcision of minors was introduced in Iceland, but was scrapped amid an international outcry.

See how Jewish collective power works? People try to have their governments try to make policy in order to serve the People, and this parasitic and subversive minority comes together as an unified political global force, and stops governments from making policy.

Again, for the newfrens:

==The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:==
Educate the general population world-wide about the Jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;
Ban all Jewish interest groups in the West (along with all Muslim interest groups);
Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;
Cut all aid to Israel, and cut all welfare for immigrants (legal and illegal ones);;
Ban Islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Ban Judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Kosher meat);
Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags;
Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;
Include the real history and facts about Jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it. ALSO: promote home-schooling thru tax credits for home-schoolers, give them back some of their property taxes
Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.

3 years ago
3 years ago

>There is a pretty good possibility that the conspiracy has mounted some sort of hidden surveillance packages on the bottoms of a lot of commercial, and some private planes, with a deal with the pilots they have recruited into the conspiracy, that when contacted, they will divert flight paths to fly over an area designated in their orders. I suspect it is like a poor man’s keyhole satellite system, to add to the surveillance web.

They had this going in 2004.. The firm doing this for tracking planters of roadside IEDs in Iraq talks about it on this podcast. They can rewind maps and follow dots, using a drone flying above taking photos constantly. Police departments were signing on, even back then. Surely no city is free from this surveillance..