Twitter Briefs – 09/08/2020

No Q. 

Headline Briefs are here.

President Trump’s twitter feed (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):

Don Jr’s Tweets (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):


LAPD – not the heroes we deserve, but the heroes we need:

Zuckerberg says it will be perfectly normal if it takes us weeks to find out who won the elections in the fall:

CNN is freaked out Trump calls it like it is:

From an interesting thread, one of the hotels that plays a role in spygate was built, and nobody knew that behind false walls in it was a giant Masonic Temple:

And Mifsud lied to Mueller, to avoid mentioning he stayed at the hotel and met PapaD there:

There were other meetings for PapaD at the hotel, with other figures, and it is owned by a big Hillary donor family, so my guess is it is put up like Epstein’s mansion, with a hidden room filled with monitors and spooks watching all the people who pass through it in their rooms as they shower and have sex, and recording the Masons doing God knows what in their ceremonies. Cabal probably had PapaD’s meetings there so the spooks running each phase of the mission could observe the mission’s execution firsthand.

Up next in the next three tweets, a funny one – the guy who did the bogus Atlantic story has an obsession with the Godfather movie, and what he attributed to Trump was taken from the last scene in the Godfather (full thread here):

On this next one, strangely enough, I have reason to suspect Cabal ground surveillance may be able to, say, “interact remotely” at some distance, with electronic devices that are not to my knowledge wired for remote interaction (though it is possible they were without my knowledge). But if the former were the case, we may have reverse-engineered the tech below, and it may be getting held far above the heads of guys like Elizondo. Or, with the UFO situation, we might even be looking at a splinter civilization theory thing, where the Cabal conspiracy has advanced science and technology far beyond what the plebes are allowed to know exists, and they are keeping it all ultra-close-hold as a personal advantage:

Every time you see this avoidance of interacting, understand it is brain atrophy which works to Trump’s advantage:

Spread r/K Theory, because you have to do things to get good at them.

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3 years ago

I really appreciate the embedded Twitter feeds and these Twitter briefs altogether. Thank you for doing these.

3 years ago

Smedley Butler’s War is a Racket